Film Who Should Be The Next James Bond(Wrong Answers Only) ?

So many men… shouldn’t we stop being so conservative with our choices and go with Katie Hopkins?
Only if the entire movie was her getting punched in the head whilst being asked "why are you such a cnut?"
Also getting kicked out of Australia while trying to get there for a mission.
Craig has just suggested Klopp. And people argued that Craig was good for bondiana!

Bond - I'll have a martini shaken not stirred

Barman - Sorry but I'm going to have to see some I.D. first.
Tom Hiddleston. Check out the range.

Phil Wang's version of the ad to cleanse the palate.
I feel in a Brexit Britain, Bond should reflect the shit-munching public. They should get the Bond they deserve… it’s gotta be Farage.

‘My name’s Farage, Nigel Farage. 007, licence to kill (my own nation’s economy, identity, morale etc).
I think it’s time to shake things up and go a comedic route. In that case James Corden is a solid choice.