What are the flaws in the stuff you enjoy?

The Thick Of It - The last season was weak in comparison to the 1st and the specials that had proceeded it. It was way too Malcolm-centric and Nicola Murray was no replacement for the Partridgesque Hugh Abbott character played by Chris Langham.

Whilst Hugh Abbott is a loss to the series, Series three has Julius Nicholson, Ben Swain and Peter Manion.

Plus my favourite line of all in the programme came from Murray to Swain asking him "did you just come up here to bring a bucket of shit and a whisk?"
Don't get me wrong. I still enjoyed it more than anything else on tv last year but just thought that the flaws were more apparent than the previous series.

Also, no Jamie.
Don't get me wrong. I still enjoyed it more than anything else on tv last year but just thought that the flaws were more apparent than the previous series.

Also, no Jamie.

That is true, I'm not sure the advent of a series story arc did it much favours, though a couple of the individual episodes were great such as the leadership rumours gaffe and radio call in episodes.

But now I think about it more and more, Hugh delivered some fantastic lines - 'I am an elected representative of the people, and I say that was funny'.
Simple really, choose a film or tv show that you love and tell me the things about them that are bad.
Not just films & TV shows, but here are some of mine --

-- The Lord of the Rings films.
Where to begin? Lots of silly & (IMHO) unnecessary deviations from the books. Orlando Bloom's Legolas. Denethor portrayed like a silly Arsene Wenger.
But I still love them. I even get misty-eyed at the charge of the Rohirrim.
Shoot me.

-- Dr Who/Torchwood.
Yeah, I know. I claim the nostalgia factor, but still --
Shoot me.

-- The Final Fantasy series of games.
VII was the last I could ever argue was truly great, but I still keep on playing them & loving them. Flaws? Too many to mention. Do I care? No.

-- Wagner's operas.
I know everything that might be considered flaws, and understand where the naysayers are coming from . Once again - couldn't care less.

-- Cross-country skiing.
One of the great sports (alongside football & cricket) -- now raped and ravaged and left a shadow of its former self. A true horror.
I still watch the silly 'new age' pure shite & cringe & curse.
I hate it.
But a part of me still can't help but love it.

ETA --

-- Football.
Can't ever stop loving it.

-- Prolog.
Loved it, since I came to it from predicate logic.
Sadly, it's wank. Just ask Weaste. ;)

The Princess Bride: Great film, could've done better than Robin Wright Penn.

Goldeneye: Natalya, the stupidest bitch in videogame history.

Chuck: Excessive romance angst. Shut up and make something explode already.
Donnie Darko: I had no idea what the feck went on but I liked it.
Prison Break.

Started off fantastic, but then it just seemed like they ran out of ideas. It ran a season too long IMO. It should have ended after 3 seasons. What happened in season 4 should have been season 3 IMO.

Plus there were other things in season 4 which I don't think should have happened, I don't want to say too much in case folk on here haven't watched it, but may want to or may be in the process of doing.