If you have statues of people who were slave traders/owners and they're romans, vikings, greeks, muslims etc then yeah they should be brought down. Your analogy doesn't add up because no one is calling for english buildings and churches to be brought down because churchill was english and a christian.
Acceptable to whom? Do you understand why what you're saying is contentious?Asking for statues of anybody who ever did anything wrong by the standards of current society is incredibly dangerous. It's basically George Orwell 1984 slowly coming to reality.
You're eradicating history and pretending things didn't happen. Standards were different back then, slave trade was acceptable.
Nobody is all good and very few people are all bad. Was Churchill a great leader? Absolutely! Should we also know about his not so great side? absolutely! Tearing down statues and monuments gives less opportunity to educate on both the good and the bad.
Asking for statues of anybody who ever did anything wrong by the standards of current society is incredibly dangerous. It's basically George Orwell 1984 slowly coming to reality.
You're eradicating history and pretending things didn't happen. Standards were different back then, slave trade was acceptable.
Nobody is all good and very few people are all bad. Was Churchill a great leader? Absolutely! Should we also know about his not so great side? absolutely! Tearing down statues and monuments gives less opportunity to educate on both the good and the bad.
Asking for statues of anybody who ever did anything wrong by the standards of current society is incredibly dangerous. It's basically George Orwell 1984 slowly coming to reality.
You're eradicating history and pretending things didn't happen. Standards were different back then, slave trade was acceptable.
Nobody is all good and very few people are all bad. Was Churchill a great leader? Absolutely! Should we also know about his not so great side? absolutely! Tearing down statues and monuments gives less opportunity to educate on both the good and the bad.
If you have statues of people who were slave traders/owners and they're romans, vikings, greeks, muslims etc then yeah they should be brought down. Your analogy doesn't add up because no one is calling for english buildings and churches to be brought down because churchill was english and a christian.
Asking for statues of anybody who ever did anything wrong by the standards of current society is incredibly dangerous. It's basically George Orwell 1984 slowly coming to reality.
You're eradicating history and pretending things didn't happen. Standards were different back then, slave trade was acceptable.
Nobody is all good and very few people are all bad. Was Churchill a great leader? Absolutely! Should we also know about his not so great side? absolutely! Tearing down statues and monuments gives less opportunity to educate on both the good and the bad.
Which analogy? Talking about the mosques? Muhammed doesn't have statues, but he was a slaver and is the embodiment of the best muslim(according to himself anyway). Should we burn Korans instead? We can't even a draw picture of Muhammed without riots breaking out and people getting killed. So I guess we'll just comdemn and go after the slavers that it's politically correct to do so!
Well if you want to go down that road, then statues of Julius Caesar(and most of the roman emporers), Alexander the great, Genghis Khan, Kubali Khan etc are now all legimate targets.
I'm in favour of preserving historical antiquities and if we no longer want them out there, preserve them in the Museum.
Right know I think the whole statue thing is turning into a impulsive excuse to feck shit up. Historical artifacts are to be preserved not destroyed.
Off the charts numbers of strawman arguments in such a small amount of words.
Honestly your thinly veiled Islamophobia is tiring. At least make it interesting by having some residual of a legit point somewhere when you randomly insert or just unnecessarily repeat Islam.
You genuinely can't be serious?
You think that people calling the UK a racist society is bad because it reminds young black kids they're different?
I was asking the poster which analogy I was using that was wrong since he went on about how it would be dumb to burn down churches because Churchuill was a Christian.
Islamophobia is a stupid word. It simplies critism of Islam is neurotic and irrational which is mental if you are able to read. If people don't reply to my posts in this context about how Muhammed fares in this debate of historical figures who had grey life stories, then I won't reply them back.
I don't think it helps when it occasionally becomes so pervasive that everywhere you turn you are reminded of differences.
Mate, you're not allowed to say anything anymore. My comment about George Orwell was well placed. Say any opinion that people don't agree with and you're racist, Islamophobic or some other nonsense. People love to be outraged.
Is racism terrible, yes! Is discrimination stupid, yes ! Do I have to agree and like the teachings in Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Scientology, Buddhism or anything else? Absolutely not!
As opposed to the argument that statues should be torn down for what? There is actually no benefit to tearing them down.
And to the responses saying that statues serve no purpose as an education tool, that's utter nonsense. For example, 7million people a year visit the Lincoln Memorial and I don't know figures but vast amounts of people visit Parliament square each year and see the Churchill statue. You're honestly saying there is no education about history in these visits?
