Well-known films you haven't seen

You should've watched The Godfather not Rocky.
Shawshank Redemption.

I bought this a while ago, left it somewhere and it got lost.

Then I think I bought another version of it, and couldn't find it.

Need to watch it still.
I've never gotten the Braveheart love...What's so great about it?...It's by the numbers goodies vs baddies nonsense and it's a complete travesty of historical accuracy. Nowhere near Gladiator (which itself is overrated)

As for me, I'm with RedKaos in that I haven't seen The Deerhunter or Citizen Kane yet.... I also haven't seen Platoon.
Pulp Fiction
Any Tarantino movie that ever existed except for Inglorious Basterds
Star Wars
Scarface is overrated really. More cult than classic. Al is indeed great, but he hams it up to feck, and it's generally very silly. Part gangster wannabe wish fulfilment and part quasi hackneyed morality tale.

Michelle Pfieffer is well fit tho init.
Christ, I can't believe some have'nt seen the above movies.

First, rocky 4 was so ahead of it's time. It's like a cult film and still loved by the people who remember going to the cinema when it was on. For me, it's a classic.

Shawshank redemption, if you haven't seen it then you need some corporal punishment.

Godfather films are great classics but I can understand that some people don't like them.

Finally, tarantino films. Oh my word. In this order get these films:-

From Dusk til Dawn
Pulp Fiction
Kill Bill films
De Niro films. I know he's put into the same category as Al Pacino but whatever I've seen of him has never really interested me enough to go around watching his older stuff.
De Niro films. I know he's put into the same category as Al Pacino but whatever I've seen of him has never really interested me enough to go around watching his older stuff.

Dont allow shite like Meet the Parents and Meet the Fockers cloud your judgment. He has completely changed as an actor and his stuff these days is not to be taken seriously

He was much better than Pacino too by the way

These are all classics and must see's IMO

This Boy's Life
Cape Fear
The Untouchables
Angel Heart
Once Upon a Time in America
Raging Bull
The Deer Hunter
Taxi Driver
Mean Streets
Scarface is overrated really. More cult than classic. Al is indeed great, but he hams it up to feck, and it's generally very silly. Part gangster wannabe wish fulfilment and part quasi hackneyed morality tale.

Michelle Pfieffer is well fit tho init.

You dont like Scarface, Gladiator, Braveheart and many more great movies

I think you are just a picky fecker at times
Dont allow shite like Meet the Parents and Meet the Fockers cloud your judgment. He has completely changed as an actor and his stuff these days is not to be taken seriously

He was much better than Pacino too by the way

These are all classics and must see's IMO

This Boy's Life
Cape Fear
The Untouchables
Angel Heart
Once Upon a Time in America
Raging Bull
The Deer Hunter
Taxi Driver
Mean Streets

Spot on.

Saw a good few of those films at cinema aswell. I saw the Taxi driver about 3 years ago for the first time. Obviously the deer hunter is the best I think.

I also enjoyed meet the fockers. Very strange for him but he made it quite funny. 'I'm watching you, focker' :D
Raging Bull
Taxi Driver
Apocalypse Now
A Clockwork Orange
Mean Streets
The Deer Hunter
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
Raider's of the Lost Ark
Schindler's List
Citizen Kane
8 1/2
The Searchers

And I don't know how many others...thing is I'm not really fussed about watching any of these ones any time soon either.
Dont allow shite like Meet the Parents and Meet the Fockers cloud your judgment. He has completely changed as an actor and his stuff these days is not to be taken seriously

He was much better than Pacino too by the way

These are all classics and must see's IMO

This Boy's Life
Cape Fear
The Untouchables
Angel Heart
Once Upon a Time in America
Raging Bull
The Deer Hunter
Taxi Driver
Mean Streets

Add Heat to that list and of course Godfather 2.

And a few others that are pretty good and well worth seeing: Backdraft, Cop Land (I really liked it, De Niro was good but Stallone was great in it), Midnight Run, Ronin and Jackie Brown.
And I don't know how many others...thing is I'm not really fussed about watching any of these ones any time soon either.

I thought you were on a film binge Brwned? You should really watch Apocalypse Now at least.
I thought you were on a film binge Brwned? You should really watch Apocalypse Now at least.

