I watched Rocky IV the other day, I thought it was a decent film but nothing more.
Watched the Fly aswell, that was epic.
Watched the Fly aswell, that was epic.
De Niro films. I know he's put into the same category as Al Pacino but whatever I've seen of him has never really interested me enough to go around watching his older stuff.
Scarface is overrated really. More cult than classic. Al is indeed great, but he hams it up to feck, and it's generally very silly. Part gangster wannabe wish fulfilment and part quasi hackneyed morality tale.
Michelle Pfieffer is well fit tho init.
Dont allow shite like Meet the Parents and Meet the Fockers cloud your judgment. He has completely changed as an actor and his stuff these days is not to be taken seriously
He was much better than Pacino too by the way
These are all classics and must see's IMO
This Boy's Life
Cape Fear
The Untouchables
Angel Heart
Once Upon a Time in America
Raging Bull
The Deer Hunter
Taxi Driver
Mean Streets
Forrest Gump
The one with the blue aliens and shit
Dont allow shite like Meet the Parents and Meet the Fockers cloud your judgment. He has completely changed as an actor and his stuff these days is not to be taken seriously
He was much better than Pacino too by the way
These are all classics and must see's IMO
This Boy's Life
Cape Fear
The Untouchables
Angel Heart
Once Upon a Time in America
Raging Bull
The Deer Hunter
Taxi Driver
Mean Streets
And I don't know how many others...thing is I'm not really fussed about watching any of these ones any time soon either.
I thought you were on a film binge Brwned? You should really watch Apocalypse Now at least.
I've seen Apocalypse Now... I think I didn't get it though... I'm due for a re-watch.
Just fired up Blade Runner... Never seen it before. It's a blu-ray rip and it's visually gorgeous considering it's nearly 30 years old :|
Make sure you watch the Original, and not the Redux, which is a classic example of Director meddling (be gone unnecessary jarring French plantation interlude!)...
Again, depends what version you're watching. And there are a stupid amount of versions. In this case, make sure you DON'T watch the happy ending version...but unfortunately I can't remember which one that is..And you won't know until the end.
When I watched Apocalypse Now Redux years ago it was basically the greatest thing I've ever seen at that point. I haven't watched the original though which I really ought to do, even read Heart of Darkness a few months ago.
As an aside, I know exactly what Brwned means regarding not wanting to watch Apocalypse....I know I've given you flak for not doing so, but I was in exactly the same position when I was about 19...I remember buying it in Leeds market on VHS for about £2 because I thought it was a cool purchase and then just putting off watching it forever..Because it seemed like such a daunting, epic task to watch this long feted Vietnam movie (and vietnam movies aren't my favorite thing, despite there being quite a few good ones)...But once I did eventually force myself to, it was so fantastic...Like finally being party to something great that everyone else has held in great esteem...
And I'm one of those feckers that's deliberately contrary if I can be (Star Wars is shit, yeah, you heard, and I'll tub thump that biz)...But once you get about an hour in, you're hooked. It's a brilliant film. If you liked the Godfather (which every living person should) you'll like this...It's Coppola during his purple patch when he could do no wrong....Bung in the Conversation and you've got a streak of incredible films that, despite his latter career of bilge, I don't think will ever be matched in one decade. Godfather I&II, Apocalypse & The Conversation. No director has come near that in a 7 year CV, and I don't think ever will. Even the multitude of directors that are far better, and have much greater opuses overall.