I was asking the poster which analogy I was using that was wrong since he went on about how it would be dumb to burn down churches because Churchuill was a Christian.
Islamophobia is a stupid word. It simplies critism of Islam is neurotic and irrational which is mental if you are able to read. If people don't reply to my posts in this context about how Muhammed fares in this debate of historical figures who had grey life stories, then I won't reply them back. Simple as that. You are more than welcome to make some legit points yourself rather than throw another label at me which is what is all the rage atm. The poster is essentially saying it's fair game to after any historical person who was a slaver, but not Muhammed?
Your analogy was shit because it was a ridiculous and sensationalised straw man making a false equivalence between: critiquing the need to deify a controversial figure in the public space and tearing down buildings or burning religious [?] text because slavery existed in civilisations more than a thousand years ago.
I won't even bother entertaining the second paragraph.
I doubt visitors knew what or who he was but as long as I can remember the people of Bristol and Bath have known about their cities' heritage and I know nothing about any denial of their current values relative to that in all honesty.Do you think anybody was ever standing by the Colston statue and going 'yay Slavery!'?
As an Indian, I've had many discussions about him with my fellow countrymen and nearly all of them view Churchill as a monster who let people of India starve so that the British troops and people could be fed. I'm perhaps one of the very few Indians who view him in a positive light, certainly not met many other either in person or online. As far as I'm concerned he was a product of his age and his priority was always the welfare of the United Kingdom rather than the welfare of humanity. Did he do terrible things? Yes of course. But there's no great personality which didn't and that doesn't make their achievements any less great and its a foolish exercise to moralize their actions by today's standards.
From a norwegian newspaper and point of view on this topic regarding Churchill as there has this week been a call to demolish his statue here in Norway, where Churchill is quite popular after all he did for us during ww2 :
Google translate :
Over 3,000 people have signed a petition to remove statues of Ludvig Holberg and Winston Churchill.
STORTINGET, OSLO (Nettavisen): - There is obviously a part that needs a history lesson, Stortinget representative Stefan Heggelund (H) tells Nettavisen.
Since the demonstrations against racism reached Norway, the fight has now become a little wider than before. This prompted Oslo citizen Yasmin Zannachi to make a call to remove the "slave trader statues in Norway".
In the appeal, she describes that the statues of British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and author Ludvig Holberg should be demolished.
Blant annet på Solli plass og Nationaltheatret i Oslo står det statuer av henholdsvis Winston Churchill og Ludvig Holberg, sistnevnte investerte stort i slavehandel. Winston Churchill var en rasist og mente at den hvite rasen var overlegen. Det er uhørt at rasistiske hvite menn som synes det var greit å undertrykke svarte mennesker så til de grader skal ha en plass i våre gater, skriver Zannachi i oppropet.
Extreme sauce
At the time of writing, 3315 people have signed the petition. That is why Right-wing politicians Stefan Heggelund and Peter Frølich put the coffee in their throats.
- If this is the level of debate going forward, we will face tough times. These are just far-flung sauces, says Frølich.
"Arrived Norway as a king"
It was in 1948 that Winston Churchill came to Oslo and spoke for the Norwegian people. According to Aftenposten, Churchill was received "as a king, and a saving angel."
- The statue stands there as a thank you for giving us freedom back, and was erected in connection with the hundreds of thousands of people hearing Churchill speak. There were people who had known the war on the body, he says. He is voiced by Heggelund: - We honor him for helping to free Norway and Europe from the clutches of Nazism. It is absurd to see this call, you almost have to rub your eyes. Of course he will have a statue in the center of Oslo.
- But did Churchill not advocate racist thought?
- That's a pretty absurd argument. He is probably the individual who has done the most to fight racist thought and fascism, on behalf of liberal democracy, says Peter Frølich.
In the first edition of the call, Churchill was also referred to as a slave owner, but slavery was banned in the UK about 100 years before he was born.
Frølich draws a parallel to the 1984 book by George Orwell, which describes a dystopian and authoritarian society. Part of the description is about removing everything from history in society, replacing it with what the state thinks is "correct".
“All archives had been removed or forged, every book rewritten, every image repainted, every statue and building renamed, and all dates changed. The process continues day by day and minute by minute. The story has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present where the party is always right, ”Orwell wrote in the book.
- A society where everything should be wrapped up to the perfect and the correct. It is simply a pretty unattractive society. We must see history for what it is. Not everyone can live up to the 2020 values, says Frølich.
