We had discussions about the taxation rules in the case of buy out clauses and I stumbled on that.
The buy out clause is a specialty of Spanish football, it originate from the article 16 of the king' decree 1006/1985, that allows a player to free himself from the working relationship that links him with his club, in exchange of the payment of a compensation. That is not a commercial transaction, and it's
not subject to VTA, but the interested player has to pay the IRPF( between 40% and 52%).
If the footballer free himself of his contract at the LFP, with the money of his future club, he will have to pay the IRPF of the transaction.
El pago de la cláusula de rescisión es una modalidad, específica del fútbol español, que tiene su origen en el artículo 16 del Real Decreto 1006/1985, que permite a un jugador liberar la relación laboral que tiene con su club de origen mediante el pago de una indemnización. Al no ser una operación de trafico mercantil, nunca está sujeta a IVA, aunque el deportista afectado sí debe pagar el IRPF (tramo impositivo de entre el 40 y el 52%)
al ser el propio futbolista quien paga su libertad a la Liga de Fútbol Profesional -con el dinero de su futuro club-, también debe abonar el IRPFcorrespondiente al total de la operación.
The buy out clause is a specialty of Spanish football, it originate from the article 16 of the king' decree 1006/1985, that allows a player to free himself from the working relationship that links him with his club, in exchange of the payment of a compensation. That is not a commercial transaction, and it's
not subject to VTA, but the interested player has to pay the IRPF( between 40% and 52%).
If the footballer free himself of his contract at the LFP, with the money of his future club, he will have to pay the IRPF of the transaction.