I am and for one reason or another they just don't appeal to me at the moment, that's the thing. Taxi Driver, Apocalypse Now and A Clockwork Orange are all ones I've actually put on but within seconds just decided against it. I'll watch them some day just doesn't seem likely to be any time soon.
I'll watch Goodfellas once you watch The Godfather.

I'm sure I'll love every one of those movies in the list - well, except for Rocky...I refuse to believe anyone actually likes Sylvester Stallone, come on - but there's something about them that makes me not want to watch them. I think I'll just buy Apocalypse Now on Blu-ray as an incentive or something.
Just watch Apocalypse Now you mellon...It starts slow, that's the point. Once they're in Nam it's bangerang. One of the most lavishly beautifully shot films ever. Plus Brando's mental, and Harrison Ford has 4 lines.

I just watched The Conversation this morning...Forgotten Coppola classic that. (well, not forgotten, but often bypassed when people bring up Coppola's golden period as it was made the same year as Godfather II....What happened to Coppola?..He made 3, maybe 4 of the greatest films ever in the space of about 6 years and then just went weird. He should've stopped or died in 1979 really. Then he'd be remembered as the GOAT. Silly, living man.)

I also watched The French Connection as that was on my list of never seen classics...It's great. It'll get in my 100, but I was a bit jarred by how they seemed to spend a lot of time trying to make these characters seem cool, and giving pointless bit parts to the people they're based on, which, once you know they're cameos, become almost unbearably cringeworthy....It'll be below the Conversation in my list fo sho negro.
I didn't give up on it because it was too slow, the film hadn't even started! I do like Ford's non-involvement though...fine, I'll put it on my to-do list for next week. That lengthy to-do list of mine. Probably. Melon has one l.
I've seen Apocalypse Now... I think I didn't get it though... I'm due for a re-watch.

Just fired up Blade Runner... Never seen it before. It's a blu-ray rip and it's visually gorgeous considering it's nearly 30 years old :|
Ford's in The Conversation too...Has a much bigger part. And by much bigger, I mean about 8 lines. But he's quite integral. I've always liked Ford though. He was the original Bruce Willis, with much better hair.

I've seen Apocalypse Now... I think I didn't get it though... I'm due for a re-watch.

Make sure you watch the original, and not the Redux, which is a classic example of Director meddling (be gone unnecessary jarring French plantation interlude!).

Just fired up Blade Runner... Never seen it before. It's a blu-ray rip and it's visually gorgeous considering it's nearly 30 years old :|

Again, depends what version you're watching. And there are a stupid amount of versions. In this case, make sure you DON'T watch the happy ending version...but unfortunately I can't remember which one that is..And you won't know until the end.
Definitely want to watch the Conversation at some point, forget Coppola though...it's all about John Cazale. Never been in a poor movie, arguably involved in 4 of the best of all-time and DDA's not one to turn your nose up at even if that's just because of big Al.

Harrison Ford is just asking for a kicking with that smug, cheesy face of his. I definitely hate him.
Bangerang Brwned. All about Cazale...Got completely overlooked for Godfather II, and in general considering what classics he's been in. Everyone bangs on about Al & Bobby, but both play quite stoic and constant characters throughout. Cazale is the standout in that IMO. And Dog Day is Al's best ever work IMO. Great film, and most of the audience's resonance comes through Cazale's character.

He's not that important in the Conversation though, even though he gets probably the 2nd most screen time. That's all about the plot & Hackman.
Make sure you watch the Original, and not the Redux, which is a classic example of Director meddling (be gone unnecessary jarring French plantation interlude!)...

Duly noted... pretty sure I saw the original the first time.

Again, depends what version you're watching. And there are a stupid amount of versions. In this case, make sure you DON'T watch the happy ending version...but unfortunately I can't remember which one that is..And you won't know until the end.