- Absurd
One of the most common charges against Winston Churchill is that during his time as deputy state council for the colonies, he led his actions to mass results in India. Frølich strongly rejects this.
- Even one of the most critical Churchill writers, Arthur Herman, strongly rejected this claim. The reason for hunger in India was that Japan occupied Burma, and the rice supplies did not come as normal. It is true that Churchill acted late, but that he is responsible for any genocide is just absurd, he says.
And at the end there was a poll. 4% wanted to demolish the statue. 96% did not.
Where do his white supremacist views fit into the picture? If he was a product of his time, does that mean everyone in the UK was a white supremacist?As an Indian, I've had many discussions about him with my fellow countrymen and nearly all of them view Churchill as a monster who let people of India starve so that the British troops and people could be fed. I'm perhaps one of the very few Indians who view him in a positive light, certainly not met many other either in person or online. As far as I'm concerned he was a product of his age and his priority was always the welfare of the United Kingdom rather than the welfare of humanity. Did he do terrible things? Yes of course. But there's no great personality which didn't and that doesn't make their achievements any less great and its a foolish exercise to moralize their actions by today's standards.
Mate, you're not allowed to say anything anymore. My comment about George Orwell was well placed. Say any opinion that people don't agree with and you're racist, Islamophobic or some other nonsense. People love to be outraged.
Is racism terrible, yes! Is discrimination stupid, yes ! Do I have to agree and like the teachings in Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Scientology, Buddhism or anything else? Absolutely not!
Where do his white supremacist views fit into the picture? If he was a product of his time, does that mean everyone in the UK was a white supremacist?
Where do his white supremacist views fit into the picture? If he was a product of his time, does that mean everyone in the UK was a white supremacist?
Where do his white supremacist views fit into the picture? If he was a product of his time, does that mean everyone in the UK was a white supremacist?
I think the posters above have already answered your question. I would also like to point out that belief in tribal superiority is a human characteristic that goes as far back as recorded history. Believing in your own religion, race or country to be superior to others have just been a by product of this phenomenon over the centuries.Where do his white supremacist views fit into the picture? If he was a product of his time, does that mean everyone in the UK was a white supremacist?
Of course inequalities remain, always have and always will. As long as their limited resources how do propose that everyone gets the same?I don't really like the product of his time argument. This is still that time. Racial opression still exists. If anything these people were responsible for ensuring that that time began or extended it through their racist views. Those systems that they helped to create/instill/continue still remain today. Racism, racial inequality and opression still remains today. Also, not everyone was racist at the time as said above or believed in these types of things. The people with the power did which is why slavery and racism existed to the extent that it did but did that make it okay to be racist? Of course not. Racism has never been okay. By throwing out buzz phrases like product of his time it's almost as if you're putting a wall between now and then and acting like we are far far away from that time of thinking which is far from the truth and is shown in the inequalities that remain.
I don't really like the product of his time argument. This is still that time. Racial opression still exists. If anything these people were responsible for ensuring that that time began or extended it through their racist views. Those systems that they helped to create/instill/continue still remain today. Racism, racial inequality and opression still remains today. Also, not everyone was racist at the time as said above or believed in these types of things. The people with the power did which is why slavery and racism existed to the extent that it did but did that make it okay to be racist? Of course not. Racism has never been okay. By throwing out buzz phrases like product of his time it's almost as if you're putting a wall between now and then and acting like we are far far away from that time of thinking which is far from the truth and is shown in the inequalities that remain.
I don't really like the product of his time argument. This is still that time. Racial opression still exists. If anything these people were responsible for ensuring that that time began or extended it through their racist views. Those systems that they helped to create/instill/continue still remain today. Racism, racial inequality and opression still remains today. Also, not everyone was racist at the time as said above or believed in these types of things. The people with the power did which is why slavery and racism existed to the extent that it did but did that make it okay to be racist? Of course not. Racism has never been okay. By throwing out buzz phrases like product of his time it's almost as if you're putting a wall between now and then and acting like we are far far away from that time of thinking which is far from the truth and is shown in the inequalities that remain.
It seems to me what you're doing is taking a moral norm and applying it retrospectively to all of human history. Surely you must realize there will be nothing left to celebrate or cherish if we're supposed to be consistent in this utopian view of human nature.
You can celebrate something which someone has done without celebrating and championing that person overall. We can and should change how we celebrate, perceive and understand things or people.