Would you sell Jadon Sancho this summer? And do you think he will be sold?

So he has three years left on his contract, and depending on where you look he's earning £375K, £350K, £275K or £250K...

So your guess is as good as mine.
No and no. You don’t build squads by selling quality players. We have players like Maguire, McT, Fred, Elanga, Bailly and more to move on. In a full functioning ETH team Sancho could be a very important piece.
For the right price, yes. Even after his extended break to work on both the mental and physical aspects of his game he looks both sluggish and somewhat timid. I can't see how he turns it around.

I'd love to be wrong about Sancho, but if we get the striker position sorted, Rashford will be freed up for the left-wing with Garnacho as an exciting back-up. Where does that leave him?
The brain tells me to sell him for anything close to 40m-50m but at the same time it wouldn't hurt to have a backup for Antony on the right and maybe even centrally. I have the same idea with Martial but in the case of Martial his lack of fitness makes him a far easier sell candidate. In both case it depends on the deal, if we can have replacements that allow us to almost break even between wages and transfer fees then both should be sold.
If offered the right money but if not keep him.

Last year I wanted Rashford gone. I was fed up with his shit play, being injured and him concentrating on school meals etc. How wrong was I? Phew.

Sancho is probably lacking confidence and God knows what other stuff. Let's see if he can get back to his old self.
darn we've given harry maguire 4 years and the talk is sancho....
I find it genuinely incredible that so many are against selling. It's been two years and you can count the amount of above average games he's had on one hand
He probably won't be sold because I saw a few posts on here mentioning that unless we get a huge fee (we won't) then selling him will negatively impact our ability to spend with FFP.

However if we could, I would definitely sell him. He's not up to it.
Sell him? If someone else offered to take him on a free I'd take it. No fight, no determination, ineffective amd bloody infuriating.
I would sell. He's rubbish and I don't see that changing.

If you'd asked people if they would've sold Martial a few years ago I'm sure many would've said no. Now look at him. Still rubbish.

We need to get out of this soft mindset of giving everyone years to prove themselves as if it'll make any difference. That's not how you become the best. It's how you end up with a mediocre and overpaid squad.
Sell him before we're sitting here discussing what a waste of time he's been while running down his contract only to leave on a free.

One thing I've learned about the Caf is that if people are generally strongly divided on a player, that player usually ends up doing little to nothing during their entire United career. The Caf has a good collective eye for good players, Sancho isn't one of them.
Would I sell him? Absolutely yes.

Will he actually be sold? Probably not because this club is well known for rewarding incompetence and allowing it to fester like a sore wound.
He’s last seasons Rashford and next season he will be Rashford this season.
I'd sell him. Left sided forwards are easier to find. And we already have two. Rashford and Garnacho.
I think in Sancho's case he will probably be kept. For one more year at least. It looks more likely McTominay and Maguire will be sold so for the home grown rule he'd probably be kept on as the other two haven't got much game time. That's a pure assumption on my part or did the fact Sancho spent his late teens in Germany mean he doesn't qualify as home grown?
Doubt we can if his wages are as high as they supposedly are. I would look to sell ideally but am not sure that's realistic. Reluctant perseverance and hope he could prove me wrong in the end.

Of course I wouldn't let him know that if I was Erik. Would be doing everything I could to boost his confidence.
No way. He is very talented player. Next year he will hit his form. I have no doubt
I haven't seen anything at all to justify this statement. He can't handle the pressure at United and he can't handle the physicality and speed of the EPL. If we could sell him I would be all for it.
I think they will give him one more season, exept if they get a bid on him, but i dont see that happening.
The kid looks uninspired and needs to work on bravery and self confidence.
I would sell if we could get anything above 30m for him. I also think ETH would sanction that.

Unfortunately, I doubt anyone will offer us that much and so I think we will end up holding on to him for at least another season.
If we can get a decent fee (in excess of £50m) yes I would sell as I only see his value declining next season. But no I don't think we will sell him because no one would pay that!
Doesn't have the mentality or intensity. Even received special treatment and attention from the manager and still the same. I think the large contract is to blame. He's made it so why bother?

I'd sell him, but no one would take him for a decent fee and he also won't leave. No one is paying him even a third of the wages he is getting here.
Poll needed so we can know how many people doubt he'll turn his united career around.

I think he should get another season.
Im 50/50 on this. On one hand he may be a late bloomer and we could sell and he soars, thinking of Forlan as example, or we could cash in for 30 mill think we would get that from a West Ham, Spurs etc and put it to buying a better player. Saying that I think TH will give him another season but if by xmas he hasnt improved, will transfer list him in Jan.
Give him another year, ETH is building a team and hopefully the missing pieces bring the best from Sancho.

Good striker in to create space for the wide players to come in and score would be ideal.
I think in Sancho's case he will probably be kept. For one more year at least. It looks more likely McTominay and Maguire will be sold so for the home grown rule he'd probably be kept on as the other two haven't got much game time. That's a pure assumption on my part or did the fact Sancho spent his late teens in Germany mean he doesn't qualify as home grown?
Hes English so will be home grown on that alone
I'd sell. His wages aren't worth what he offers. And we should be able to get 40-50m for him. Good to reinvest
I’d keep, he shows glimpses of what he is about then for whatever reason then just disappears. I think in part he and Anthony need someone who is going to stretch the back line and make runs inbehind so they can slip passes through. He is not Rashford, Greenwood or Garnacho and never will be but if he doesn’t get over the issues this year then it’ll be his last. Especially since his best position has Rashford and Garnacho also there.
No not at 23 years old given the potential he showed at Dortmund, even given the shit return this far for us, one more season like this one though and my answer will be different.

And no I don't think we are about to sell mainly because of his reported wage.
I definitely would. He'd be first out of the door in fact

Don't think we will though... He's too difficult to shift.
One of the things I’m hoping for the most when Jim/Jassim come in is that we are more ruthless with underperforming players and don’t persist with them because the money was already spent. Hopefully they will be more willing to accept the loss and cut ties rather than letting it drag on to the detriment of the team.
There's not a team in the world that takes him on the wages he is on, subsidised loan is our only hope.
Like many before him, he is now part of our legendary Unflushables.
Sell. Half our problem over the last decade has been hanging on waiting on expensive signings to hit their stride. Hes had two seasons. Would he get longer at City, Madrid etc?