Oh noes... hrumm... it's the "final cut"... I daren't google in case of spoilers, but I'll know within two hours.
I'll find out for you now...seriously, it's quite important. They made loads of versions. Some have voice overs, some don't, some have huge plot points missed out, some have different endings, it's a bit of a mess.
Yeah, the Final Cut's cool Eriku...It's the International & American theatrical releases you have to steer clear of. (thought obviously you can check them out anyway once you've seen it).. Directors Cut & Final Cut are good. Watch away.
When I watched Apocalypse Now Redux years ago it was basically the greatest thing I've ever seen at that point. I haven't watched the original though which I really ought to do, even read Heart of Darkness a few months ago.
Goodfellas is great but I hate the last 1/4 of the film. Agree with Mockney on the French Connection aswell, the car chase scene is brilliant.
Hackman rules that film. He's epic in it. And there are loads of things that are great about it (plus of course, you have to take into account that it was one of the first gritty buddy movie cop films, and so set a standard) but there are quite a few bits (the bit where he picks up bicycle girl for example) that just seem to be in there to show how cool these guys are, and - since the people they're based on were working on, and indeed in the film, I couldn't help but feel they went to unusually long lengths to iconise their proxies...Though that said, if I was Roy Schneider's basis I'd be pissed off, as he has basically nothing to do for 3/4s of the film...It's all about Hackman. Who is Gene Hunt x20, in a cooler hat.

When I watched Apocalypse Now Redux years ago it was basically the greatest thing I've ever seen at that point. I haven't watched the original though which I really ought to do, even read Heart of Darkness a few months ago.

Interesting you say that, and tbh, nothing that's great about it is omitted from Redux...But having watched the original first, I just couldn't help but be underwhelmed by it. The whole French colonial & the playboy bunny bits just seem so utterly pointless for example, and don't add anything to the story..There's almost nothing you feel is missing from the original if you see it first....Though it's more than likely you'll feel the opposite if you watch Redux first. It's not like it has a drastically different ending or anything. It just feels a bit too cluttered. There is one scene in it that I'd like in the original though, and it's Brando's Time mag bit.
As an aside, I know exactly what Brwned means regarding not wanting to watch Apocalypse....I know I've given you flak for not doing so, but I was in exactly the same position when I was about 19...I remember buying it in Leeds market on VHS for about £2 because I thought it was a cool purchase and then just putting off watching it forever..Because it seemed like such a daunting, epic task to watch this long feted Vietnam movie (and vietnam movies aren't my favorite thing, despite there being quite a few good ones)...But once I did eventually force myself to, it was so fantastic...Like finally being party to something great that everyone else has held in great esteem...

And I'm one of those feckers that's deliberately contrary if I can be (Star Wars is shit, yeah, you heard, and I'll tub thump that biz)...But once you get about an hour in, you're hooked. It's a brilliant film. If you liked the Godfather (which every living person should) you'll like this...It's Coppola during his purple patch when he could do no wrong....Bung in the Conversation and you've got a streak of incredible films that, despite his latter career of bilge, I don't think will ever be matched in one decade. Godfather I&II, Apocalypse & The Conversation. No director has come near that in a 7 year CV, and I don't think ever will. Even the multitude of directors that are far better, and have much greater opuses overall. It's the purple patch to end all purple patches film wise.
As an aside, I know exactly what Brwned means regarding not wanting to watch Apocalypse....I know I've given you flak for not doing so, but I was in exactly the same position when I was about 19...I remember buying it in Leeds market on VHS for about £2 because I thought it was a cool purchase and then just putting off watching it forever..Because it seemed like such a daunting, epic task to watch this long feted Vietnam movie (and vietnam movies aren't my favorite thing, despite there being quite a few good ones)...But once I did eventually force myself to, it was so fantastic...Like finally being party to something great that everyone else has held in great esteem...

And I'm one of those feckers that's deliberately contrary if I can be (Star Wars is shit, yeah, you heard, and I'll tub thump that biz)...But once you get about an hour in, you're hooked. It's a brilliant film. If you liked the Godfather (which every living person should) you'll like this...It's Coppola during his purple patch when he could do no wrong....Bung in the Conversation and you've got a streak of incredible films that, despite his latter career of bilge, I don't think will ever be matched in one decade. Godfather I&II, Apocalypse & The Conversation. No director has come near that in a 7 year CV, and I don't think ever will. Even the multitude of directors that are far better, and have much greater opuses overall.

You won't be saying that once Cameron completes his Avatar trilogy.
True. I can't wait to see what Jake Sully does next. I hope he fecks the shit out of some more hair.
I gave such a tiny feck about that film that I can't recall which one Jake is... is that our protagonist who learns about the noble savages and turns from a marine into an environmentalist?

No wonder I forgot... now that I reiterated that one character's development, it does seem like a lot of novel thoughts to juggle at once... Never mind attaching them to a name.