Wot, no transfers? It's all happening now!

The Glazers aren't bothered about sporting success. If a trophy comes along then it's an additional bonus. They are here to maximise revenues with as little investment as possible; it's why they haven't touched OT in 15 years.

Arsenal have large cash reserves as they follow the same approach also. Kroenke and the Glazers are pretty similar, however, one hasn't cost their club over a £1 billion in debt repayments with nothing to show for it! It's a shame that our owner has.

Regarding sugar daddy clubs, City are showing intent this year after coming 2nd. They got two deals done early and it looks like Koulibaly might be on the way too. I think Ferran Torres will be a decent signing for 20 million euros; we could have bought him, its just a shame we pay out more than this each year in dividends to the Glazer family and have done for the last 5 years.

Nonsense. The club has had investment just the managers and the recruitment has been poor. The club being bought in this way was equal to why we were able to generate money. You weep what you sow. The alternative is a sugar daddy's play thing bought by owners from countries that have horrendous history of human rights and oppression. You'd prefer that then?
Not sure why our fans seem to think everyone is doing better than we are? You realise that was 30 years since Liverpool have won the league and City haven't won the CL despite the money and manager....? Trust me, it won't be 30 years till we win either again.
what will chilwell go for? anyone feel like we would have had to pay double? why do chelsea seem to get nice rates

50m.....that's about right when you consider what we paid for AWB? Whether we like it or not, English CB, Prem League winner with international world club experience was never going to be cheaper than 80m in this market.
It can't be understated how much of a disgrace this window has been so far.

Once again we are willingly letting the team regress after we see the first bit of progress in two years.

Disgrace to the fans.
Personally provided we have Smalling back this year and maybe even Henderson, who knows whats gonna happen there, I would be happy with 3 or 4 signings like David Brooks.
Sancho is amazing dont get me wrong but if there is a silver lining to not getting him its that 3 of our most talented players are all young strikers and all 3 of then should score 20 goals or more next season, thats an amazing return.
All 3 of them will get much better just through natural progression cuz theyre all very young.

So yeah, Smalling back thats CB strengthened.
Brooks thats RW strengthened. Now get a full back, perhaps 2 full backs or a defensive midfielder and we are rolling.

I feel we will have sufficient star power now with Bruno, Pogba, Martial, Rashford and Greenwood. Yes I see all 5 as either stars or potential stars. Just strengthening the team, adding to the depth will go a long way for us.

That's not going to get us back to the top and bell it won't even keep us in line with Chelsea
Its a bit early for this type of crap isn't it?

Nope it's an as it stands post. I remember after we can second with Jose everyone kept saying we'd do more business despite being linked with no one and then the season started and we regressed.

That's where we are right now. Not linked to a single player properly other than Sancho and even with him we are hearing Dortmund will no longer sell and we won't pay up.

And day after day nothing is progressing.

Then you look at our rivals and they are all out improving. Nearly every year this happens and especially when we make CL.

Right now it's more likely we will have a bad window than a good one.

Hopefully we don't but if anything the people saying we will do enough to properly improve the squad are operating on a pure guess as well.

Season also stars in like 25 days and there is no way we will be making any signings of note once a ball is kicked.

This summer was one we needed to knock out of the park to let Ole kick on. It's still possible to do but getting more and more unlikely.
The last years have conditioned our fans to believe it's common market practice to only make transfers less than a week before the deadline, hence all the "chill" posts.
In reality, most clubs sort their shit relatively early in the transfer window.
Well you answered yourself there. Other clubs do it, some all the time get their business in early. Under our lot its very very rare, hence whats the point anyone moaning about it? Its not going to happen.
Well you answered yourself there. Other clubs do it, some all the time get their business in early. Under our lot its very very rare, hence whats the point moaning about it? Its not going to happen.

The point is it's a major reason why we are in a continuous cycle of improving a bit and them going back to being crap.
I definitely don't think the higher ups at the club appreciate how valuable a player having pre-season /training with them team earlier can be.
I just realised that there is a long way to go in this transfer window - 5th October is still a good while away. Then there is also the 2 week domestic window.

This may be an odd season where players are moving clubs after 5-6 PL games! Insane.

