What is an armchair fan?


First Team Regular
May 9, 2007
I'm the crawling king snake and I rule my den.
  • Is it somebody who has never been in their life?
  • Is it somebody who could go easily but they don't make any effort and then claim it's because they can't get tickets (which is a blatant lie)?
  • Is it somebody who only goes to the odd game here and there?
  • Is it somebody who only goes to a few games a season?
  • Is it all of these things?

I'm just a little confused about it so I need it clearing up.
Somebody who watches the games on TV in the living room in an arm chair hence the term.
  • Is it somebody who has never been in their life?
  • Is it somebody who could go easily but they don't make any effort and then claim it's because they can't get tickets (which is a blatant lie)?
  • Is it somebody who only goes to the odd game here and there?
  • Is it somebody who only goes to a few games a season?
  • Is it all of these things?

I'm just a little confused about it so I need it clearing up.

That`s the one.

I watch the games in a pub, and try to go over once or twice a year. Well now I do anyway, so I wouldn`t call myself one.
It's all a pile of sanctimonious bullshit to be fair. It's what you feel in you're heart for the club et al, nothing to do with your post code, whether you can afford it or whether you can make that level of sacrifice to get to a lot of games.
I don't watch any of our league games in the comfort of my armchair.

That's mainly because I don't want to lash out £30 a month for Canal+ mind...
I have hardly watched any footy on tele this season now that setanta have got some of the matches. Keep ending up in the pub

I'm in a similar situation, although I spend more money on beer down at the pub than I would on Canal+, easily.
An armchair fan is someone who watches United from a distance, knows nothing about the history or the heritage of the club, and if offered the chance to go to OT wouldnt take it anyway.

An armchair fan is fickle, and will change whom they support dependant on success or what the masses are doing.

Its got nothing to whether you go to games or not, its the way in which you support the club..

Oh and knowing where OT actually is does help as well..

ps - To be a top red you must also own at least one Stone Roses album

pps - you should never wear anything from Stone Island that could make you look like a city fan

ppps - You have to have seen Pete Boyle in action, and have at least 2 CDs purchased prior to a carling cup game against Scunthorpe..
An armchair fan is someone who watches United from a distance, knows nothing about the history or the heritage of the club, and if offered the chance to go to OT wouldnt take it anyway.

An armchair fan is fickle, and will change whom they support dependant on success or what the masses are doing.

Its got nothing to whether you go to games or not, its the way in which you support the club..

Oh and knowing where OT actually is does help as well..

ps - To be a top red you must also own at least one Stone Roses album

pps - you should never wear anything from Stone Island that could make you look like a city fan

ppps - You have to have seen Pete Boyle in action, and have at least 2 CDs purchased prior to a carling cup game against Scunthorpe..

I was doing well until then!
I'm too busy to be an armchair fan.

I generally pay someone to watch the game for me.
My understanding of an "Armchair Fan" was one who only watched the sport but never actually played it.

I believe the first time i heard it used it was in reference to American Football.
An armchair fan is someone who watches United from a distance, knows nothing about the history or the heritage of the club, and if offered the chance to go to OT wouldnt take it anyway.

An armchair fan is fickle, and will change whom they support dependant on success or what the masses are doing.

Its got nothing to whether you go to games or not, its the way in which you support the club..

Oh and knowing where OT actually is does help as well..

ps - To be a top red you must also own at least one Stone Roses album

pps - you should never wear anything from Stone Island that could make you look like a city fan

ppps - You have to have seen Pete Boyle in action, and have at least 2 CDs purchased prior to a carling cup game against Scunthorpe..

An armchair fan is someone who watches United from a distance, knows nothing about the history or the heritage of the club, and if offered the chance to go to OT wouldnt take it anyway.

An armchair fan is fickle, and will change whom they support dependant on success or what the masses are doing.

Its got nothing to whether you go to games or not, its the way in which you support the club..

I disagree entirely with you Fred. An Armchair Fan is someone who watches the game on TV rather than attending matches. You're just upset because that now includes you ;)

P.S. I am now an armchair fan of FC, not been for 12 months :(
I'm with Fred on it... in my book its the same as a back seat driver... someone thats full of opinions that actually knows feck all...

