World Cup 22 Fantasy

A captaincy that no-one else has might be what you need here.

Just seen 2nd place in my league move to Messi captain from Griezman. The distinction seems to be if you had captain on someone who played yesterday you can only move once. If you had it on someone yet to play you can move it until kick off...

I have 12 points v 2nd with him having Martinez & De Paul, me having Lloris & MacAllister. Do I shut down his keeper for free, as De Paul won't make up 12, or do I leave an extra Frenchie there as 3rd would have 2 extra defenders to me.

3rd is dangerous, as he has 6 def/mid differemtials, plus Messi captain.
At least if I keep Lloris it keeps the French defence at 1 difference.

Think I stick here.

Best of luck all!


Went with Giroud. All out France defence.

Good luck!
Well damnit Messi. Right after a free Giroud header too.

There goes my PS5 :lol:
Nerves jangling when Messi scored as cap for my rival.
But he has neither of MacAllister & Di Maria which doesn't half help me!
Well I think that's all she wrote folks. Like the best romances, it was a brief but unforgettable experience. I'm sure we'll always remember the memories we forged togerher.

Congratulations to Vidyoyo, whoever that is, for coming top of the Official Redcafe league so kindly organised by our everyday superhero @Samid. A deserved victory that nobody can or will deny.

If you didn't win this time, don't worry. The next tournament starts in just 4 years.

Well played all.
Thankfully most of you lot weren't in my money league as I'd have slotted in just above @Samid and just below @BeforeKeanetherewasRobson

Though In fairness I'd I'd been in this league I wouldn't have captained Alvarez to counter balance my main rival doing it :drool::wenger: