Winston Churchill

Disagree with the bolded. WW11 will always be high on the history agenda and a key figure in Churchill will always be studied.

Almost anybody other than Churchill and I’d agree. That said Nelson Column and other statues are still big attractions.

I’m more talking about the strong visceral emotion that people have for him. It would be a very tiny minority that feel that way about Nelson in 2020. My wording was clumsy.
I said was sceptical of how important it was. I didn’t say it wouldn’t work at all, nor that it shouldn’t happen in a moral sense. I actually think that people should seek as much knowledge as they can about our history. I originally said that going after Churchill could be counterproductive because of what he still means to the older generations. In 25 years he won’t be relevant.

Look at the demographics of the UK and the electoral system. The biggest threat the Tories will likely face at the next election is a further right nationalist party growing in reaction to this culture war which takes voters from it. This happened with UKIP on the Europe question and the Tories had to appease those voters which resulted in the referendum. There’s a real possibility it will force the Tories further right.

Many people have used the argument that Germany is different, that it has a more enlightened national self-perception because it had to face its racist history. The data in the study shows that it hasn’t translated into a higher degree of real life racial tolerance, however.
I recognize your point about the electoral system. This is why I repeated multiple times above about the rise of Islamophobia, right wing leaders like Trump and Boris. This isn't a single isolated issue, but a result of decades of choosing not to fix multiple ones. And when opportunities do arise for us to address it, we still get the tired, repetitive argument about winning the war, he was a leader with balls, etc. It will only continue to get worse unless we change our approach and change things on a fundamental level.
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Are you serious? can you not see how childish it is to bring Gandhi into this discussion?
Ghandi, playgrounds, whataboutism, balls in courts (is that tennis?), prevaricating .... quite a list of honours on your bow :lol:

I thought what you said was very simple and easy to understand, but thats just me.
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I'm at the point now where I'm struggling to understand why people care so much about the statue staying up. Why is it offensive to you if it is removed? There is a clear argument as to why many people would find a statue of Churchill offensive which has been given multiple times in this thread but I don't see why it would be offensive from the other angle. If you're in that camp but you wouldn't be part of the group that is running around London today making salutes and other far right gestures then why exactly do you find it offensive?
Nothing new has been said in many pages now.

Well no-one from this constituency has yet to answer the very best question Ive seen asked in this thread. I also love to know!

Removing a statue doesnt 'erase' history. We have things like books, TV, internet, netflix, youtube, Instagram, TikTok which are far better tools to give a far richer documentation of a nations history, so I agree, what is the problem?
It seems you do deflect. You're notorious on here for doing so.
Seems as though I have an impact on you, which is flattering for me.
You simply don't like what I write and can't find a response to change my opinion. So you then cry 'deflect ... he is a deflector' as though it's some sort of capital crime. I find it funny.
Am still waiting for you to answer that post. Or will you keep deflecting?
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Well no-one from this constituency has yet to answer the very best question Ive seen asked in this thread. I also love to know!

Removing a statue doesnt 'erase' history. We have things like books, TV, internet, netflix, youtube, Instagram, TikTok which are far better tools to give a far richer documentation of a nations history, so I agree, what is the problem?

This is a very good point, especially in a aspirational open society. Removing something from view airbrushes out important reflective generational learning.

Churchill did a thing amazing for his nation and he also did many other heinous things too. He was critical person in shaping this nation in many ways, good and bad, and he should be presented in his entirety .
Seems as though I have an impact on you, which is flattering for me.

You simply doesn't like what I write and cant find a response to change my opinion. So you then cry 'deflect ... he a deflector' as though it's some sort of capital crime. I find it funny.

Am still waiting you you to answer that post. Or will you keep deflecting?

You need to take a lie down.
I haven't said remove it. In that post, I was just responding that removing it doesn't remove it from history, as Boris and others in this thread have suggested.

I said I'd like to hear from that constituency. I think @SilentWitness was asking for responses from people who admire Churchill for his role in WW2, but insist they are not to be represented by the right wing thugs in Whitehall today.
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Well no-one from this constituency has yet to answer the very best question Ive seen asked in this thread. I also love to know!

It’s not an offensive view. Nobody is saying that.
I’d argue that Churchill’s importance to Britain, his leadership and his contribution to winning the war is worthy of recognition in the form of a statue.
I don’t think you’d find many outside of the mouth breathers doing nazi salutes today claiming other things he did or views he held aren’t racist.
Doesn’t mean he can’t be recognised for the good that he did.
Well no-one from this constituency has yet to answer the very best question Ive seen asked in this thread. I also love to know!

