What’s the reasons for keeping Ole?

They actually both won trophies... Maybe show a little gratitude for that?

Lets see how many trophies Solksjaer's reign brings Utd...

Listen mate, I was buzzing for the Europa League win but that means jack to a lot of fans on here. They both got the sack because they ultimately sucked ass. You talk about showing gratitude but Solskjaer is being dismissed after FIVE fecking months and he hasn't even had chance to sign a single player yet.

Let's see how many trophies Solskjaer's reign brings??? How about looking at what Poch has done in 5 years?

Are you going to give Solskjaer 5 years?
What's your point? That just because a manager failed at one club he can't be a success at another. Very convenient to dismiss the LvG and Mourinho appointments to fit your narrative. You'll just have to get used to it. Solskjaer is staying at United and Poch is staying at his beloved Spurs.
And you will just have to get used to us never playing in the champions league again. I wont even mention winning the league. 5th will be a miracle.
My take. The club is gambling on Ole saving face and claiming a top four spot. If he achieves that, I’ll still expect him to leave at the end of next season because that's as good as it will get under him. And frankly, that’s our ceiling for next year under any manager.
Fitness will ensure the players have the gas tank to implement a high intensity style fair enough but the big question in my head is still what is the high intensity style being implemented? Without one it's a means without an end.

I thought the initial start at United gave a decent glimpse into what he wants to achieve. Building from the back, players keeping width in order to make central midfield less congested so that the likes of Pogba gets more space to operate in, more freedom for the attacking players up front in terms of not having to come as deep as before so that they can attack together. Generally try to position the team high up the pitch, attacking trio that works together to set a high line trying to force mistakes from the opposition while building from the back, win the ball back as quickly as possible after losing it. There's plenty of matches with decent examples of what he wants to achieve, the problem is maintaining it or finding a middle ground that works.

We're talking 6 months and we've gone from a style where the objective was more or less to allow the opposition to have the ball and wait for them to make a mistake with it and then take advantage, with a battering ram up front.

It took Pep and Klopp quite some time, and money, to establish a combination that actually worked. 6 months with no pre-season isn't exactly a lot.

Then again, I'm perfectly happy to admit I have my concerns when it comes to Ole being able to improve things, I was surprised he was given the interim job in the first place and thought even that was a bit of a gamble, but I don't agree that he doesn't have a style and that we haven't seen any indication of how he wants us to play, the major concern if he's able to get us there or if he's far too naive for this level of football.
Listen mate, I was buzzing for the Europa League win but that means jack to a lot of fans on here. They both got the sack because they ultimately sucked ass. You talk about showing gratitude but Solskjaer is being dismissed after FIVE fecking months and he hasn't even had chance to sign a single player yet.

Let's see how many trophies Solskjaer's reign brings??? How about looking at what Poch has done in 5 years?

Are you going to give Solskjaer 5 years?

Ok, calm down.

I was for the sacking of Mourinho and LvG - in fact I think both were kept on for too long.

My point is that to say they 'sucked ass', is fine - if you're going to hold Solskjaer to the same standard...

They both won trophies (multiple in Mourinho's case), they both beat big club rivals in important games.

If they both 'sucked ass', then that is the standard that you must hold Solskjaer to. Otherwise it's hypocritical.
What has Ole shown to justify being the man to guide one of the biggest clubs in the world?? Absolutely nothing. We’ve gone backwards & got worse since he’s taken over.

It’s embarrassing to me that some of our fans are blinded by the fact Ole is a former legend of ours which somehow automatically means he should get lots of time & multiple transfer windows despite no signs at all that this is a smart move.

That’s embarrassing
Apart from giving us some of the best football we've had in the last 6 years? He's culturally woven into the club, he knows what being a United player takes. You'd do well to remember it was Mourinho who took us backwards, Solskjær came in and tried to rectify it but couldn't in the end, to which there is no shame as no one could have done any better.

To judge anyone's United managerial career in the space of 6 months just shows a lack of maturity.

No one is backing Ole because he's a club legend, that's your misconception because that's all you see in him. The rest of us see a bright young manager who has potential and knows what direction to take the club.

