She was never the right candidate, but going down the celebrity endorsement route was, on reflection, such a huge mistake.
Celebrities live a life that doesn't need to be concerned with the goings on of American politics. They can just up and leave whenever they like if push comes to shove,whilst your average family deals with the consequences of policy.
Every time I saw her surrounded by a celeb or saw a video of one endorsing her on Facebook, I cringed, badly, so I can't imagine what your lower class, minimum wage worker actually living in America was thinking.
Trumps final message was one that the average person can relate to, and Hilary brought in people that 99.99% of the world can't relate to.
Trumps not qualified to be commander in chief. I'm not qualified to build a bridge. Surround me with 50 structural engineers and I bet I can end up building you one with my name on it though. Let's hope trump chooses his closest advisors wisely and that it won't be as bad as many people fear.
Ultimately , your average person will do the same routine for the next 4 years that they did for the last 4. Wake up, breakfast, work, lunch, work, dinner, family / personal time, bed, repeat. Why Hilary didn't try to appeal more to those average people I just don't know.