Ironically this post sort of helps prove the massive importance Churchill had in the war as a whole.
If the old fecker signs that agreement to let Hitler and the Germans carry on their merry slaughter of Europe and Britain turn a blind eye then Germany win. No doubt about that.
The US backed the UK. You take those two players out of the war and it would have been a landslide victory for Germany across Europe.
If the Russians went head to head with Germany without the same combined effect of Uk and USA the death toll would have been even more horrendous for them.
Single biggest decision of WW11. Love or hate the man.
Not to mention that I feel those figures are skewed massively by the fact that Britain is the most hated nation in most parts of the world, many would prefer to pat America on the back rather than the Brits.
PS I feel offended by that actually, I’m going to look for a statue to take down to make me feel better