Gaming Xbox Series X|S

Which of these do you prefer

  • Microsoft Game Pass

  • Xbox Game Pass

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I never did? Think I said in that thread if ES6 was exclusive i would definitely pick up an Xbox.

What do you mean if? Time to let it go. It’s over. The only game you will probably get due to licensing is that Indiana Jones game. You think MS paid 7 Billion just to put them on other platforms.
I actually only played through Skyrim once. I know it gets stick for being released on every household appliance but i'd love to have another playthrough, with the expansions that i never played and maybe some cool mods.
Honestly, don't know why people are cheering Microsoft gobbling up more studios. Might be different this time, given the diverse portfolio of ZeniMax, but I'm definitely fearing the worst here.

As a PC player, it's not like I'll miss out, but the Xbox Games Pass app is absolute dogshit and I'll hate it if that's the only place games from the ZeniMax stuidos will be available on PC.
Honestly, don't know why people are cheering Microsoft gobbling up more studios. Might be different this time, given the diverse portfolio of ZeniMax, but I'm definitely fearing the worst here.

As a PC player, it's not like I'll miss out, but the Xbox Games Pass app is absolute dogshit and I'll hate it if that's the only place games from the ZeniMax stuidos will be available on PC.

They release them on Steam.

And unlike Sony buying up studios, all their releases are on PC.
I started the first one when it was first released but thought it was crap, did it improve?

I didn't play the first one but the second is more open-world from my understanding. More action-focused and the story is quite gripping, a little like Alan Wake.
What multiplayer first-person shooters are considered good these days?

I used to enjoy the odd game of Call of Duty: WWII, but sold it and purchased Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War instead. Bad idea, as I don't enjoy the new game very much. Find it incredibly hard despite being reasonably good at WWII, and generally struggle to get to grips with the multiplayer.

I tend to like objective-based modes such as domination, and I definitely appreciate games that are quick to hop into as I only tend to play 20-30 minutes on an evening. Also have Game Pass, so it would be ideal to try something that's included.
What multiplayer first-person shooters are considered good these days?

I used to enjoy the odd game of Call of Duty: WWII, but sold it and purchased Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War instead. Bad idea, as I don't enjoy the new game very much. Find it incredibly hard despite being reasonably good at WWII, and generally struggle to get to grips with the multiplayer.

I tend to like objective-based modes such as domination, and I definitely appreciate games that are quick to hop into as I only tend to play 20-30 minutes on an evening. Also have Game Pass, so it would be ideal to try something that's included.

Halo springs to mind but I'm not entirely sure how well populated it is. I'd think Rainbow Six: Siege too.
What multiplayer first-person shooters are considered good these days?

I used to enjoy the odd game of Call of Duty: WWII, but sold it and purchased Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War instead. Bad idea, as I don't enjoy the new game very much. Find it incredibly hard despite being reasonably good at WWII, and generally struggle to get to grips with the multiplayer.

I tend to like objective-based modes such as domination, and I definitely appreciate games that are quick to hop into as I only tend to play 20-30 minutes on an evening. Also have Game Pass, so it would be ideal to try something that's included.
Cold War is dogshit. The matchmaking is stupid and makes half the games impossible. Pretty sure it’s lag compensating.

Modern Warfare is very good. Warzone is great with mates (and free)
Rainbow 6 is the least new player friendly shooter out there at the moment.

Interesting. I don't know much about it but assumed it was more a tactile game based on the series.

Is it the fanbase? I mostly steer away from online games these days for such reasons.
Interesting. I don't know much about it but assumed it was more a tactile game based on the series.

Is it the fanbase? I mostly steer away from online games these days for such reasons.

It goes for the hyper realistic approach. One life, one shot kill etc. The game is well established so starting it now just leads to game after game of frustration as you don't know all the entry points to the building and you just get overran by people that have been playing it for years.

I grabbed it on sale around the launch of PS5 as it was given some next gen upgrades, but it really didn't click with me and I quickly uninstall.

If the other person has struggled with Cold War they're not going to enjoy Rainbow 6.
Overwatch just got a significant update for Xbox Series X and S - but nothing yet for PlayStation 5.

Developer Blizzard outlined the additions in patch notes published to These "optimised for Xbox Series X|S enhancements" include a "preferred mode" graphics option that lets you switch between three different presets: Resolution, Balanced and Framerate.

Here's the breakdown:

  • Resolution: This mode prefers higher-resolution output at the cost of some image-quality (Series X: 4K @ 60Hz, Series S: 1440p @ 60Hz)
  • Balanced: This mode prefers image-quality at the cost of resolution (Series X: 1440p @ 60Hz, Series S: 1080p @ 60Hz)
  • Framerate: This mode prefers higher frame-rate at 120 frames-per-second at the cost of both image-quality and resolution (Series X: 1440p @ 120Hz, Series S: 1080p @ 120Hz)
As you'd expect, you must have a TV that supports 120Hz or VRR (variable refresh rate) to fully take advantage of the Framerate mode.

So why not add all this to the PS5 version? The situation rekindles memories of Warzone and Rocket League on Sony's new console.

As Eurogamer reported in November last year, Infinity Ward quietly updated Call of Duty: Warzone to run at 120fps on Xbox Series X, but not on PS5.

Warzone, which comes up as a PlayStation 4 app when it's downloaded on PS5, does not boot in 120Hz, and there are no in-game menu functions to enable it.

Activision declined to comment when contacted by Eurogamer at the time, leaving us to assume the reason for this difference had to do with the way Sony handles backwards compatibility. Back then, I speculated that Infinity Ward would have to create a full PS5 port of Warzone in order to enable 120fps on the console.

Then we received evidence to suggest that line of thinking was correct. Rocket League is in a similar boat to Warzone: the hugely popular football driving game was updated to run at 120fps on Xbox Series X, but not on PS5.

Developer Psyonix told Eurogamer there were a few reasons for the decision, and pointed out enabling 120fps on PS5 "requires a full native port", whereas it's just a "minor patch" on Xbox Series X and S.

Our team's main focus this year was our recent free to play transition and updating major features like our Tournaments system," Psyonix said.

"Due to this we had to make tough decisions on what else we could achieve. Enabling 120hz on Xbox Series X|S is a minor patch, but enabling it on PS5 requires a full native port due to how backwards compatibility is implemented on the console, and unfortunately wasn't possible due to our focus elsewhere."

That helped explain why we're less likely to see PS4 games running at 120fps on PS5 than we are to see Xbox One games running at 120fps on Xbox Series X and S. And so it has proven in the early months of the new consoles' life.
Halo springs to mind but I'm not entirely sure how well populated it is. I'd think Rainbow Six: Siege too.
I tried Halo a long time ago but couldn't get into it. Seems a particular kind of shooter, feels more like Quake, Doom or Counter Strike, if that makes sense? Really fast paced with folk bouncing about all over the place.

Cold War is dogshit. The matchmaking is stupid and makes half the games impossible. Pretty sure it’s lag compensating.

Modern Warfare is very good. Warzone is great with mates (and free)
Wish I'd known that beforehand! Agree with the comments on matchmaking, it's really slow and I hate the fact that it's a new lobby every game. When you get a good one why can the same folk not just have another game? And is it just me or are the new COD games incredibly bloated? WW2 seemed so simple in comparison. Cold War sometimes prompts me to play Modern Warfare - thought it was part of the same game but then realised I had to buy it. Think I might give Warzone a go seeing as it's free, but from what I've seen, it looks like the kind of multiplayer experience that really requires a lot of time and investment. I'm more of a 'hop-in, play a few rounds' type of gamer.

It goes for the hyper realistic approach. One life, one shot kill etc. The game is well established so starting it now just leads to game after game of frustration as you don't know all the entry points to the building and you just get overran by people that have been playing it for years.
After that summary, I'm not even going to try entertaining Rainbow 6!

Hearing good things about Titanfall 2. It's a bit old, mind, so I don't know if the player base is still there. I'm more used to feet-on-the-ground shooters as well, so robots and jetpacks could take some getting used to.
Wish I'd known that beforehand! Agree with the comments on matchmaking, it's really slow and I hate the fact that it's a new lobby every game. When you get a good one why can the same folk not just have another game? And is it just me or are the new COD games incredibly bloated? WW2 seemed so simple in comparison. Cold War sometimes prompts me to play Modern Warfare - thought it was part of the same game but then realised I had to buy it. Think I might give Warzone a go seeing as it's free, but from what I've seen, it looks like the kind of multiplayer experience that really requires a lot of time and investment. I'm more of a 'hop-in, play a few rounds' type of gamer.
It takes a little while to get in to Warzone. Everyone I know kinda hated it at first, but I think that’s just down to the scale of it. Once you get used to it it’s brilliant and winning is addictive. A few hours under your belt and you’ll be laughing.

I’d recommend playing Plunder at first to get used to it as you respawn in that. You can also level guns up for it in Cold War or Modern Warfare. The good thing is Warzone plays like MW rather than CW.
It takes a little while to get in to Warzone. Everyone I know kinda hated it at first, but I think that’s just down to the scale of it. Once you get used to it it’s brilliant and winning is addictive. A few hours under your belt and you’ll be laughing.

I’d recommend playing Plunder at first to get used to it as you respawn in that. You can also level guns up for it in Cold War or Modern Warfare. The good thing is Warzone plays like MW rather than CW.
You think? Me and my mates have tried a few BR's before, PUBG, Fortnite, Apex - and Warzone is easily the easiest one to just pick up and have fun with of the lot it's the least complex and most accessible I would say. It's also pretty easy to get kills in contrast to some of the others even if you're a bit shit which is why I find people get into it easier too. The others we either hated or got fed up with pretty quickly cause the curve was so steep.
You think? Me and my mates have tried a few BR's before, PUBG, Fortnite, Apex - and Warzone is easily the easiest one to just pick up and have fun with of the lot it's the least complex and most accessible I would say. It's also pretty easy to get kills in contrast to some of the others even if you're a bit shit which is why I find people get into it easier too. The others we either hated or got fed up with pretty quickly cause the curve was so steep.
Just going off what me and my mates thought. We hadn’t played much of any games for ages before lockdown and Warzone though, and had never really played BRs, so differ there quite a bit.
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Just going off what me and my mates thought. We hadn’t played much any of games for ages before lockdown and Warzone though, and had never really played BRs, so differ there quite a bit.
Maybe BRs have a steep learning curve in general compared to most MP games then I guess, though that doesn't really explain why they're so insanely popular given a game having a simple learning curve usually translates pretty well to how popular it is. I do think as BR's go, Warzone is probably the easiest to get into. It also helped that for a lot of people who'd played it they were already well tuned in in how to shoot etc. from Modern Warfare itself! That said we did also play it from basically the beginning when it was an equal playing field, it's probably much more daunting to play now as it's much more mature and the skill and knowledge level of the player base is way higher.

Dunno, to be fair I've never actually played Fortnite properly so maybe it is easier to pick up but Apex and PUBG are definitely much harder games to get into properly than WZ!
Warzone is super simple to pick up and the easiest of the most popular ones you pick up fully complete guns (no attachments) armour is your only shield unlike (Apex and its tier system and different strength shields/some restore more then others)

respawn is as simple as going to a buy station and buying the person back, apex you need to pick up the thing they drop (i think you do anyway)

Fortnite has the whole building aspect which is alien to me as i've never really given it a chance.

Warzone has the easiest entry but also the lowest skill ceiling (this does not mean its bad just a smaller gap between great players and really good players)
Maybe BRs have a steep learning curve in general compared to most MP games then I guess, though that doesn't really explain why they're so insanely popular given a game having a simple learning curve usually translates pretty well to how popular it is. I do think as BR's go, Warzone is probably the easiest to get into. It also helped that for a lot of people who'd played it they were already well tuned in in how to shoot etc. from Modern Warfare itself! That said we did also play it from basically the beginning when it was an equal playing field, it's probably much more daunting to play now as it's much more mature and the skill and knowledge level of the player base is way higher.

Dunno, to be fair I've never actually played Fortnite properly so maybe it is easier to pick up but Apex and PUBG are definitely much harder games to get into properly than WZ!
I mean it wasn’t that hard to get in to, but when you land and die two mins in a few times it can be off putting at first. It’ll put newbies in their own lobbies for a while though. Apparently it does this til it believes you’re ready (like if you’re sliding and jumping and shit straight off the bat you’re straight out) or for a certain amount of time.

Sorry @esmufc07 games boring. But Uncle Phil is delivering some hammer blows. 20 Bethesda games coming to gamepass tomorrow.

Phil Spencer on Bethesda: “If you’re an Xbox customer, this is about delivering great exclusive games for you, on platforms where Game Pass exists.”


- Games that are already out will still be supported on their currents platforms, i.e Fallout 76, ESO, etc.

- Future games with contracts already in place will be honoured (Deathloop)

- All future games that don't already have contracts will be exclusive to Xbox and PC. (Starfield, ES6, etc.)