will.iam killed music

Despite probably being one of - if not the - biggest sell outs in Hip Hop history, the music that they make now is closer to the Drake's and Kanye's of this world than it is to the Hip Hop they used to make....

True Story.
Drake was in that Canadian teen soap Degrassi High. How can anybody take him seriously?

Because he was acting, that's not Drake, that's the character Jimmy.

He's not a gangster rapper and raps about life, he's not lying like alot of these ganster rappers do so what's not to take seriously? he talks about alot of the stuff I can relate to

this is my favourite track of his right now


The first thing I heard from them, I'll always remember them for this (and indeed their whole first album) and not what they peddle out now.

Ah classic! This is the same for me, first tune I ever heard from them. I used to spin this non-stop when playing that 1080 game.
Because he was acting, that's not Drake, that's the character Jimmy.

He's not a gangster rapper and raps about life, he's not lying like alot of these ganster rappers do so what's not to take seriously? he talks about alot of the stuff I can relate to

this is my favourite track of his right now

Like going to Degrassi?
Stop blaspheming

I'm not, it's a true story. Are you honestly telling me that the electro heavy catchy hook reliant tunes that have become so ubiquitous in commercial Hip Hop that even Eminem is flipping singing choruses bare more relation to this...

He should change his name to I.ron.nick.

or Se.L.out..or i.am.sorry.....or twat chops

than they do to this...?

Cos I don't think so personally.
I'm not, it's a true story. Are you honestly telling me that the electro heavy catchy hook reliant tunes that have become so ubiquitous in commercial Hip Hop that even Eminem is flipping singing choruses bare more relation to this...

than they do to this...?

Cos I don't think so personally.

ok, I'm stopping at 24 seconds, Kinnel! my earssss, sorry, Jeez, it sounds nothing like Em,Kanye or Drizzy

it's a Sunday, I shall not allow such blasphemy

I'd take Em's incredibly gay hook on not afraid over that shit everyday
But the point is it sounds more like them than the first one does....Will.i.am has sold out, but only by going to the extreme of the style Hip Hop as a whole has jumped head first into.
This entire genre is shit.

It isn't.

There's some cracking talents in the underground scene, whereas even the mainstream can boast great hip hop connoisseurs like Mos Def, Lupe Fiasco, Talib Kweli etc.

It's the shallow breed of the likes of Drake, Lil Wayne, Soulja boy, Gucci Mane etc that have allowed themselves to be whored out by record labels. It's a shame since the likes of Drake have started their careers so promisingly, only to dumb to (way too soon in his case). It's what has tainted hip hop as a single image IMO.
It isn't.

There's some cracking talents in the underground scene, whereas even the mainstream can boast great hip hop connoisseurs like Mos Def, Lupe Fiasco, Talib Kweli etc.

It's the shallow breed of the likes of Drake, Lil Wayne, Soulja boy, Gucci Mane etc that have allowed themselves to be whored out by record labels. It's a shame since the likes of Drake have started their careers so promisingly, only to dumb to (way too soon in his case). It's what has tainted hip hop as a single image IMO.

Drake did sell out a bit with records like 'find your love' but for the most part he stuck to the script of talking about real shit in his debut album.

You have to rememeber he still liked making catchy tunes on his mixtape comeback season

you can't listen to tracks like this

and put him with the likes of *shudders* Gucci mane and soulja boy
Drake did sell out a bit with records like 'find your love' but for the most part he stuck to the script of talking about real shit in his debut album.

You have to rememeber he still liked making catchy tunes on his mixtape comeback season

you can't listen to tracks like this

and put him with the likes of *shudders* Gucci mane and soulja boy

Lyrically I'm not putting him up with Gucci and Soulja boy, he's miles ahead of them talent-wise and in my eyes is technically a very good hip hop artist. My problem is how he's allowed himself to dumb down (no doubt by record label pressure) so soon in his career. Yes his debut album was brilliant, yes he does continue to ocassionally sing about the 'true shit', but then when you see the collaborations with lil wayne, appearing in Justin Bieber videos, as well as the increased frequency of sell-out records, then I can only say he's fallen into the same trap. Not that I think he remotely cares mind you.
Lyrically I'm not putting him up with Gucci and Soulja boy, he's miles ahead of them talent-wise and in my eyes is technically a very good hip hop artist. My problem is how he's allowed himself to dumb down (no doubt by record label pressure) so soon in his career. Yes his debut album was brilliant, yes he does continue to ocassionally sing about the 'true shit', but then when you see the collaborations with lil wayne, appearing in Justin Bieber videos, as well as the increased frequency of sell-out records, then I can only say he's fallen into the same trap. Not that I think he remotely cares mind you.

Nah you're 100% right

As much as I love Rihanna when the masses hear Drake on her record they are going to think that's what he's truly about which is a shame really.

I doubt he gives a feck though, any publicity is good publicity, he's not actually done an official track with Bieber but sigh it's inevitable, don't think I'll be able to get over that

When/if he does completely sell out and makes that track with William I'll just bump his old shit
For me the epitomy of selling out, when there's no turning back is when you make that pop record with Will, when he calls you 'yo I've got this really shitty beat for you, I'll appear in the video rapping about going to the club looking like Mr T'

That's when an artists life flashes before his eyes, to make that life changing decision, to accept that collab, you know it's going to sell but it's also going to strip you of your manhood

They usually say yes, next thing you know they are in a video doing some robot dance wearing the extra extra tight jeans to a cover of the baywatch theme song, thinking to themselves 'what have I done???' while William is grinning at them with a multi coloured Mohawk giving the thumbs up

As your horrible single goes to number one and your music reaches out to a whole new broader, ever expanding audience you look yourself in the mirror and ask 'was it worth it?'

William catches you looking in the mirror and warns that you should NEVER do that

You have a broadcasted liveshow later for MTV infront of a thousand teeny boppers screaming and there's that one fan you can't help but notice, looking at you with piercing eyes , this fan was with you from the underground bumping your music when nobody else did. He puts up a sign that reads 'sell out, what the feck is this baywatch shit?!'

The beat comes on, you hear the sample loud and clear for the intro 'I'll be thereeeeeee' William is dancing in the background...you say

'cut the fecking music! Stop the goddamn shit, dj stop it!!' William looks at you nervously thinking you've been looking in the mirror again

The atmosphere is really tense as this feeling of guilt takes over and a single tear streams down your cheek , the fan with the sign smiles as he believes you're about to do the right thing. You then lean over to security and tell them to throw that fan with the sign the feck out. He's thrown out like Jazzy Jeff in an episode of 'the fresh prince if bel air'

You then say 'dj play my shit!' and you deliver one epic performance with William, you start breakdancing and you can't even breakdance

A few years pass and nothing is happening for you musically, the baywatch hip hop remix is your only hit and you ring up William for another collab and he doesn't pick up. You barely made any money off the song because of the huge royalty you had to payfor sampling 99% of the baywatch theme song.

The rent is due and you're going to be evicted and you say feck it, I'm going to go back to my roots. You then try perform at an underground club and you get booed off stage, that one fan you threw out pelts you with a brick.

William then sends you a text that reads 'one hit wonder rofl' and that's when it hits you, will set you up, he planned this from the very start. He saw your promise to elevate the genre and he killed that off. How could you be so foolish?!?! You immediately flash back to that time William told you to NEVER look in the mirror

You then hear what your conscious wanted to tell you along with your loyal former fan

William is killing music
I just had the misfortune of overhearing the performance on the x factor as I was ironing and I wanted to put the iron to my ears to stop the pain.