Wimbledon 2011

Becker's great. He says something really obvious, albeit in a profound way.
Novak's ability to get to balls is amazing. Still think he's been the much better player.
Why does he apologize for that?

Tennis players always apologise for jammy shots like that which they clearly didn't mean. Unlike footballers who will try to convince us that the cross which went is was actually meant and they whip those in during training all the time.
Good hold from Djoko. 3-2 now.

Anyone find Djoko's brother really annoying?

'They must be nervous now. Their son is playing. Imagine.'

Djoko's dad's shirt is....what's a polite way of saying 'a pile of tacky shit'?
The slow mo of the guy wearing a Boss tshirt. Looked like the old guy in Modern Family.
Beckers brilliant isnt he. What was it he said earlier? " The newspapers tomorrow..made by the headlines of today" :lol: so obvious yet so thoughtful
Nadal is yet to save a BP today. It's going to get nervy when he's serving at 3-4 and then (if he holds) at 4-5..