What's happened to De Gea?

Which club would be willing to part with good money for a declining keeper who happens to be the highest-paid in his position worldwide?

Just like Sanchez, we're stuck with him for better or worse.
Feel bad for him, he's suffered years of seeing some of the worst football this club has played, right when he was at his absolute peak, and now we seem to suddenly have an exciting team going places, he seems to be a weak link team, who will undoubtedly need replacing if it continues.
I've always thought there was another reason for buying Barthez (a horrible mistake to my mind, which I said at the time - anyone would have looked good in that French team): the rule change about being allowed to pick up the ball from a back pass changed and Bossie wasn't confident with the ball at his feet (not sure many old-style keepers would have been)...

Yeah spot on and he seemed to get injured when attempting to kick the ball . He was a excellent shot stopper but like you say the back pass rule change affected him badly .
Yeah Barthez was a strange one he obviously was a good keeper but he wasn't elite like Schmeichel was . Ferguson has said he should have bought VDS to replace Schmeichel
You don’t understand do you? How is it irrelevant if other keepers can make saves DDG can’t? Shouldn’t we at least attempt to replace him with them then? United should always have the best of the best, or at least we need to if we want to challenge for the title again.

I don’t know if you watch it, but you sound like Ty of AFTV when he defended Wenger and said he didn’t have to go because he was “trying his best”.

If United could get Oblak then it's worth a discussion apart from that I'm happy with Dave
Some friend of mine told me exactly the same thing few years ago and I laughed at him ... However he's only 29 and supposedly should be in his best years. His reflexes are still the same right? He pulled some of his reflex old saves but I don't know it's still the same or has been worse.
his reflexes are still gold but like someone said even a slight deterioration makes a huge difference when you're so reliant on them and it inevitably does deteriorate as you get older. so far he seems to be following the casillas path quite dutifully as i expected him to, these sort of keepers don't usually play for a very long time unlike the likes of Buffon or VdS. You hardly ever hear of keepers reinventing themselves or adding more strings to their bow like outfield players.
He is declining up to his own standard and not to a standard of a goalkeeper. I don't think we are in a Karius at Liverpool situation, de gea saves us points but may not be as impressive or impeccable as he once was.

It was always going to happen - the way he makes those reflex saves is something that benefits the younger body and the younger age of a goalkeeper- its something I saw the ageing goalkeepers of the past give up to turn in to more of the 'ruler of the box type' keeper like as they aged.
I've been critical of De Gea's errors and drop off in peformance levels from the ridiculous standards he set over the last 4-5 years.

However we have to also be balanced in our criticism rather than falling into the trap of merely going along with a narrative.

The goal against Bournemouth was not an error on De Gea's part. Every near post goal isn't a goalkeeping mistake. It's just pure lazyness to think so by default. He covered his near post and came out to close the space, it was just that the strike was a belter and perfectly placed. It happens.

Another point is that while DDG does need to improve if he wants to be first choice at a club like Manchester United and personally I'm tempted to think that we should consider replacing him now, every goalkeeper makes mistakes. Henderson let in goal at OT that we'd be hammering DDG for.
He left so much space at his near post you could drive a bus through it. It was a clear mistake, added to which he made himself very small, almost as if he didn't want to be hit by the ball at such close range.
De Gea has always been an unusual GK. For a start, his style is very unconventional. Unlike most GKs, De Gea stays rooted to his line and challenges attackers to beat his reflexes- which in his younger years where phenomenal. His wiry frame, his agility and his ridiculous reaction speed meant he could pull off unbelievable saves other more ‘traditional’ GKs could only dream of.

The problem began when those reflexes started to wane with age. Even a 5% drop off can be the difference between a save and conceding a goal. Now his total lack of other attributes leaves him very exposed.

Don’t believe the rubbish about GKs (or players in general) peaking in their 30s, it’s just bollocks. Science shows the vast majority of athletes peak in terms of physical attributes at about 27/28. A small percentage of athletes might be able to use their experience to counteract the physical decline and therefore compete at the highest level for longer - but you can’t fight it forever
his reflexes are still gold but like someone said even a slight deterioration makes a huge difference when you're so reliant on them and it inevitably does deteriorate as you get older. so far he seems to be following the casillas path quite dutifully as i expected him to, these sort of keepers don't usually play for a very long time unlike the likes of Buffon or VdS. You hardly ever hear of keepers reinventing themselves or adding more strings to their bow like outfield players.
I see, a small deterioration is hard to notice however that must be the case.

