Xbox Experience

Just wondering, what exactly is the advantage of saving games on your Harddrive?

I just installed Fable 2 and it still asks me for the disk :wenger:

Apparently its to decrease loading times, but theyre still pretty horrendous on Fable.

What you on about? Is it already for sale?? Or did you download a demo or something..?
You can download games from your disk to your hard disk drive. Makes the machine quieter and the loading a little bit quicker. I put Fifa on mine since i play it all the time.

Oh, ok. My real doubt is if fable 2 is already for sale? Because I haven't seen it, just the ads.
Played that fable for a bit, haven't since... my missus likes it though.
Don't like the new dash, why did they change it anyway? what was the point? could they not just add their new features to the old dash? Cretins...
I've just installed Fifa and it does load quicker. Haven't tried Fable yet but if it can reduce the loading times on that i'd be very grateful. Might give Mass Effect a go on it as well.
Massively improved my enjoyment of Fable 2. To be honest, the sound of my HDD and disc drive going in overdrive when I played it before put me off the game. It felt like I was killing my 360 every time I played it. . .