You'd also be one of those calling for Klopp or Pochettino to go after 6 months if we'd have signed one of them years ago so you wouldn't really know a thing about giving a manager chance to improve a team.
Listen mate, I was buzzing for the Europa League win but that means jack to a lot of fans on here. They both got the sack because they ultimately sucked ass. You talk about showing gratitude but Solskjaer is being dismissed after FIVE fecking months and he hasn't even had chance to sign a single player yet.

Let's see how many trophies Solskjaer's reign brings??? How about looking at what Poch has done in 5 years?

Are you going to give Solskjaer 5 years?
Wasting your time lad, some whoppers in this thread.
Ok, calm down.

I was for the sacking of Mourinho and LvG - in fact I think both were kept on for too long.

My point is that to say they 'sucked ass', is fine - if you're going to hold Solskjaer to the same standard...

They both won trophies (multiple in Mourinho's case), they both beat big club rivals in important games.

If they both 'sucked ass', then that is the standard that you must hold Solskjaer to. Otherwise it's hypocritical.

I'm with you on that mate. I completely agree. All I'm saying is you can't say that after 5 months before a season has started. If we're shite at the end of the season, I'll also be looking for Solskjaer to go and he will also have sucked ass. That's all. People are just panicking for no reason at this time.
Something happened at Old Trafford against PSG. We lost momentum and from that moment I saw a manager who lost his confidence, suddenly he hesitated in front of the cameras. The result in Paris didn’t reflect our performance on the pitch and it was visible that Ole didn’t know how to handle this new situation.

Instead of continuing his offensive approach he started to sound defensive. It was obvious at that time that he couldn’t handle the tough questions from the media without starting to deliver excuses. Nothing wrong with that. Only the very best and most experienced leaders has the mentality to face criticism without defending themselves.

Let’s see if he can regain some of his early optimism. If he’s mentally strong enough to take all these tough decisions that needs to be done. If he’s wise enough to be his own man, not just a yes sayer who echoing propaganda from the top. That will be his biggest challenge.

So far I’m skeptical about his ability but I would love if he proved me wrong.
I'm with you on that mate. I completely agree. All I'm saying is you can't say that after 5 months before a season has started. If we're shite at the end of the season, I'll also be looking for Solskjaer to go and he will also have sucked ass. That's all. People are just panicking for no reason at this time.

Fair enough, well balanced reply.

Though I'd say that if he starts badly next season, he will be lucky to still be in the job come the New Year (by which time he'll have had over a year).

For me, that's fair enough.
Apart from giving us some of the best football we've had in the last 6 years? He's culturally woven into the club, he knows what being a United player takes. You'd do well to remember it was Mourinho who took us backwards, Solskjær came in and tried to rectify it but couldn't in the end, to which there is no shame as no one could have done any better.

To judge anyone's United managerial career in the space of 6 months just shows a lack of maturity.

No one is backing Ole because he's a club legend, that's your misconception because that's all you see in him. The rest of us see a bright young manager who has potential and knows what direction to take the club.

You'd also be one of those calling for Klopp or Pochettino to go after 6 months if we'd have signed one of them years ago so you wouldn't really know a thing about giving a manager chance to improve a team.

Best football in 6 years..I mean wow that’s delusional. We’ve not even looked that good when winning games let alone the depressing losses in the last 3 months.

‘culturally woven into the club’ I mean we shouldn’t be hiring managers because they’ve played for us. Was Pep or Klopp ‘culturally woven into the club’?

We need to grow up & stop being a sentimental club & pick a fresh manager with an actual identity. All we’ve seen is us going backwards under Ole..So again your delusional thinking it’ll get better just because.

Also I do know a thing about giving managers time (thanks for assuming I don’t though- as if you know me- your love for Ole is clouding your judgement) I actually would have given LVG more time as with better players more suited to his system I could see us doing well as we had an identify under him. Under Ole I don’t see anything or any plan- similar to Moyes
Weird sentence.

Disorganized play isn't something new, we didn't even have an organized defense under Jose never mind or attacking football.

Our fitness levels have been debated on here for quite some time. The excuse (and I generally believed it to be the case as well) was that our sprint stats, distance covered etc, was generally down to the football we were playing and not an accurate display of player fitness. Now that we've tried to play more aggressive football, introducing a lot more sprints and trying to win the ball higher up the pitch, followed by a shedload of injuries related to fatigue, it's safe to say that fitness levels are a major concern. It was mentioned early on, not when things started to go tits up, and it was also debated heavily around the period we went to Dubai.

