What's a turban and a cricket bat have in common?

Wibble said:
We did get the odd reported post but I promised to not say who it was.

Persecute Marcos the splitter

amolbhatia100 said:
That was good banter with Slabber an all. You on the other hand are rubbish at it and start making stuff up. Taking this thread seriously :lol:

It appears that the ability to express himself without the aid of completely superfluous smilies joins 'spelling', 'grammar', 'punctuation' and 'not being a Johnny-come-lately EPL bandwagon cnut who's never heard of Lothar Matthaus' on the list of things Amol can't do.

You're boring me now. I hereby dismiss you from my thread.


Cool, calm and collected; the great Franco Baresi. For those of us who've been following football longer than five minutes, he's the defender we all wished our club had on its books. Not Amol, mind. The clueless cnut hasn't heard of him either.

Hehe, it must suck to be you.
roonaldo78 said:
Beat us once in a match where we rested some of our key players and then declared the next day a public holiday.

You guys should have never been allowed to play test cricket, even Kenya would have done better if they had been given the chance.

I smell your fear.
ManUinOz said:
I don't mind Aussies, I don't mind Bangladeshis, I can tolerates scousers but fecking Melbournians, no way. Ban the cnut.

Hehe, 6-0.

Would have been 10-0 if it was Paul Trimboli's Hellas side though.
Never, ever make the mistake of doubting me again you cnuts.