Removing a statue doesnt 'erase' history. We have things like books, TV, internet, netflix, youtube, Instagram, TikTok which are far better tools to give a far richer documentation of a nations history, so I agree, what is the problem?

Genuinely made me laugh. Thanks
Germans keep Auschwits Open to tourists for a reason, so people never forget what happened, it’s our responsibility to look at the past and know that we’ve moved on from an ethical standpoint.

till this interminable debate nobody looked at the statues as a historical monument to a complicated guy. they were the uncontroversial statues of a war and national hero.
it took this violent mob for many people to even realise that churchill was a massive racist, who acted on his racism with murderous effects. this mob has done a better job educating the public at large about the man depicted in the statue, than the monument itself. says something about the historical/educational value of just having statues.
I hope people that have suddenly had a rush of righteous enlightenment, look into whether their grandparents and further down their family tree were racist and had race supremacy issues, because chances are there's a high possibility they were. And if you don't like what you find I hope you take down and destroy any photos of them...

This is what all the "protesters" looking to tear things down should be prepared to subject themselves to, and if they refuse, the mob needs to ransack their homes to destroy any memorabilia of them....


Let the alternative of rational and objective thinking win
I hope people that have suddenly had a rush of righteous enlightenment, look into whether their grandparents and further down their family tree were racist and had race supremacy issues, because chances are there's a high possibility they were. And if you don't like what you find I hope you take down and destroy any photos of them...

This is what all the "protesters" looking to tear things down should be prepared to subject themselves to, and if they refuse, the mob needs to ransack their homes to destroy any memorabilia of them....


Let the alternative of rational and objective thinking win
What does Islamaphobia have to do with a comparison which was what you brought up earlier in a reply?

Hey I'm sorry if I haven't made myself clear or that it is just too simple a concept but my position is to cut the crap and point out where inconsistencies have been brought into this whole soppy debate.

Churchill was a racist but his statue in Parliament Square does not represent him as a racist but rather his role as the wartime leader who along with the Allies defeated Nazi Germany. The references in the statue are clear, what he's wearing, the same as he wore at the Yalta Conference and other events, and that the sculptor used a photograph of his pose from during the war. My position is that we can take the statue down but Churchill's heritage during the war and not his statue is what the people of Britain see. Why should a mob of a few hundred or thousand get to decide that?

The mob and some here are just looking to win a battle and it isn't enough. It has never been enough to take down symbols against a people's will and it isn't winning the war. The issue with the British people isn't that the majority don't realise that we have serious problems with Racism in our Society and institutions but for some who think sooner or later statues of Churchill will become irrelevant then be prepared for a long wait. The public haven't tired of Nelson's Column in Trafalgar Square which has been in place for 177 years. Lord Wellington's statue in Glasgow has been up since 1844. It's not just the British either that desire their history to be on show and both men had racist credentials.

The mob won a battle when they pushed Colston's statue into the harbour and the council have already retrieved it so if it proves anything that was a short term gain and in the meantime the Government couldn't be happier these activities have distracted from other issues and also woken up the right wingers. It's not winning a war on Racism in Britain as if that is the only country that has issues.

Of course it won't happen, the British public will always revere Churchill for what he did in WW2.

The protests are following a familiar route. In the UK at least the original BLM cause is slowly being hijacked by a rent-a-mob who seemingly just want to be seen there or cause trouble. All the violence and vandalism is doing is turning the majority against the whole thing and diluting what the protests are actually about. The people filmed pulling that Colston statue down were white millenials, soon they will have another bandwagon to latch on to and the people who are actually affected by racism and genuinely care about BLM will be left out in the cold.
Of course it won't happen, the British public will always revere Churchill for what he did in WW2.

The protests are following a familiar route. In the UK at least the original BLM cause is slowly being hijacked by a rent-a-mob who seemingly just want to be seen there or cause trouble. All the violence and vandalism is doing is turning the majority against the whole thing and diluting what the protests are actually about. The people filmed pulling that Colston statue down were white millenials, soon they will have another bandwagon to latch on to and the people who are actually affected by racism and genuinely care about BLM will be left out in the cold.
I hope that the BLM protestors have the energy and commitment to continue to demonstrate, they need to pressure the news media and advertisers to continue supporting them and eventually, sooner much rather than later force a government in the UK to actually effect real change, whatever that needs to be. BLM have done the right thing today in allowing the 'Lads' to show themselves up, ridicule will hopefully lighten their ranks over time. Maybe the BLM will outlast any splinter groups and either combine in their aims or focus on changing minds. There have to be more people affected by Racism and their supporters in all of these countries then there are with non-complimentary agendas. I hope at least.
I hope people that have suddenly had a rush of righteous enlightenment, look into whether their grandparents and further down their family tree were racist and had race supremacy issues, because chances are there's a high possibility they were. And if you don't like what you find I hope you take down and destroy any photos of them...

This is what all the "protesters" looking to tear things down should be prepared to subject themselves to, and if they refuse, the mob needs to ransack their homes to destroy any memorabilia of them....


Let the alternative of rational and objective thinking win
Enticing mob violence and propagating hate speech. Classy.
This whole debate is quite dumb as there is a lack of understanding or respect for the fact that different things represent different values to different people, so you can only judge each thing and each person on its and their own merit.

The Churchill statue for example. I know enough about Churchill to be of the opinion that he wasn't a particularly great man and was actually responsible, or at least oversaw, some pretty awful things. However to me what a statue of him represents is taking in pride in fighting and defeating the nazis, and in ending a racist regime that was intent on eradicating "inferior" races of people from the planet. If someone defaces it with "was a racist" then although I'm never going to care enough about a statue to get angry about it, to me that is an extremely disrespectful and ignorant thing to do. It is also a very stupid thing to do given that it is actually quite obvious what the statue represents to a lot of perfectly reasonable people.

To another person the same statue might represent British led atrocities, or historic racism...and I would be all for engaging in discussions that find a way to be respectful to everyone. Whether that means moving the statue, replacing it with something else, taking steps to more fully acknowledge what it represents to everyone. I suspect not many people at all would be completely against this. Only the very extreme end of the right wing spectrum.

There are some statues which are literally just statues of rich men who were rich because they traded slaves. There are some, like the one that got thrown into the sea, that widely divide people as to what they represent...and then there are some, like the Churchill one, which are clearly not there to glorify or celebrate historical racism.

If we're really serious about making this all about statues, and I don't know why we are, then there should be discussions and a unified approach. Remove a statue because, as a society, we want to respect what it means to black people, rather than just to ourselves. Not have an angry mob go around targetting statues or vandalising people's streets without giving anyone else so much as a say in the matter, never mind respecting them.

Im sorry but this is complete bollocks. If you want to commemorate or celebrate the defeat of Nazism or other important victories for human progress you'd go to the Cenotaph, the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, the statue of Edward Jenner, Florence Nightingale etc to remember those who were sacrificed in the fight and those who both contributed significantly and are fully worthy of veneration. If you're going to a statue of Churchill you're doing it because you think he specifically was some sort of great man or hero. After all, he didn't die in a foxhole, he sat there getting pissed and smoking cigars, occasionally condemning some more men to death. He was important in ensuring the victory but he's not someone we should be venerating specifically when tens of millions of people worldwide died and he was responsible for plenty of them. He wants to be a lot more admirable to have a statue of him with not even an explanation of his life for context. Or at least the Cenotaph ought to be a million times bigger than his statue if it comes to it.

In fact the whole of Pall Mall is pretty disgusting really when you think about it, celebrating a load of old dudes who went and did a lot of killing people in various places. The sheer number of Britons who changed the world in amazing and radical ways but the ones we pick out to celebrate in the heart of government are largely just old military men with questionable morals. Artists, philosophers, authors, musicians, playwrights, scientists, engineers, even business people or genuine philanthropists but no, fat old slaughtery men with royal connections is as imaginative as we get.
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I hope people that have suddenly had a rush of righteous enlightenment, look into whether their grandparents and further down their family tree were racist and had race supremacy issues, because chances are there's a high possibility they were. And if you don't like what you find I hope you take down and destroy any photos of them...

This is what all the "protesters" looking to tear things down should be prepared to subject themselves to, and if they refuse, the mob needs to ransack their homes to destroy any memorabilia of them....


Let the alternative of rational and objective thinking win

One of the most stupid posts in this thread so far. Which is nearly impressive.
I'm all for the BLM (peaceful) protests - but I fully disagree with the opinion that the Churchill statue should be removed. I have never seen the statue, neither will it affect my life in any way if it goes or stays - but at the end of the day, the man is a monumental figure in British history. His views back in the day, in today's day and age, are horrific but he played a huge role in guiding the downfall of Hitler's fachist reign.

Many huge/popular figures in history have mean streaks in them. Some white, some black, some from other cultures.
If you remove traces of every historical figure who had questionable morals, then there'll be no statues/monuments of anyone.
The Churchill statue isn't there to celebrate his racial views - its to pay respect to the man who played a role in defeating Hitler.
I'm all for the BLM (peaceful) protests - but I fully disagree with the opinion that the Churchill statue should be removed. I have never seen the statue, neither will it affect my life in any way if it goes or stays - but at the end of the day, the man is a monumental figure in British history. His views back in the day, in today's day and age, are horrific but he played a huge role in guiding the downfall of Hitler's fachist reign.

Many huge/popular figures in history have mean streaks in them. Some white, some black, some from other cultures.
If you remove traces of every historical figure who had questionable morals, then there'll be no statues/monuments of anyone.
The Churchill statue isn't there to celebrate his racial views - its to pay respect to the man who played a role in defeating Hitler.

I think it should be subject to a vote. If a majority of citizens in the vicinity have an issue with the statue it should be removed and placed elsewhere
I hope people that have suddenly had a rush of righteous enlightenment, look into whether their grandparents and further down their family tree were racist and had race supremacy issues, because chances are there's a high possibility they were. And if you don't like what you find I hope you take down and destroy any photos of them...

This is what all the "protesters" looking to tear things down should be prepared to subject themselves to, and if they refuse, the mob needs to ransack their homes to destroy any memorabilia of them....


Let the alternative of rational and objective thinking win

That's a terrible post. Its not the worst I've ever seen but it's up there.
Because what he did for Britain and to protect the free world are in fact far more important than his opinions on race.

Im not remotely racist. However I know that if it’s removed it will only serve to strengthen racist people’s views.

We may as well remove every statue of a white man from this era. Almost to a man people were racist in some form back then.

I fail to see why anybody 3 or 4 generations removed from a famous political figure would struggle to walk past this statue on their way to work, because he was a racist in his private life.

I mean ffs, really? It’s 2020

Are you trying to claim Churchill was only racist in his private life and his views didn't directly lead to the death of the millions of people?
I'm all for the BLM (peaceful) protests - but I fully disagree with the opinion that the Churchill statue should be removed. I have never seen the statue, neither will it affect my life in any way if it goes or stays - but at the end of the day, the man is a monumental figure in British history. His views back in the day, in today's day and age, are horrific but he played a huge role in guiding the downfall of Hitler's fachist reign.

Many huge/popular figures in history have mean streaks in them. Some white, some black, some from other cultures.
If you remove traces of every historical figure who had questionable morals, then there'll be no statues/monuments of anyone.
The Churchill statue isn't there to celebrate his racial views - its to pay respect to the man who played a role in defeating Hitler.
Exactly. Glad to see another poster who isn’t just following others like sheep.

As you said monumental figure in British history and the statue wasn’t in any way made to represent his racial views.
I fail to see why anybody 3 or 4 generations removed from a famous political figure would struggle to walk past this statue on their way to work, because he was a racist in his private life.
I mean ffs, really? It’s 2020

It’s page 22, some brilliant and brutally honest commentary and from all sides of the debate .... and you’re still stuck here??? Really???

The ‘education’ challenge on Churchill is enormous :lol:

For your education, British Government cabinet meetings were not part of Churchill’s ‘private life’ and the racist opinions and policies he expressed and enacted in those meetings killed millions of people.

Hope you’re clear on that now.
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Boris along with some other pro statue supporters and protectors have claimed that removing statues is bad because it ‘erases’ a nations history.

Britain actually went through this process of erasing its history; wilfully and strategically. It even had a project name.

This is what it looks like. Shameless whitewashing of the some of the most disgusting acts in the known history of humanity. Hands up who got taught that in GCSE or A-Levels?

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Im sorry but this is complete bollocks. If you want to commemorate or celebrate the defeat of Nazism or other important victories for human progress you'd go to the Cenotaph, the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, the statue of Edward Jenner, Florence Nightingale etc to remember those who were sacrificed in the fight and those who both contributed significantly and are fully worthy of veneration. If you're going to a statue of Churchill you're doing it because you think he specifically was some sort of great man or hero. After all, he didn't die in a foxhole, he sat there getting pissed and smoking cigars, occasionally condemning some more men to death. He was important in ensuring the victory but he's not someone we should be venerating specifically when tens of millions of people worldwide died and he was responsible for plenty of them. He wants to be a lot more admirable to have a statue of him with not even an explanation of his life for context. Or at least the Cenotaph ought to be a million times bigger than his statue if it comes to it.

In fact the whole of Pall Mall is pretty disgusting really when you think about it, celebrating a load of old dudes who went and did a lot of killing people in various places. The sheer number of Britons who changed the world in amazing and radical ways but the ones we pick out to celebrate in the heart of government are largely just old military men with questionable morals. Artists, philosophers, authors, musicians, playwrights, scientists, engineers, even business people or genuine philanthropists but no, fat old slaughtery men with royal connections is as imaginative as we get.
This is really all I need to read in this thread. Great post.
I hope people that have suddenly had a rush of righteous enlightenment, look into whether their grandparents and further down their family tree were racist and had race supremacy issues, because chances are there's a high possibility they were. And if you don't like what you find I hope you take down and destroy any photos of them...

This is what all the "protesters" looking to tear things down should be prepared to subject themselves to, and if they refuse, the mob needs to ransack their homes to destroy any memorabilia of them....


Let the alternative of rational and objective thinking win
That is literally the stupidest thing I've heard in a long long while. :lol:
It’s page 22, some brilliant and brutally honest commentary and from all sides of the debate .... and you’re still stuck here??? Really???

The ‘education’ challenge on Churchill is enormous :lol:

For your education, British Government cabinet meetings were not part of Churchill’s ‘private life’ and the racist opinions and policies he expressed and enacted in those meetings killed millions of people.

Hope you’re clear on that now.
I’m not clear on that sammsky, no . I assume you are referring to the Bengal famine...

This article lists the argument for and against this accusation.

Fact is that It is a highly debated topic and whilst I’ve pointed out his personal opinions on race are disgusting it is also documented that in fact he made many efforts to secure wheat and food supplies during a world war in which every area of the British empire was suffering.

This thread, much like the mobs on the street, are missing some much needed balance to the subject.

I hope your clear on that now
Desecrating Churchill statue for the Bengal famine while there are certain current UK policy (economic sanction of Iran) practically not allowing them to have their food running at the same time.

Malaysia one of the British commonwealth still has a pro bumiputera policy that specifically discriminate Indian/Chinese minorities in favor of the indigenous Malay.

I'm skeptical towards all this statue desecration, any more of this will become absurdity and taking the limelight away from the BLM topic.

EDIT: Yes I get it, it's a real world. Nations took policy that kills/stricten millions of other nations. But to pretend to turn a blind eye and choosing to desecrate a 50 years old statue is weird.
I’m not clear on that sammsky, no . I assume you are referring to the Bengal famine...

This article lists the argument for and against this accusation.

Fact is that It is a highly debated topic and whilst I’ve pointed out his personal opinions on race are disgusting it is also documented that in fact he made many efforts to secure wheat and food supplies during a world war in which every area of the British empire was suffering.

This thread, much like the mobs on the street, are missing some much needed balance to the subject.

I hope your clear on that now

The Bengal famine of 1943 was the only one in modern Indian history not to occur as a result of serious drought, according to a study that provides scientific backing for arguments that Churchill-era British policies were a significant factor contributing to the catastrophe.

Researchers in India and the US used weather data to simulate the amount of moisture in the soil during six major famines in the subcontinent between 1873 and 1943. Soil moisture deficits, brought about by poor rainfall and high temperatures, are a key indicator of drought.

Five of the famines were correlated with significant soil moisture deficits. An 11% deficit measured across much of north India in 1896-97, for example, coincided with food shortages across the country that killed an estimated 5 million people.

However, the 1943 famine in Bengal, which killed up to 3 million people, was different, according to the researchers. Though the eastern Indian region was affected by drought for much of the 1940s, conditions were worst in 1941, years before the most extreme stage of the famine, when newspapers began to publish images of the dying on the streets of Kolkata, then named Calcutta, against the wishes of the colonial British administration.

This thread, much like the mobs on the street, are missing some much needed balance to the subject.
The guy was a leader and had balls