It's hardly a surprise, or problem, that fitness levels are being mentioned, as it's most certainly a part of the problem.

If Ole manages to implement the type of football that he wants at United remains to be seen, his ideas might be too naive for the Premier League, but improving the fitness is a major part of that.

Good manager knows the limitations of his own players and adapt.

There's no point devising a sound tactics when your players dont have the ability to play like that. Anyone with half a brain can analyze how to play tiki taka, doing it with the team at your disposal and their limitations is another.

There are reasons why lvg and jose suddenly looks outdated and keep on repeating the same mistakes over and over again, maybe they actually knows abit of what they're doing and they're just making the best of what they have available.

Ole first 15 games is ace, but if he doesnt know what makes them ace and how to keep those aces he's as good as a broken clock that rights 2 times a day. In short if his 15 first games isnt a fluke he can reproduce that, to this point it looks to me he doesnt have a clue on what works and what doesnt anymore. Fitness excuse is bullshit imo. You might get tired playing high press, but even tired teams still functions 8 out of 10 times. We failed to function for the last 15 games. I dont buy fitness excuse, 20 teams playing 38 games how come we're the only one having fitness problem?
Best football in 6 years..I mean wow that’s delusional. We’ve not even looked that good when winning games let alone the depressing losses in the last 3 months.

That run from when Ole took over to the PSG game WAS the best period of football since Fergie left, hands down! If you honestly believe that the football under Moyes, LvG or Mourinho was any better than that, then I mean wow that's delusional!
I thought the initial start at United gave a decent glimpse into what he wants to achieve. Building from the back, players keeping width in order to make central midfield less congested so that the likes of Pogba gets more space to operate in, more freedom for the attacking players up front in terms of not having to come as deep as before so that they can attack together. Generally try to position the team high up the pitch, attacking trio that works together to set a high line trying to force mistakes from the opposition while building from the back, win the ball back as quickly as possible after losing it. There's plenty of matches with decent examples of what he wants to achieve, the problem is maintaining it or finding a middle ground that works.

We're talking 6 months and we've gone from a style where the objective was more or less to allow the opposition to have the ball and wait for them to make a mistake with it and then take advantage, with a battering ram up front.

It took Pep and Klopp quite some time, and money, to establish a combination that actually worked. 6 months with no pre-season isn't exactly a lot.

Then again, I'm perfectly happy to admit I have my concerns when it comes to Ole being able to improve things, I was surprised he was given the interim job in the first place and thought even that was a bit of a gamble, but I don't agree that he doesn't have a style and that we haven't seen any indication of how he wants us to play, the major concern if he's able to get us there or if he's far too naive for this level of football.
Re the initial start. I thought our good play actually tailed off after 3 or so games. I remember because I posted same concern at the time that the fancy play seemed to be wearing off. Was pro-Ole but that was when my reservations on the homeymoon started to creep in and it really just snowballed from there. After the first few games don't think I saw many other instances of good play other than that sumptuous counter against Arsenal that deserved a goal at the end of it. May be getting the timeline mixed up but after the Tottenham win, Ole seemed to fall in love with sitting back
Best football in 6 years..I mean wow that’s delusional. We’ve not even looked that good when winning games let alone the depressing losses in the last 3 months.
You conveniently left out the "some of the best" part. Is it really delusional? Care to point out numerous examples of when the football has been better during that time period?
Good manager knows the limitations of his own players and adapt.

You might get tired playing high press, but even tired teams still functions 8 out of 10 times. We failed to function for the last 15 games. I dont buy fitness excuse, 20 teams playing 38 games how come we're the only one having fitness problem?

It's hardly uncommon. Look at Pep in his first season in England, wanted players to adapt to him and not the other way around, nearly ended up with no Champions League football. Klopp's Liverpool failed miserably after Christmas.

We tried to change too much within a short period of time and it backfired, first indication was players looking tired followed by fatigue related injuries.

We have fitness problems because improving fitness levels weren't a priority under Mourinho.
Best football in 6 years..I mean wow that’s delusional. We’ve not even looked that good when winning games let alone the depressing losses in the last 3 months.

‘culturally woven into the club’ I mean we shouldn’t be hiring managers because they’ve played for us. Was Pep or Klopp ‘culturally woven into the club’?

We need to grow up & stop being a sentimental club & pick a fresh manager with an actual identity. All we’ve seen is us going backwards under Ole..So again your delusional thinking it’ll get better just because.

Also I do know a thing about giving managers time (thanks for assuming I don’t though- as if you know me- your love for Ole is clouding your judgement) I actually would have given LVG more time as with better players more suited to his system I could see us doing well as we had an identify under him. Under Ole I don’t see anything or any plan- similar to Moyes
You have a very short memory, that much is clear.

Solskjær hasn't even been given a chance yet and you want him sacked because you believe the appointment is sentimental. That's about as knee jerk as it gets. Why don't you give Bayern a call and tell them to stop what they're doing, it's sentimental, same over at Barcelona, don't forget Madrid too.

You'd also do well to realise that Klopp and Pochettino are in their 4th years, going into their 5th years as manager but then again, with your selective amnesia you won't remember how rough it was for them and the teams they inherited, nor would it suit your narrative.

But yeah, let's start sacking managers after 6 months in charge because we're too 'sentimental'. Cringe doesn't even cover it.

I don't have to defend my stance to you, most sane people know that Solskjær should be given the season, you're just a man shouting at a cloud because you don't know what else to do.
Re the initial start. I thought our good play actually tailed off after 3 or so games. I remember because I posted same concern at the time that the fancy play seemed to be wearing off. Was pro-Ole but that was when my reservations on the homeymoon started to creep in and it really just snowballed from there. After the first few games don't think I saw many other instances of good play other than that sumptuous counter against Arsenal that deserved a goal at the end of it. May be getting the timeline mixed up but after the Tottenham win, Ole seemed to fall in love with sitting back

It started to wear off around the period we went to Dubai, Tottenham being the match after it..Though we had plenty of good matches after that as well.

Not sure why some underestimate fatigue, as if it's some sort of a unicorn, an issue that doesn't really exist.
That period was just the players happy to prove Mourinho wrong. The players that improved and made the hole team play better were the players that had to prove something. Ole had just arrived and couldn't of possibly managed to transform anything. It was the players trying to prove a point which they did.
When they realized Ole was getting the credit for that and that he had just been given a three year contract based on their improved performances they lost all motivation again.
For the rest of the games we just had a bunch of unmotivated players and I dont blame them.
Ole as manager is a mistake.

This is an interesting perspective and I agree with it. Why were the media so eager to give Ole so much of the credit? And not Pogba and the other mostly black players who actually made those wins happen?

Hell, plenty of people on the Caf were even angry with them because they saw the win streak as proof that they ”downed tools” before. I would get demotivated by that too.
That run from when Ole took over to the PSG game WAS the best period of football since Fergie left, hands down! If you honestly believe that the football under Moyes, LvG or Mourinho was any better than that, then I mean wow that's delusional!
It was not. Results wise of course it was but our football was quite crap to be fair. Extremely counter attacking based football with no intent of controlling the ball and relying on pure luck. It worked for a couple months but anyone with their eyes open could see it's not sustainable. Our performances with Ole are so overrated that I doubt some of you watched our games and checked the scores only instead.
It was not. Results wise of course it was but our football was quite crap to be fair. Extremely counter attacking based football with no intent of controlling the ball and relying on pure luck. It worked for a couple months but anyone with their eyes open could see it's not sustainable. Our performances with Ole are so overrated that I doubt some of you watched our games and checked the scores only instead.
Is possession based football the only football regarded as 'good' now? There are other ways to play the game. Fergie made a living out of it but it's not sustainable now?
Is possession based football the only football regarded as 'good' now? There are other ways to play the game. Fergie made a living out of it but it's not sustainable now?
No, never said that. But we struggled a lot even in our legendary run of wins and we were crap when in possession, heavily relying on our opponents leaving space for us to exploit.
Not sure why some underestimate fatigue, as if it's some sort of a unicorn, an issue that doesn't really exist.

I think it's deliberate obtuseness, mainly. Ole talks about fitness = he's a dinosaur who fancies old school kick n' rush football.

It's ridiculous. A high intensity, contemporary brand of football requires a certain fitness level. Neither LVG's version of possession football nor Jose's cagey style required that level. Our players haven't been primed for it - it's not fantasy.

The counter argument seems to be that "all professional footballers are fit, so it's just an excuse", which is - again - ridiculous. You might as well say that all professional footballers are pretty good, so the "we need better players" argument is invalid.
You conveniently left out the "some of the best" part. Is it really delusional? Care to point out numerous examples of when the football has been better during that time period?

LVG comprehensively beating City at home & Liverpool away. Our Europa league run was good too
No, never said that. But we struggled a lot even in our legendary run of wins and we were crap when in possession, heavily relying on our opponents leaving space for us to exploit.
You don't get points for having +60% possession, you get points for putting the ball in the back of the net. That's exactly what counter attacking football is, you sit deep and wait for a break to exploit. Out of all the tactical fads to come and go, counter attack has always been relevant.
You have a very short memory, that much is clear.

Solskjær hasn't even been given a chance yet and you want him sacked because you believe the appointment is sentimental. That's about as knee jerk as it gets. Why don't you give Bayern a call and tell them to stop what they're doing, it's sentimental, same over at Barcelona, don't forget Madrid too.

You'd also do well to realise that Klopp and Pochettino are in their 4th years, going into their 5th years as manager but then again, with your selective amnesia you won't remember how rough it was for them and the teams they inherited, nor would it suit your narrative.

But yeah, let's start sacking managers after 6 months in charge because we're too 'sentimental'. Cringe doesn't even cover it.

I don't have to defend my stance to you, most sane people know that Solskjær should be given the season, you're just a man shouting at a cloud because you don't know what else to do.

I think you think it’s just me thinking Ole isn’t the man for the job..I’d say the fan base is 50/50 to be honest as many actually look at the reality & performances.

I guess under your way of thinking we should have kept Moyes longer as sacking someone soon is ‘cringe’ ok. That’s your point of view but for a lot of people it isn’t
It was not. Results wise of course it was but our football was quite crap to be fair. Extremely counter attacking based football with no intent of controlling the ball and relying on pure luck. It worked for a couple months but anyone with their eyes open could see it's not sustainable. Our performances with Ole are so overrated that I doubt some of you watched our games and checked the scores only instead.

Yep pretty much this. Performances really weren’t that good at all. Proof is how we’ve regressed since then rather than getting better, which if we did have an actual plan & system coming together would have happened
I think you think it’s just me thinking Ole isn’t the man for the job..I’d say the fan base is 50/50 to be honest as many actually look at the reality & performances.

I guess under your way of thinking we should have kept Moyes longer as sacking someone soon is ‘cringe’ ok. That’s your point of view but for a lot of people it isn’t
It's definitely not 50/50, you're a minority of 20/80 max but you shout the loudest and stick to negative threads like this which become a circle jerk of wallowing in self pity that you're the only ones that have spotted something the rest of us apparently haven't.

We all have our reservations about Solskjær but we've also seen enough to know that there's something there, that if harnessed properly will be great. But to do that he needs backing and time, the same sort of backing and time Klopp and Pochettino have gotten at their respective clubs.

If we open up next season with a 10 game winning streak this thread will be banished until we lose a game and if we're shit for the first 10 this thread will gain in popularity, that's the sad nature of football fan fickleness.

Actually, I was done with Moyes after Fulham at home. We all remember it and we can all agree Moyes was a bad fit of the club. Solskjær is not Moyes and it's unfair to compare him to that charlatan.
It was not. Results wise of course it was but our football was quite crap to be fair. Extremely counter attacking based football with no intent of controlling the ball and relying on pure luck. It worked for a couple months but anyone with their eyes open could see it's not sustainable. Our performances with Ole are so overrated that I doubt some of you watched our games and checked the scores only instead.

Exactly. We were even warned in February:

Manchester United consistently getting results despite opponents having equal or better chances is setting the stage for a fascinating turn of events. Ole would be smart to turn down the job of regular manager & have this unlikely spell define his reputation.
LVG comprehensively beating City at home & Liverpool away. Our Europa league run was good too

I'd agree as LVG had us controlling games against top rivals, both at home and away, which hasn't been the case for a long time, even in Fergie's later years. It's picking from a bad bunch though because since SAF's retirement we've taken a very cautious approach to games under every manager and LVG, Mou and Moyes had a generally underwhelming time here.