I don't quite understand why we are so slow in our transfer dealings - but I will be supremely disappointed if we get to the start of the season for us (19th Sept) without at least 3 signings. RW (Sancho!), CM and CB.
Chelsea improving their squad and Arsenal apparently making some pretty good deals too. Can't see us getting top 4 next year if we don't get a couple of players in. We don't have the squad depth to play a normal season let alone a compacted one. We'll be in big trouble next year. Our only hope is Chelsea winning it instead of Liverpool and City.
I definitely don't think the higher ups at the club appreciate how valuable a player having pre-season /training with them team earlier can be.
Not least since we end up paying the asking price anyway, 6 weeks later. But at least we save 1m on the wages...
I really hope the club don’t repeat the same mistake as last time we had a top 4 finish and fail to back the manager with the signings required to take us to the next level. Instead we did next to feck all in the market and proceeded to drift down the table again the following season, Jose really didn’t help with that as well right enough.
Nonsense. The club has had investment just the managers and the recruitment has been poor. The club being bought in this way was equal to why we were able to generate money. You weep what you sow. The alternative is a sugar daddy's play thing bought by owners from countries that have horrendous history of human rights and oppression. You'd prefer that then?
Not sure why our fans seem to think everyone is doing better than we are? You realise that was 30 years since Liverpool have won the league and City haven't won the CL despite the money and manager....? Trust me, it won't be 30 years till we win either again.
Like I wrote earlier, the Glazers seem willing to spend when we finish outside the top 4 in order to qualify for the Champions League the following season and receive CL money.

My issue is that the Glazers seem unwilling to make those final investments needed that will take United from a top 4 team to a title contender. Maybe the Glazers see investment at this stage as risky with no guarantee of success and therefore providing no return on investment, who knows? As a fan it's not the ambition that I want to see, especially when you can see the potential of the team that Ole is trying to build and that a few (expensive!) additions could make all the difference. Lets see how the rest of the transfer window plays out, however, already this summer does feel like the summer of 2018 where the Glazers refused to properly back the manager.

Regarding sugar daddies, no I wouldn't want a sugar daddy as an owner so that answers your question. I just want the Glazers to start putting the interests of the football club first rather than constantly looking at creative ways of taking money out. I appreciate that all owners are after returns on investments, however, the Glazers are the only owners in the Premier League to pay themselves a dividend (£20 million a year). In addition, they also pay themselves several million a year in consultancy fees. On top of all this, the club continues to pay a high price for the Glazer takeover (over £1billion lost), with still £500 million of debt to service and clear. All in all, it feels like the Glazers see United as nothing more than a personal ATM machine and are happy to ignore the sporting decline of the club since 2013 as long as the money keeps rolling in.
I am not buying this “they are ready to invest for top 4, but not for making us title contenders”. We could invest 200 mil again this year and get 2nd place in the league and people will demand 200 mil again next year to close the gap to 1st. They have spent a lot of money since SAF retired not just in transfer fees but also in ridiculous wages. They are not perfect but also won’t be happy to see relative little success for the money spent in last years but some of it just wasted by different managers.
I just realised that there is a long way to go in this transfer window - 5th October is still a good while away. Then there is also the 2 week domestic window.

This may be an odd season where players are moving clubs after 5-6 PL games! Insane.

I don't quite understand why we are so slow in our transfer dealings - but I will be supremely disappointed if we get to the start of the season for us (19th Sept) without at least 3 signings. RW (Sancho!), CM and CB.

Deadline may aswell be the week we start the season though. Next to nothing will happen after
I am not buying this “they are ready to invest for top 4, but not for making us title contenders”. We could invest 200 mil again this year and get 2nd place in the league and people will demand 200 mil again next year to close the gap to 1st. They have spent a lot of money since SAF retired not just in transfer fees but also in ridiculous wages. They are not perfect but also won’t be happy to see relative little success for the money spent in last years but some of it just wasted by different managers.

Well they are signing Oles P45 by getting him nothing or next to nothing. 4th will the best we can hope for current window.
They have the perfect excuse not to, and they have a manager that I expect won't throw his toys out the pram as a result.

End of the day, nobody knows what's going on day to day...but if this side doesn't get at least 3 quality additions, it's on the slide.

I thought it would be a max of three additions this window but that has now dropped down to two
They have the perfect excuse not to, and they have a manager that I expect won't throw his toys out the pram as a result.

End of the day, nobody knows what's going on day to day...but if this side doesn't get at least 3 quality additions, it's on the slide.

