WNBA & The Caitlin Clark Effect

She answered Taurasi in the best way possible this season. :lol:

Seems like she answered her again in the last match. Looking at the stats she’s going to crush a lot of the records the likes of Tarausi hold. Seen possibly the most smug interview I’ve ever seen with Taurasi from the preseason and it has not aged well.

Seems like she answered her again in the last match. Looking at the stats she’s going to crush a lot of the records the likes of Tarausi hold. Seen possibly the most smug interview I’ve ever seen with Taurasi from the preseason and it has not aged well.

Look, they need to realise, Caitlin is going to get everyone else paid. Caitlin is going to make WNBA players millionaires; especially players like Taurasi! If you're playing in this league right now, you've got to do the right thing and promote the hell out of Caitlin, even *if* she's a player from another team. They've got themselves a Jordan situation here, but for the WNBA, where his brand just carries everyone else to greater financial and commercial levels.

They're in a position wherein if they capitalise on this monumental moment in mainstream interest, it'll be the first women's sports league (Tennis not included) that truly goes mainstream, and super talents like Aja, Reece and co. will themselves become international names.
Breaking records for fun!

Although I see this morning they are trying to take assists away from Clark. I really can't understand why they want kill the cash cow. It's utterly mental.
Yeah, Swoopes was back on Gils Arena on YouTube talking shit again.

I swear. No one hates women....more than women.

The WNBA is a special case in this regard, unless it is manufactured then I really don't see how anyone thinks this benefits the league. They finally appear to have a properly saleable and marketable product and they seem determined to self sabotage.
The WNBA is a special case in this regard, unless it is manufactured then I really don't see how anyone thinks this benefits the league. They finally appear to have a properly saleable and marketable product and they seem determined to self sabotage.

Very odd. This has the potential to be the first female team league in the world to have paid athletes closer to what men get paid, and all they have to do is ride Caitlin's popularity until the cows come home.

Do they not want to be multi millionaires?