Considering Xbox one which is one of the worst console ever marketed sold close to 30m before Xbox one x was introduced shows the grip Xbox has on American market.
PS5 will out-sell it no doubt about it but Xbox Series X won't be a failure. It's quite powerful machine and MS seems to have understood the mistake they made with Xbox one.
I think the xbox one gained a lot of sales from how excellent the 360 was, and people expected that quality to be upheld. A bit like how in football fans of a team will have renewed faith in a new season, but within gaming I think that faith only gives you an extra season before people become more skeptical.
Personally I don't care for xbox, but I care a lot about the competition and how it improves gaming in general, and the talk about disliking exclusives is consumer friendly and I naturally like that.
I just think they are in for a terrible start to the generation due to a lack of faith from what were fans from the 360 who to my limited knowledge came across as very dissappointed with the current generation despite having superior hardware (going on my memory for that), and the lack of exclusives not being there to entice potential new customers.
Naturally the potential negatives I see are guesswork on my part, so there is no reason for people who think it'll be a mega-success to be too annoyed. I know Microsoft got a lot of good studios now so they could turn it around for the Series X itself by making things temporarily Series X exclusive before releasing them for PC later on, but by how things look now I don't think that is the plan.
I do hope Fable 4 plays similar to Fable 1 (haven't tried 2, and 3 was shite) as I loved the original and still play it from time to time.
The only game I truly wish I could play that I feel I've missed out on by not owning xbox-consoles is Lost Odyssey, but good lord I wish that game came to PC someday. If you or others know of games at the quality of Lost Odyssey within the rpg or specifically jrpg genre that I might have missed feel free to tempt me to buy a xbox.