Yeah they know he won't kick up any kind of fuss and that will suit them right down to the ground
The problem isn't money it's disorganisation. We have no director of football. No single person is responsible for our inadequate squad. If we make someone responsible we also need to give them the power to sort the issues out. Because we won't give anyone this power, we'll never have a single person responsible to ensure we start the season with a squad strong enough to win the title. We could spend twice as much money in the transfer market and that issue still wouldn't be fixed.

Yeah Woody and Judge are drunk with power and just not willing to relinquish control of transfers for the good of this club
I definitely don't think the higher ups at the club appreciate how valuable a player having pre-season /training with them team earlier can be.

I'm not entirely convinced it's as valuable as we fans like to make out to be fair. As a team certainly but for an individual player? Nah, they can catch up most of the time.

Sancho like Bruno would come in and do their thing pre season or not. There's probably certain positions where it's more important i guess.
I hope we sign Sancho or a top notch CB. One of the two is essential to stay in the top 4, forget challenging for the title. If we have to challenge, then we need Sancho, CB, and a younger version of Matic.
I am not buying this “they are ready to invest for top 4, but not for making us title contenders”. We could invest 200 mil again this year and get 2nd place in the league and people will demand 200 mil again next year to close the gap to 1st. They have spent a lot of money since SAF retired not just in transfer fees but also in ridiculous wages. They are not perfect but also won’t be happy to see relative little success for the money spent in last years but some of it just wasted by different managers.

You say they'll be unhappy at the returns of their "investment", but United would've been a financial juggernaut without them anyway.

Leeches, the load of them.
We make the CL spot - we are fine, "squad is good enough", "no value in the market.." etc.
We don't make the CL spot - panick buy!
If United dont make atleast 2 good deals ,and with certain rivals enhancing their squads, then we're practically in the same position as we were last season. Basically wondering if we'd make it into the top 4 again.
Doesn't sound like progress to me.
Just adding a nothing comment to help this thread on to 100 pages! What a great rehash of every other transfer thread!
Like I wrote earlier, the Glazers seem willing to spend when we finish outside the top 4 in order to qualify for the Champions League the following season and receive CL money.

My issue is that the Glazers seem unwilling to make those final investments needed that will take United from a top 4 team to a title contender. Maybe the Glazers see investment at this stage as risky with no guarantee of success and therefore providing no return on investment, who knows? As a fan it's not the ambition that I want to see, especially when you can see the potential of the team that Ole is trying to build and that a few (expensive!) additions could make all the difference. Lets see how the rest of the transfer window plays out, however, already this summer does feel like the summer of 2018 where the Glazers refused to properly back the manager.

Regarding sugar daddies, no I wouldn't want a sugar daddy as an owner so that answers your question. I just want the Glazers to start putting the interests of the football club first rather than constantly looking at creative ways of taking money out. I appreciate that all owners are after returns on investments, however, the Glazers are the only owners in the Premier League to pay themselves a dividend (£20 million a year). In addition, they also pay themselves several million a year in consultancy fees. On top of all this, the club continues to pay a high price for the Glazer takeover (over £1billion lost), with still £500 million of debt to service and clear. All in all, it feels like the Glazers see United as nothing more than a personal ATM machine and are happy to ignore the sporting decline of the club since 2013 as long as the money keeps rolling in.

I guess there is a difference between a fan and someone that sees the club as a business. I'm definitely not saying the owners or Ed are good for the club, the way the club structured itself to generate income, it left itself open to those to take it over in this kind of way. If you own it, then it's yours to do what you want with it. If the fans are not happy with how the club is being run, collectively don't continue to enable the Glazers to line their pockets at the detriment of it.

I don't believe the decline of the club is solely down to the lack of investment but down to poor recruitment especially the managers. Without simply using City or Liverpool as the template, it's not coincidence they have the best managers anymore than it is that we had for two decades. Klopp isn't buying Pogba when he knows this is the detriment of the other positions in the team that need resolving. It will be the same regarding the Sancho deal. We can't talk about the lack of investment when the top sums payed in the prem for players are mainly paid by us......
Its a bit early for this type of crap isn't it?
It is, but it's hard to fight the deja vu feeling that we'll take our sweet time getting things done (or not done as it were,) inevitably fall way behind City, Pool and Chelsea, and then find ourselves desperate in January, lamenting the fact that we didn't get stuff done in a timely manner during the summer. Rinse/repeat. I know that sounds paranoid (and it probably is to an extent,) but this club certainly has made a habit of blunting fan enthusiasm over the last few summers.
It is, but it's hard to fight the deja vu feeling that we'll take our sweet time getting things done (or not done as it were,) inevitably fall way behind City, Pool and Chelsea, and then find ourselves desperate in January, lamenting the fact that we didn't get stuff done in a timely manner during the summer. Rinse/repeat. I know that sounds paranoid (and it probably is to an extent,) but this club certainly has made a habit of blunting fan enthusiasm over the last few summers.