Imo we're in a pretty feck up situation. I love DDG but as someone has pointed out, being sentimental is probably not ok here. Anyway I really hope he can get over this and stay with us, still love him a lot whatever the outcome of this.
Imo we're in a pretty feck up situation. I love DDG but as someone has pointed out, being sentimental is probably not ok here. Anyway I really hope he can get over this and stay with us, still love him a lot whatever the outcome of this.
we may ultimately not have a choice with the wages we have offered him because i am not sure madrid are still as interested in him as they once were. I am also not sure if Henderson is the solution, he could very well be a Ben foster for all we know in which case we will need to be back in the market again and the people here who are asking that we make him our #1 will be saying he was never good enough to replace ddg anyway.
we may ultimately not have a choice with the wages we have offered him because i am not sure madrid are still as interested in him as they once were. I am also not sure if Henderson is the solution, he could very well be a Ben foster for all we know in which case we will need to be back in the market again and the people here who are asking that we make him our #1 will be saying he was never good enough to replace ddg anyway.
Yeah Henderson seems pretty solid so far but we won't know how he'd cope with the pressure here and our current style. I don't watch Sheffield much but their defensive style must have helped.

Real Madrid got Courtois so of course they won't be interested, especially with DDG current form. The only possible destination I can think of is PSG, they don't have a WC goalie yet and they're of a very few clubs could afford his current wage.

I really hope DDG still got it. Maybe next season he'd come back to his old or improve other aspects so he wouldn't need to rely that much on his reflexes (pray).
The way I look at it we're not actually in that bad of a position. De Gea has been woeful this season so whether we go with Henderson, Romero or A N Other, we can hardly be any worse off.
Might sound a bit controversial but I've never been confident with DDG overall.

He has those world class saves that makes me sound a bit daft when I say that, however I just feel his overall game is lacking and imo affects the defenders.

His biggest downfall for me is simply a lack of ownership of his area. He is very reluctant to come off his line. Which in some part, I believe leads to the brilliant saves which could be potentially avoided had he not as a first response ran back, if that makes sense?

When we first signed him I was happy enough. But since his arrival I haven't seen him commanding his box, something I highlighted early but thought he is young and will get the support and training to fix that element of his game.

I actually feel more confident with Romero in goal. And it may just be me but I see more confidence in the defence when he is playing.
I think a lot of it has to do with the coaching and instructions from the goalkeeping coaches. De Gea cost us points from failing to deal with crosses quite a bit last season instead opting to stay on his line. This was his biggest issue when he first got here, and within a couple of seasons he became quite good where it wasn’t an issue anymore. Unless he suddenly became scared of getting hurt it has to be down to instructions.
Its not that bad. Henderson to compete next year and we'll see which one to hold on to.

He has downs, but He also saves on really big chances, so it evens him out to still be above average I think. The errors at the big stage, like in CL is the worst though.
I wouldnt stand in her way, I rsckon the fax machine will work this time. That contract we gave him appears to be a big mistake now.
It certainly does. And could also be a factor in potentially losing Henderson. He wants to be United No1 but there’s no way United are paying a keeper that amount of money to be a No2. So United are either stuck with him unless someone like PSG want to take him in on those wages- which is probably unlikely. Could be another Sanchez situation. I know he’s been good for United in the past And I do like him but I don’t see him improving now. The cracks have appeared and I think it’s gonna take more than a bit of filler to repair them.
It certainly does. And could also be a factor in potentially losing Henderson. He wants to be United No1 but there’s no way United are paying a keeper that amount of money to be a No2. So United are either stuck with him unless someone like PSG want to take him in on those wages- which is probably unlikely. Could be another Sanchez situation. I know he’s been good for United in the past And I do like him but I don’t see him improving now. The cracks have appeared and I think it’s gonna take more than a bit of filler to repair them.
Unfortunately I'm in agreement with you. I hate saying it because he's pulled us out so many times in the passed it hurts to see his down fall and can't really understand why. At one stage when he was performing to his best I was comparing him with Schmeichel and debating who was the best. However, based on last two seasons its now a no contest.

