Yakuza 3

I bought this the other day and have to say i'm enjoying it. Graphically it's pretty damn special, cutscenes look great and they seem to have spent a lot of time on the eyes as they look very realistic. The fighting system is very simple but fun and some of the finishing moves look great, personal favourite is the baseball bat.

It's a cutscene fest though, which doesn't bother me but would put some off. You spend almost the first hour without having to touch the controller. Tons of side missions as well, i spent ages playing a virtual crane machine trying to win a damn cat doll for my kid, amazingly it's just as frustratingly addicitive. I've still to get into the meat of it yet, only on chapter 4, but i'm hooked. The only thing that is slightly annoying, but i've blanked it out now, is the noise it makes whilst the text is put up during the non spoken parts.

I'd advise you to watch the overview of 1 and 2 that's on the main menu so you know what's going on, but that's about a half hour to watch before you even start the game proper.
I read about the cut scenes. They did indeed put me off. Which is a shame, as a lot of the elements in the game appeal to me.
Lance will probably finally get this game when everyone else is playing Yakuza 9 on the PS7
Im getting Yakuza 4 on release date this time around, games like this are probably my favorite of all and despite not ever playing 1 or 2 I instantly loved the 3rd.
They are exactly like Shenmue, according to Weaste. I am not so sure.
I was just trying to annoy Weaste.

In all seriousness, Yakuza 5 has zombies. I am not boolchitting you.
:lol: What the hell? I'm hoping that's either a spin off or just an optional game rather than the whole story as that just wouldn't make any sense in connection with the others.
Yakuza 4 being released on western shores in a few weeks.

I've been wanting to give the series a go - is it all mandatory that I start from the first game? Or can I just stick to the current gen's outings?
But are the first two worth playing anyway? Have they aged well enough for me to enjoy them now?
Just start with 3, the videos explain the first two well and you pick it up quick enough.
Just ordered Yakuza 3 for £20 on Amazon. I'm hoping it'll give me some sort of Shenmue fix :(
Considering picking up 3 myself. Maybe a bunch of cut scenes won't be that bad after playing Dead Space.
I picked it up, £14.99 with free delivery from Play.
The pricks "declined" my order. That is now Play, Shopto, Zavvi, and The Hut which are all out of stock.
This is quite amusing. Cut scenes aren't as bad as I had anticipated, so far. And they look great. Fighting seems fairly simple, easy to pick up.

I like how you can kick the lining out of someone, then be all pally with them immediately afterwards.

Anyway, just finished the first chapter. I dig it, man.