When does this ridiculous parody of a sport feck off and leave us with the football?

jason and marcos

Cricket should be promoted more throughout America and other European countries. It's a great sport to play as a kid and to watch on the TV etc

I can see why people are disinterested by test cricket though. It's boring if you aren't really really into the game. Much like, umm.. baseball?
Papa Smurf said:
Cricket should be promoted more throughout America and other European countries.


anything that doesn't involve americans is fine by me.

i'm all for cricket being seen as gay and boring and senseless...keeps the riff raff away ;)
GiggsysGirl said:

anything that doesn't involve americans is fine by me.

i'm all for cricket being seen as gay and boring and senseless...keeps the riff raff away ;)
Lady GiggsysGirl

Your Highness: i want to emphasize that what i say about cricket is just for fun, i don´t understand the game but i have no problem with it whatsoever



GiggsysGirl said:

anything that doesn't involve americans is fine by me.

i'm all for cricket being seen as gay and boring and senseless...keeps the riff raff away ;)


Bo and Luke Duke.
whose ever played indoor sock hockey?
all the rage in the south east now


jasonrh said:
I think GeeGee is ignoring me.

to be honest jason, i'm just not sure what you're trying to get me to say.

you don't acknowledge me for days whilst continuing to post inflammatory remarks you know i'll see?

it sounds like you're trying to goad me into something and i'm simply not interested. i'm not here for long so i'd rather just have a laugh.

anyway, i hope you get what you need from your "manly" thread (very clever btw) and we'll say no more about it.
Davo said:
Alright, I've got stuff playing on my mind which is getting on my tits

ugh, that's never good :(

aye, i'm in limbo...destined to wander noodle's forum till my soul knows peace.

circa summer '09 i reckon.
GiggsysGirl said:
to be honest jason, i'm just not sure what you're trying to get me to say.

you don't acknowledge me for days whilst continuing to post inflammatory remarks you know i'll see?

it sounds like you're trying to goad me into something and i'm simply not interested. i'm not here for long so i'd rather just have a laugh.

anyway, i hope you get what you need from your "manly" thread (very clever btw) and we'll say no more about it.


I was just saying hello.

Nevermind, I guess. Merry Christmas.