Lets hope he gets the kick up the arse he needs and gets back to his best.
I believe he has 3 areas of his game which he has never fully been able to master since his arrival and all have been broached at one time or another on this forum. To his credit he is a great shot stopper, however his command of his area, ability to deal with cross balls and his positioning especially when the threat is towards his near post have always been a problem.
In the last game his was beaten at his near post twice which resulted in a goal and the second time the shot beat him but hit the post, if you watch carefully on both occasions he took a sideways step away from his near post, this may well have been to try and force the attacking player to place his shot across him which would either be saved or go wide of his far post. However, this puts most of his weight on to his left leg ready to move to his left and since he has taken a step to his left a clear space between him and his near post. The attacking player takes his shot aiming between him and the post knowing that given the distance power of the shot he is unlikely to be able to change his body position in time to save the shot.
Great with his feet on the ground. Lacking character when it requires getting a ball in the face.
If I didn't know any better as presumably it would have been one of the first things we would test/ he receives regular testing already is that perhaps his eyesight isn't as good as it was. However I'd imagine we would have already tested for this.

He's starting to resemble a point a Liverpool fan i know used to make about Mignolet. (Obviously I'm not comparing him to Mignolet but the description is similar) he would say he makes the difficult things look easy but messes up on the "easy" things

This is now a big test of Ole and his coaches as they need to work out WHY De Gea is making the errors, perhaps have meetings with him, then depending on WHY he is making them decide the best plan of action for him going forward. They need to see if it is a short term problem that can be fixed and if so how best to fix it or if it's something more serious that needs greater consideration

He used to gain us points but at the end of last season and to some extent this one he's started to cost us them and this does need review and careful consideration over the best approach to take around him going forward. I've seen some pieces of improvement around his build up play, I want to see more of him starting attacks, I saw a few games before where he was holding onto the ball too long and delaying them and the other team could get back. He also needs to get better at penalties, I'm surprised with his reflexes he isn't better at them. I know obviously he can't save every one but I can only possibly recall him making 1 penalty save for us.
Where do you rank him among the greatest United GKs?
Not knowledgeable enough to go pre 70s. But has some of the same problems as Bailey. "Jesus saves but Bailey saves better" went the sprayed on blanket. But he was well capable of flapping. So maybe not top 3.
I would love it, love it!
I just checked and his wage is €400k a week wow :wenger: Don't know ATM would afford that kind of salary.

Swapping DDG for Oblak would be great. Imo he's probably the best keeper in the world right now.
I just checked and his wage is €400k a week wow :wenger: Don't know ATM would afford that kind of salary.

Swapping DDG for Oblak would be great. Imo he's probably the best keeper in the world right now.
Easily the best. Not even close IMO.
Easily the best. Not even close IMO.
Yeah but I don't think it's easy. ATM is not stupid. They're knew to welcome back their ex players but with the current form of DDG it won't be easy.
There must be many times when De Gea arrives at training or for a match and he gets a sort of 'Goundhog day' feeling... I've been here before, done that, bought the 't' shirt etc. David is one of the very few still remaining who were here with SAF, maybe some of this 'rinse and repeat' especially with managers, etc. is getting to him at times. Allowing himself to be beaten on the near post, even accounting for Maguire's 'nutmegging' is the kind of mistake he never made.

We are looking good, there is no doubt about it with the impact of Fernandez, Pogba back and performing well, Matic reinvigorated, Mason Greenwood emerging as possibly our best young prospect since Ryan Giggs. However even under Ole if the old spirit returns and performances continue to improve, it is not something new for David De Gea, he's seen and done it all before.
De Gea is a great keeper and has been a good servant to this club, but maybe in his own interests its time to move on to find pastures new.

If it is the above i.e. 'groundhog-day' type issue that is the problem, it can only be solved by him moving, if its something else then there needs to be a full appraisal done and quickly
Not knowledgeable enough to go pre 70s. But has some of the same problems as Bailey. "Jesus saves but Bailey saves better" went the sprayed on blanket. But he was well capable of flapping. So maybe not top 3.
Great insight
If we want to win anything next season, this guy should be sold asap
Shouldn't play for us again. Two mistakes like that are criminal in cup semi-final.
fecking clown.

Best paid keeper in the world absolute joke he's trash.
He's finished here surely. Not a chamce of being a top team with him in the side.
Seriously, it’s not in doubt anymore. He can’t be number one when new season starts.
I think we have stuck by him too long. His form isn’t improving, it’s been a long long run of bad mistakes now. He is done in my opinion.