Who you REALLY want for new owner?

I'd vote for the Ontario Teacher's Pension Plan. Over 200 billion in assets, stable management without big egos, long history of owning major sports franchises and looking for aggressive international growth.
Stephen Howson

1. He has done a good job with Paddock
2. Manchester lad
3. Has a nice beard

4. Doesn't have 5 billion+
5. Why not give it to Gandalf instead, sell some of the Mithril Bilbo has
You all do understand that everybody (including Ratcliffe) except Dubai will behave just like Glazers? Look for profit. With owners who chase profit you can't fight against oil clubs.

You want morale ground? That is fine. But then don't moan next 10, 20 years about lack of trophies.
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You all do understand that anybody (including Ratcliffe) except Dubai will behave just like Glazers? Look for profit. With owners who chase profit you can't fight against oil clubs.

You want morale ground? That is fine. But then don't moan next 10, 20 years about lack of trophies.

Literally none of them realize it, I didn’t realize that many people here are so fecking naïve
You all do understand that anybody (including Ratcliffe) except Dubai will behave just like Glazers? Look for profit. With owners who chase profit you can't fight against oil clubs.

You want morale ground? That is fine. But then don't moan next 10, 20 years about lack of trophies.

Agree with this to some extent any business owner will anticipate ROI but the UAE seem to do it for the project and as we have seen, the "sporting projects" have been more successful than the traditional owners.

Though there are good owners out there like Steve Parish etc they don't have the resources to match the state funded clubs. Given the changes that Dubai have made I don't think they are the worse under consideration for ownership from the middle east.
Someone who has the sense to understand they are not football experts, just find people qualified enough to run the operations, no need to stick their own noses in like like the 443 chap at Chelsea.
I would love to hear honest answers. Without any explanation. Only votes.
Mods can we have a poll;
A) Americans (some random american billionaire like Kroenke, Boehly, Glazers...)
B) Oil money
C) Jim Ratcliffe and co
D) Elon Musk
B........D...then a great distance C and no thank you to A

You can see the Oil money just spending whatever to make a new stadium and upgrading all parts of the club to make it the best possible. Doubt Musk or the others will be doing that
Where's E) boue

After all the arguments of who should be the owner, maybe you forgot another E) Keep the Glazers, you'd be surprised how many will vote this when the words 'oil states' come in
Ratcliffe clearly.

He did say that running Man Utd would be more as a keeper for the community instead of treating it as a business. This mentality ensures him to put football as the priority.

Besides we don't need oil money to build us new stadium and upgrade the infrastructure. we can fund all these with the profit generated , as long the owner did not keep milking the cow for dividends.

We are always up top in the list of net spent in transfer market and compete with all those oil money clubs, even under Glazers. The issue is really how to spend it smartly with sport focused. Ratcliffe with all experience running sport teams, he would be definitely better option than those coming with nothing but the checkbook.
1. Clear the debt.
2. Don't take any money out.
3. Appoint a competent sensible board.
4. Preferably not an oil state.

That's my wish list.
1. Clear the debt.
2. Don't take any money out.
3. Appoint a competent sensible board.
4. Preferably not an oil state.

That's my wish list.
Nailed it.

Our club is big enough to pay for itself under competent owners. We can improve the squad, upgrade our facilities and move forward as a club organically over a reasonable timeline.

Theres no need for mega investments dripping in oil and / or blood, and there should be no place for Glazer-esque parasites draining our lifeblood while the roof falls in.

There's a clear middle path here which makes far more sense. To rebuild the club without selling our soul.
All of you that wouldn't mind blood money coming in and United becoming one of those sportswashing projects like PSG, Newcastle and Man. City...you are all pathetic as shit.
Your tears are delicious. Thank you and please cry more often.
Nailed it.

Our club is big enough to pay for itself under competent owners. We can improve the squad, upgrade our facilities and move forward as a club organically over a reasonable timeline.

Theres no need for mega investments dripping in oil and / or blood, and there should be no place for Glazer-esque parasites draining our lifeblood while the roof falls in.

There's a clear middle path here which makes far more sense. To rebuild the club without selling our soul.

It shouldn't be too much to ask for apart from the minor matter of the 6bn the Glazers are apparently looking for plus another 600m to clear the debt.
It shouldn't be too much to ask for apart from the minor matter of the 6bn the Glazers are apparently looking for plus another 600m to clear the debt.
Sure, it's hardly pocket change, buy there are a lot of super wealthy people in the world.

It's not a case of Oil or Parasite, there are other options who could afford us, whether alone or in a consortium.
1. Clear the debt.
2. Don't take any money out.
3. Appoint a competent sensible board.
4. Preferably not an oil state.

That's my wish list.
Number 2 is illegal now isn’t it? Might be wrong but I thought any new owners can’t take dividends

Would be outrage if we got owners like that again
Sure, it's hardly pocket change, buy there are a lot of super wealthy people in the world.

It's not a case of Oil or Parasite, there are other options who could afford us, whether alone or in a consortium.

People of that wealth a parasites by definition.
You all do understand that everybody (including Ratcliffe) except Dubai will behave just like Glazers? Look for profit. With owners who chase profit you can't fight against oil clubs.

You want morale ground? That is fine. But then don't moan next 10, 20 years about lack of trophies.
And any trophies won with owners like City and PSG will be just as hollow and meaningless as those won by City.
I don't think the actual owners matters that much. What's more important are the people they put in charge of football activities like a Director of Football, Manager and the playing squad.

If one of these owners comes armed to the teeth with a shit hot Director of Football I'd be just as happy as them being filthy rich.

You'd imagine any multibillionaire can redevelop the stadium or buy players.

It's buying the right players for a philosophy that's key here. Hopefully they look at the more recent Man City model of getting technical directors that match a manager. After that it's easier with big money.
If it has to be Arabs I want Emir of Dubai. They won’t be able to stand being below an Abu Dhabi club and usually have no issues investing in their projects.
Radcliff looks like an almost perfect owner.

Utd fan and previous experience with owning a football club.

His wealth only counts so he can buy the club and the debt, we turn a profit, we don't need oil money to be sustainable
I don't think the actual owners matters that much. What's more important are the people they put in charge of football activities like a Director of Football, Manager and the playing squad.

If one of these owners comes armed to the teeth with a shit hot Director of Football I'd be just as happy as them being filthy rich.

You'd imagine any multibillionaire can redevelop the stadium or buy players.

It's buying the right players for a philosophy that's key here. Hopefully they look at the more recent Man City model of getting technical directors that match a manager. After that it's easier with big money.
I disagree, it's more important having the right ownership because it's easy to find competent football people who understand the structural processes in the present day. Man City under the Abu Dhabi group first hired Brian Marwood to head the football department at their club and he had no experience of working in a similar role before he took up the role as DoF at the club. That led to them winning the league before Marwood brought in the DoF from Barcelona who only became a DoF at Barcelona straight from a role working as a commentator for a TV station and hence had no experience in such a role.

There's good football people everywhere who understand the administrative side on the football side of the club but you need the right owner to oversee it all, and also to then hold people accountable for making poor decisions. It's why Liverpool under FSG have their own guy in Mike Gordon sitting on the Liverpool board along with the CEO, and Gordon also oversees the football department.