Wrestlemania 26

26 wrestlemania
37 gb

wonder if i should download
Used to love wrestling when I was younger, grew out of it at about 11 though. How old is everyone in the thread? Not mocking, just wondering what holds your interest still. I'm guessing it's not as good as it used to be in the Stone Cold/The Rock era?
Used to love wrestling when I was younger, grew out of it at about 11 though. How old is everyone in the thread? Not mocking, just wondering what holds your interest still. I'm guessing it's not as good as it used to be in the Stone Cold/The Rock era?
Couple of years younger than you.

I got a lot of stuff from the Attitude Era (1998-2001) which I upload on YouTube.

I rarely watch it these days, maybe once a month I'll check the results to keep up to date and see if The Rock is going to guest host. :D
I only watch Wrestlemania every year. The odd PPV if it happens to be while I browse but I only ever actively seek out Wrestlemania.
Much better than last year though.

I'd say Taker/HBK was better than last year.

Still shit though compared to what I grew up on.

Bret/Vince was a disaster.

:lol:Did anyone expect a classic? I only tune in to watch wrestling for the skits they do, or the Divas, the wrestling just don't appeal to me anymore.
Used to love wrestling when I was younger, grew out of it at about 11 though. How old is everyone in the thread? Not mocking, just wondering what holds your interest still. I'm guessing it's not as good as it used to be in the Stone Cold/The Rock era?

I'm 27 years old, been watching it since 89/90 (I was about 6 or 7).

I'm not as into it like before, but for some reason I can't completely pull myself away from it. Wrestlemania is the only PPV I order every year, I go to the live shows when they come here but I very rarely watch it every week in TV anymore. I might tune in every so often, but it's just not the same.

I want some of the Attitude faces back to guest host Raw, starting with The Rock. When's that happening?
Well its hard to watch a different Wrestlemania more than one a year isnt it?:smirk:

I meant Wrestlemania is the only event I watch. I thin you misread what I said and I'm not quite sure how to change it to explain.

Finally got to finish watching. Didnt think it was all that... HBK and Undertaker was good. Vickie Guerrero managed to botch/mess up a pin, which... Well I dont know how she managed that. HBK aside nothing major happened which is annoying.
I used to watch WWF when I was younger, but stopped watching it along time ago..I think the first major event I watched was Wrestlemania that was in Las Vegas.

The last clip I watched of WWE was when Bret Hart came back and talked about closure, and HBK gave him a hug...doubt I'll ever watch a PPV again tbh
It became boring.

The bad guys used to have a genuinely nasty character to them. Now they're no different from the good guys except they pull angry faces more and aren't allowed to walk fast. Even the crowd were confused about who to boo last time I watched it.
I was a childhood fan, back in the Ultimate Warrior/Demolition etc days. Its way too much like Eastenders nowadays to even try and suspend disbelief anymore.

I remember the weekly shows used to consist of the top names kicking ten bells out of various unknown idiots. You'd only ever get big name against big name at the marquee events, which meant that they held some genuine appeal.
Wrestling was shit hot between the years 1997-2001 (Attitude Era)

Was pretty good between years 2003-2005

And now from 2006 to the this present day is so poor it's unbelievable, the great characters from the attitude era are too old now. A lot of the great characters ie: Stone Cold, The Rock, Kurt Angle etc have gone.

No crowd reactions anymore, crap matches, it's even gone to PG now which is pathetic.
Wrestling was shit hot between the years 1997-2001 (Attitude Era)

Was pretty good between years 2003-2005

And now from 2006 to the this present day is so poor it's unbelievable, the great characters from the attitude era are too old now. A lot of the great characters ie: Stone Cold, The Rock, Kurt Angle etc have gone.

No crowd reactions anymore, crap matches, it's even gone to PG now which is pathetic.

kurt angle is still wrestling along with flair, hogan, foley and a load of other old guys in TNA
I used to love it and then stopped after I got into UFC.

HBK, The Rock, Stone Cold, Bret Hart were all my favourites. Oh and Ken Shamrock.
yet that bret match was awkward, dont know why they didnt just have them other harts come in hit their finisher then bret use the sharpshooter, would have saved about 15mins and the crowd wouldnt have died.