Maybe a more relevant question is do people see it as an insult.... personally I do..,,.
An armchair fan is someone who watches United from a distance, knows nothing about the history or the heritage of the club, and if offered the chance to go to OT wouldnt take it anyway.

An armchair fan is fickle, and will change whom they support dependant on success or what the masses are doing.

Its got nothing to whether you go to games or not, its the way in which you support the club..

Oh and knowing where OT actually is does help as well..

ps - To be a top red you must also own at least one Stone Roses album

pps - you should never wear anything from Stone Island that could make you look like a city fan

ppps - You have to have seen Pete Boyle in action, and have at least 2 CDs purchased prior to a carling cup game against Scunthorpe..
Total bollacks

I use to travel from the North East to watch Utd home and away with the Gateshead branch. in the 70s .( no league titles in them days)
I now live in Cheshire and was a member until 2 years ago, but the cost to go to O.T. for me and my son ,you are looking at £70 a game with travel etc..
I love United but the cost is just too much these days.
I now watch ALL united games via a foreign satellite , it does'nt beat going to O.T.but its the next best thing.

Yes i'm a ARMCHAIR FAN but it still hurts when WE lose , but it's bloody great when WE win

Total bollacks

I use to travel from the North East to watch Utd home and away with the Gateshead branch. in the 70s .( no league titles in them days)
I now live in Cheshire and was a member until 2 years ago, but the cost to go to O.T. for me and my son ,you are looking at £70 a game with travel etc..
I love United but the cost is just too much these days.
I now watch ALL united games via a foreign satellite , it does'nt beat going to O.T.but its the next best thing.

Yes i'm a ARMCHAIR FAN but it still hurts when WE lose , but it's bloody great when WE win

Nail on head.
I'm with Fred on it... in my book its the same as a back seat driver... someone thats full of opinions that actually knows feck all...

Maybe a more relevant question is do people see it as an insult.... personally I do..,,.

you know, now that i think on it a bit more, i think it comes from the profession of psychology, how they used to sit in their armchairs and explain away every action and thought.

thus an armchair fan thinks they understand everything, know what should be done better than the manager or the players, and has endless opinions with no humility.
Total bollacks

I use to travel from the North East to watch Utd home and away with the Gateshead branch. in the 70s .( no league titles in them days)
I now live in Cheshire and was a member until 2 years ago, but the cost to go to O.T. for me and my son ,you are looking at £70 a game with travel etc..
I love United but the cost is just too much these days.
I now watch ALL united games via a foreign satellite , it does'nt beat going to O.T.but its the next best thing.

Yes i'm a ARMCHAIR FAN but it still hurts when WE lose , but it's bloody great when WE win


If you read what I said, its not where you're from or how you watch United, its what you know about the club and your reasons for following them that matter.

By your own description of your United history you are in no way shape or form an armchair supporter. You're too clued up for that..
Its all about the heart nothing else.

Instead of counting sheep when you go to bed, you think of Tevez, Rooney, Ronaldo combining to score a wonder goal occasionally inserting yourself into the picture

When you turn your computer on in the morning you check Man United news before you check your email.

You get truly excited when you meet a complete stranger from Serbia or Argentina or Portugal or whatever and you immediately feel like you have something in common with them.

When all your passwords are anagrams or references in some way to man utd staff.

When you live on the other side of the world and the match is on at 6am and you have to get up at 5am to walk a mile through freezing snow and wind to see the match at the pub even though its on at home on FSC.

When you wake up on a crucial champions league day and you get that flutter in your heart before you even get out of bed.

When you havent seen somebody whos not even a football fan for years and the first words out of their mouth are "so hows Man United doing"

When you have an exceptionally busy week with absolutely no time to spare all week long and you rearrange your whole schedule to fit the match in.

If you have even a few of these things, you're not an armchair fan, no matter how far you live or how many games you've been to, its all about the heart and what you feel inside.
It's an armchair that supports United.

But actually it's an armchair that supports the fan that supports United.

Or it could be an armchair-shaped fan.

Or a fan designed to cool armchairs. Yes, this makes most sense.

I actually stand for half the game when watching on TV. Was at the Wigan game the other week in the South stand and everyone was shouting at me when I kept standing up. Weird.