Who is the coolest villain?

How about the SUPER EVIL...



He is pure BONE... eat that Hannibal...
He is not worthy of the tag villain to be fair, all though cutting someones heart out with a spoon would have been interesting to watch, painfull and messy but interesting!
The last person you would like to meet on dark street at midnight is Dr. Coffin:


Just couldnt get into it one bit, my mate who i watched it with loved it but i was begging for my two hours back at the end.

I've seen some other forums where opinion is very split, doesn't seem to be much middle ground between the lovers and the haters. Do you like other Coen brothers stuff or is it a style issue with their filmmaking?
I've seen some other forums where opinion is very split, doesn't seem to be much middle ground between the lovers and the haters. Do you like other Coen brothers stuff or is it a style issue with their filmmaking?

I think its a style thing. This film in particular, i felt it took an hour building the story then all of a sudden wham your nearing the end with not a lot in the middle. Some of the kill scenes were pretty cool and the acting was all right but it was more how the story was played out and the time it took really.
Hans Guber (Die Hard), surely.

Maybe the Kurgen from Highlander.

How about Feathers McGraw - an evil penguin who wears a red rubber glove on his head to imitate a chicken.
Bonus: listens to piano music at night.
Galactus, The World Eater.

The Silver Surfer is his herald (ie: his bitch) and never mind eating faces, this fella devours entire planets. He also embodies all that is cool about cheesy 60's comics..


Recently featured in the second Fantastic Four movie as a large gaseous cloud of swirling tentacles or something? Annoyingly they had made CG models of him in his golden age glory, but they were not used.. :(
