Creator of the Caftards comics
Hehe, I forgot the sarcastic
Graphics is more than simply pushing a scene to the screen (you know this). I think certain things we will see out of the PS3 in time will not be possible to do with the same quality on the XB360, and that will involve high levels of multiple dynamic lighting, blended animations, etc. things that the Cell will be able to do.
Well that, in theory, is correct. I do also agree that on paper the PS3 should eventually overtake the 360. Although the blended animations comment I find interesting since I'm currently researching a number of variations on the 360 for my next project, so did you have a specific area in mind that the PS3 can better it?
However, I seriously doubt that the PS3 will pull ahead to any major degree. Call it pessimism, call it still being a little pissed of with the PS2 spin from Sony (similar to the early developer releases for 3), call it lazy developers, but I can see them being reasonably level (if not slightly better on the PS3, kind of like the difference between an XBox and Gamecube) for most of their lives.