Well-known films you haven't seen

Get the last 3 as a matter of urgency, or I'll fly over there and slap you right in the face!
I wanted to watch the third LOTR film at the cinema but 'cos I hadn't seen the first two I decided against it.

I actually have the Godfather trilogy, just never got around to watching it.
I wanted to watch the third LOTR film at the cinema but 'cos I hadn't seen the first two I decided against it.

I actually have the Godfather trilogy, just never got around to watching it.

You're a disgrace.

I wouldn't bother with LOTR, saw the first and wasn't arsed with it.

Dirty Dancing

Yeah, in your case I wouldn't be too worried that your missing out.

If you're really bored someday maybe get the last 2.
I actually have the Godfather trilogy, just never got around to watching it.

I was the same for a couple of years. Downloaded it, thought about watching it a couple of times but decided against it and forgot about it for a while, then a few months later decided I'm definitely going to watch it, found out it was three hours long and found it a bit daunting, really, so decided against it and forgot again for a few months, then just decided feck it, I'll stick it on and after 30 seconds just decided I really wasn't in the mood for a classic movie and stuck on Curb or something.

Then watched it today. Obviously, it's incredible. There's no words that do it justice to make you want to watch it, you simply just have to. Plus, how can you not love Marlon Brando and Al Pacino anyway? Those two together should be enough to make you want to watch any movie, really.
Titanic - mildly entertaining melodramatic popcorn
Avatar - excellent action popcorn
Something About Mary - one of the funniest films ever made. The interview with the police scene is brilliantly scripted and the opening "going to the prom" scene is both hilarious and cringe inducing in equal parts.

Watch TSAM ASAP would be my advice. The perfect Friday night film with beer and pizza.
Sound of music
Harry Potter (any)

None of the women in my life have ever understood how I haven't seen the first two. Apparently, "because they're shit" isn't a valid answer?

They aren't actually. Surprisingly entertaining as long as you aren't looking for anything deep and meaningful. Not exactly likely to feature in anyones top film list mind.

AVATAR is great entertainment but not much else and the Harry Potter series is pretty good entertainment as well. All are certainly better than 9/10 films that you could mention.
I wish I could say that I haven't watched Dirty Dancing, because it is one of the worst movies of all time, but I have. Repeatedly.

I once took a nearly 2 day bus trip from one end of Australian East coast to the other and the only VCR tape the driver had was DD and he had it on loop for the whole trip.

Won't anyone think of the children?
The Deerhunter

I loved it the first time I saw it but every time that I have seen it since I have hated it for reasons that I won't go into because it would spoil the film for you. You should certainly watch it and made up your own mind.
I loved it the first time I saw it but every time that I have seen it since I have hated it for reasons that I won't go into because it would spoil the film for you. You should certainly watch it and made up your own mind.

Yep...DH is kind of boring. It's great technically and the acting is flawless but the story drags on way too long. I'd cite Thunderbolt & Lightfoot as Cimino's best effort. He also wrote Silent Running which is a fantastic film too.
Man of Fire

Purchased it today for dirt cheap, along with a favourite of mine The Bone Collector. I <3 Denzel.
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. I've heard it's very good but I've never gotten around to seeing it.

Any of the Superman films.
Godfather II + III
Ferris Bueller's Day Off
Dirty Dancing is a chick flick so I shouldn't have to mention it. Haven't seen Sex and the City movies either.

Citizen Kane
Blade Runner
Once Upon a Time in the West
A Streetcar Named Desire
Many Woody Allen movies.
Citizen Kane, Blade Runner, Raging Bull, the Shining, On the Water Front, Chinatown, Some Like it Hot, etc, etc, etc.

I'm working on it.
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. I've heard it's very good but I've never gotten around to seeing it.

Any of the Superman films.
Godfather II + III
Ferris Bueller's Day Off

Godfather II is one of very few sequels to match if not surpass a brilliant original...

Ferris & Gremlins are classics..... well if you grew up in the 80's like me.

Godfather goes without saying.

LOTR it all depends if you like fantasy/sc fi. IF you do there is a very good chance you will love the movies. They are right up there for me. But I was a huge fan of the books as a kid.

Rocky and Rambo Ive seen a million times. I never loved them though
Transformers 2 and 3
Pirates of the Caribbean 3 and 4
Newest Harry Potter
Shrek 3 & 4
Ice Age 2 & 3
Twilight 2 & 3

Mostly out of choice not to want to see them btw. Only one likely to see in near future would be the final Potter.
I loved it the first time I saw it but every time that I have seen it since I have hated it for reasons that I won't go into because it would spoil the film for you. You should certainly watch it and made up your own mind.

Yeah, I've heard it polarises opinions. But then again I thought Event Horizon was a great sci-fi flick, so will give DH a go.
How have you gotten through life this far without watching Rocky? Come on now.