Well known/ Acclaimed/ Hit Movies you have not seen?

Because it's not an action movie? It is literally some dwarf with hairy feet going on a long walk?

Note: I have not seen LOTR, tried multiple times, it just bores the life out of me. The only decent thing I think, is those dudes who all look like the grim reaper and ride horses about, but I bet they come to some shitty end, such as a hobbit punching them in the cnut and then they die.

Same for me too.
I found Lord of The Ring quite boring. The scary thing is some people found the cinema version not long enough and bought the extended edition.
Sunset Blvd
Seven Samurai
Saving Private Ryan
The Green Mile
Forrest Gump
Harry Potter (seen only the first 3 movies)
Pirates of the Caribbean (seen only the first two movies)
etc etc
I still haven't seen Raging Bull or Taxi driver, or Chinatown for that matter.

In terms of more modern cinema, I haven't seen any of the Harry Potters, or any of the new bond films.
Not seen Harry Potter, i'm told it's for 5 year olds anyway.
Because it's not an action movie? It is literally some dwarf with hairy feet going on a long walk?

Note: I have not seen LOTR, tried multiple times, it just bores the life out of me. The only decent thing I think, is those dudes who all look like the grim reaper and ride horses about, but I bet they come to some shitty end, such as a hobbit punching them in the cnut and then they die.

Just like superman is an underwear outside kinda guy who wear glasses

Or a super spy announcing his real fecking name .... Cough.... Bond... In front of his enemy

Seriously, u may not think much of it, but theres no reason not to watch it