Yeah that £145m in the summer and another £55m in January was a real 'blunting of fans enthusiasm' wasn't it?

How on ever did we cope with just £200m to spend with no CL football to finance it? Poor old Ole.

Our fans literally are the worst cry babies known to man. The window has another 6 to 7 weeks left and our season ended 6 days ago for crying out loud.

Being at the panic stations phase right now is absolutely pathetic. Grow a back bone and man up.
Yeah that £145m in the summer and another £55m in January was a real 'blunting of fans enthusiasm' wasn't it?

How on ever did we cope with just £200m to spend with no CL football to finance it? Poor old Ole.

Our fans literally are the worst cry babies known to man. The window has another 6 to 7 weeks left and our season ended 6 days ago for crying out loud.

Being at the panic stations phase right now is absolutely pathetic. Grow a back bone and man up.
Given how long it took to secure Maguire (at an eye-watering price) and the feeling that we were still woefully short, yes it was. And the 55 million in January was the desperation I mentioned, signing a player we could have had in the summer. Grow up.
Its a bit early for this type of crap isn't it?
So phase 1 started i guess. "It is early". Followed with "many clubs don't buying players so far" and "we have one month until the deadline".

Look at our rivals.
Chelsea bought two and finishing 2 more players.
Liverpool, who is champion and don't need to buy much, bought one and have good chance for Thiago.
City bought 2. And in negotiations with third.

Even Arsenal and Spurs bought something. Sure we will buy something but more time we wait, price will be higher and maybe we will miss on some targets.
It is, but it's hard to fight the deja vu feeling that we'll take our sweet time getting things done (or not done as it were,) inevitably fall way behind City, Pool and Chelsea, and then find ourselves desperate in January, lamenting the fact that we didn't get stuff done in a timely manner during the summer. Rinse/repeat. I know that sounds paranoid (and it probably is to an extent,) but this club certainly has made a habit of blunting fan enthusiasm over the last few summers.

It’s a bit early for this isn’t it. Our season finished less than a week ago.
It’s a bit early for this isn’t it. Our season finished less than a week ago.
It's never too early for deja vu - after all, it's not exactly a rational emotion. And the new season starts in less than a month.
Given how long it took to secure Maguire (at an eye-watering price) and the feeling that we were still woefully short, yes it was. And the 55 million in January was the desperation I mentioned, signing a player we could have had in the summer. Grow up.
quite clear that you should do some growing up. Or find ways to deal with the ‘blunt’ in your enthusiasm.

In the grown up football world, £200m on 3 players is elite level spending. It requires a lot of ambition, courage, expertise and due diligence to pursue. Considering spending £108m when there is no exit strategy for a worldwide recession caused by a global pandemic is also one of the bravest moves any football club could attempt.

If you want to be taken seriously you need to stop being so flippant about such things. Else it seems you base your expectations from playing computer games and come across as very entitled and deluded.

else please demonstrate examples from your personal life where you can do better.
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So phase 1 started i guess. "It is early". Followed with "many clubs don't buying so far" and "we have one month until the deadline".

Look at our rivals.
Chelsea bought two and finishing third player.
Liverpool, who is champion and don't need to buy much, bought one and hsve good chance for Thiago.
City bought 2. And in negotiations with third.

Even Arsenal and Spurs bought something. Sure we will buy something but more time we wait, price will be higher and maybe we will miss on some targets.

But but but, “iTs sTiLL eArLyYyyy! wE sPeNd £££. cOronA!!!”, and all type of other non-sensical and smug arguments by some on here.

It would be absolutely shameful if Ole doesn’t get the backing he rightly deserves after guiding us to an unexpected 3rd place finish. We’re 33 points behind the champions and it’s the lack of urgency or care for that matter by Joel Glazer and Ed that is so infuriating. It doesn’t have to be Sancho or bust, address other needs in the squad.