What would be the best-looking potential shirt sponsor?

The marketers watching this thread are quite happy.
Of all the ones ive seen so far United Airlines would clearly be the most fitting in a way. Unlikely to happen though as long as we have a sponsorship with that Russian airline too. Plus airlines are probably not looking to fork over much money right now.
Can someone please do a Photoshop with Aston Martin?
Why is it that everytime a discussion about something related to sponsors comes along, people always mention 'Sharp'. Yes, it was a great achievement in that 99 kit, but Sharp as a logo is very bland and boring.

But that's what we want. It shouldn't be the first thing your eye looks at.
People are constantly losing their shit over the Chevy logo. Personally it doesn't bother me.

I could actually understand to an extent if it did look really horrible but it doesn't look too bad. Its a football shirt not a fecking fashion item. I don't get it.
I could actually understand to an extent if it did look really horrible but it doesn't look too bad. Its a football shirt not a fecking fashion item. I don't get it.

Yeah me neither. It's not offensive at all but some really give it stick.
I suspect an Asian brand - wasn't Haier mentioned a while ago? They have a simple, if boring, logo. The Middle Eastern airlines seem to be sponsoring dozens of teams already.
I'm waiting for the day when someone will have the same name on the front of the shirt, back of the shirt and the club they play for. Nearest we get is Beth England playing for......er England. If only the national team could be sponsored. They could have Bank of England.

Sharp and Sharpe does NOT count before some smartass chimes in. :)
No accounting for taste I guess.

Its all right mate we can't all be blessed with it. ;)

I was mostly taking the piss, i neither love or hate the chevy logo. Its just a logo ffs, the amount of yapping on here about over the last 6 years has been ridiculous. Football shirts aren't fashion items, i find it hard to wrap my head around why people care what the sponsor is. It's not like it's luminous green on a brown/orange background or something offensive that clashes with the clubs colours.
Would take a lot of money for them to accept Tencent or Alibaba on our shirt i'd guess.
Seeing as Premier League has just terminated their contract with China (losing hundreds of millions in potential profit), it’s highly unlikely that any Chinese company is going to heavily invest in English football. Of course, the Chinese side was actually the one who has broken the agreement in the first place, I worded it like EPL was the initiator of this process.
Seeing as Premier League has just terminated their contract with China (losing hundreds of millions in potential profit), it’s highly unlikely that any Chinese company is going to heavily invest in English football. Of course, the Chinese side was actually the one who has broken the agreement in the first place, I worded it like EPL was the initiator of this process.
Don’t think this automatically translated to other deals. Also, would expect the PL to sign a deal with someone else for the chinese broadcasting rights before the season starts, otherwise its a huge loss for all PL clubs. Still, as i stated before, if history is anything to judge by, we won’t be seeing no asian sponsor upon renewal.
Its all right mate we can't all be blessed with it. ;)

I was mostly taking the piss, i neither love or hate the chevy logo. Its just a logo ffs, the amount of yapping on here about over the last 6 years has been ridiculous. Football shirts aren't fashion items, i find it hard to wrap my head around why people care what the sponsor is. It's not like it's luminous green on a brown/orange background or something offensive that clashes with the clubs colours.
Exactly - I think our affection is largely coloured by our success while wearing the kit in question.
Company that earn billions during the pandemic:




Or sugar daddy money:
Exactly - I think our affection is largely coloured by our success while wearing the kit in question.

Yeah if we'd won the Treble with Ronald McDonalds face plastered across the shirt people would love it.
Based on thread pics it seems like everything looks better then current chevrolet
Tesla logo isn’t very nice. Dunno why people want that. Amazon would look shit too.

Yokohama on the Chelsea shirt looks great, but the red would be problematic for us.