On the counter attack part, there's nothing wrong with being a counter attacking team but most clubs who do it these days much higher up the pitch and with a lot more pressing. We're still doing to old school, drop deep and then spring the counter which I feel limits us to long balls and then, should we go behind first, puts us in an awkward position because we have to attack and build pressure but don't rally know how.
You don't get points for having +60% possession, you get points for putting the ball in the back of the net. That's exactly what counter attacking football is, you sit deep and wait for a break to exploit. Out of all the tactical fads to come and go, counter attack has always been relevant.
I know what counter attacking football is. I am saying that even during our run when everyone was blindly singing "Ole's at the wheel" our performance levels were very questionable but the results have masked it. We were pretty much never convincing and usually gave away match control to opposition, blindly hoping we will score from a counter. Worked for some time but as I said, it was never ever sustainable as we relied on 100% converting our chances and hoping opposition will waste them. Our performances with Ole are hugely overrated, I don't think we improved at all in this area since Jose was sacked.
What is up with that "support" thing? What does that even mean? That i must think that he will be success? That i must avoid saying obvious things and instead of that, i should be blind and say that he is good choice?
Am i less fan than you if i say that i think that he will fail? I can say that Martial and Rashford will be new Neymar and Suarez. And point fingers to everybody who doesn't think that. "Show some support for young lads".

My opinion about Ole is based on something. Yours is just pure and blind faith. The fact is that one of the biggest clubs in the world hired Molde manager who failed in his only job outside Norway. The fact is that he ended season with horrible horrible performances, outplayed by relegation clubs and with horrible results. The (subjective) fact is that his man management during games was bad.

This doesn't have anything about patience. Guardiola, Poch and Fergie together wouldn't fix this in one season. But Ole certainly isn't the man capable to manage club big like this. Based on everything what we saw.

I mean, I guess you could come on here and rant about how shite Ole is, but two things:

1. It’s not going to change anything.
2. If you are right, you’ll still be miserable because we won’t have solved the problem.

It just seems easier to accept OGS is our next manager. Your denouncement of his hiring is duly noted.
That run from when Ole took over to the PSG game WAS the best period of football since Fergie left, hands down! If you honestly believe that the football under Moyes, LvG or Mourinho was any better than that, then I mean wow that's delusional!
Wow, really?

Spurs battered us completely. DDG saved probably 5 or 6 goals. Another day that could be a humiliating loss.
Our second half against Brighton was nothing to be proud of. We nearly drew them that day.
Against Arsenal in the cup we were really clinical - 3 goals in 4 shots on target. They outplayed us most of the time.
Against Burnley we piled on the pressure but lacked clear cut chances, looked a bit clueless in some parts and could've easily lost there.
Leicester Away was at a time when they were in pretty bad shape and form. We scored early but couldn't count against them deserving a draw from that game. Created a lot in the second and taking off Maddison probably was crucial in their push for a draw.
Fulham away we were pretty good.
PSG home - we were rather clueless.
Chelsea in the cup - again they were in dire form, we were very good on the counter and capitalized.
Liverpool home was a great borefest, of course due to injuries as well.

Palace and PSG away was the last time we were playing good.

Best period in terms of results - certainly, but best period of football I'm not that sure. During LvG and Jose we have had string of games when we looked quality, so that claim is certainly a big stretch.

I'd say Cardiff away, Huddersfield home, Bournemouth home, Fulham away, Palace away and Arsenal away were the games we played pretty good football as a whole.
1. It’s not going to change anything.
2. If you are right, you’ll still be miserable because we won’t have solved the problem.

1. And handing out contracts to McTominay, Jones, making Young captain has changed anything since Ole was hired? Getting further from the competition and falling even more behind to our rivals will do us better?
2. How is appointing inexperienced managers at top level and clapping to the board on that solve our problem? If anything couldn't that potentially aggravate it?

Did putting blind faith behind Moyes do us good?

If Ole is sacked and our next manager is Neville or Giggs would you get behind that decision as well? Where does the blind faith stop?
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1. And handing out contracts to Smalling, Jones, making Young captain has changed anything since Ole was hired? Getting further from the competition and falling even more behind to our rivals will do us better?
2. How is appointing inexperienced managers at top level and clapping to the board on that solve our problem? If anything couldn't that potentially aggravate it?

Did putting blind faith behind Moyes do us good?

If Ole is sacked and our next manager is Neville or Giggs would you get behind that decision as well? Where does the blind faith stop?

Can also argue against Jones and Young contracts but that's already been done, so how exactly Ole was involved in Smalling contract?