Well known/ Acclaimed/ Hit Movies you have not seen?


New Member
Apr 23, 2006

Lord of the Rings
Godfather (1 part)
Matrix Trilogy
Mission Impossible series
Harry Potter ( have just watched 1 part)
Pirates of the Caribbean
Star Wars
Toy Story
Requeim For a Dream
Indiana Jones series
Inglorious Basterds
Kill Bill
The Bourne Series
Ice Age
Batman (Only seen the TDK)


Mission Impossible series
Pirates of the Caribbean
Ice Age
Batman (Only seen the TDK)

Except for the Avengers and the Batman movies, I've been able to convince myself that the rest of the movies are shite and not worth watching despite only seeing the trailers. I'm sure MI 1 is pretty good, but rest are unappealing

Also never seen:

Chronicles of Narnia
Rocky series, except the one with Vidic
It's a Wonderful Life :eek:, but I plan on rectifying that this Christmas break
The Bridge on the River Kwai

Every Hitchcock film...a year or so ago I had only seen Scorcese's most recent films, like Gangs and Aviator, but I sat down one weekend and watched 5 or 6 of his movies, it was worth it

Lawrence of Arabia
Blade Runner

There was a thread a while back about films people were ashamed to admit they never saw...that thread was conscience clearly and soul cleansing!
LOTR, Harry Potter was the biggest series of movies I've never seen. All the magic shit puts me off the movies big time.
Almost everything for the past 12 years.
All of the OP list(bar Indiana Jones series) plus

Any Godfather film
Any Star wars film
Pulp ficition
The De Vinci Code
The longer you put off watching The Godfather the more stupid you will feel for not having seen it sooner.

You might called me a close minded Buffoon big i am sure its 100% rubbish.
LOTR, Harry Potter was the biggest series of movies I've never seen. All the magic shit puts me off the movies big time.

Are we twins? I'm the exact same, I cannot stand any of that fantasy and magical shit in movies. I tried to watch the LOTR trilogy about six months ago but turned the first one off after an hour and a half. It just seems to be about a dwarf going on a really long walk.

Or maybe I'm Tolkien rubbish.
You might called me a close minded Buffoon big i am sure its 100% rubbish.

Close minded buffoon. Just read the book last week and I can't wait to watch the film again, easily in my top 5 all time films along with part 2.

Lord of the Rings
Godfather (1 part)
Matrix Trilogy
Mission Impossible series
Harry Potter ( have just watched 1 part)
Pirates of the Caribbean
Star Wars
Toy Story
Requeim For a Dream
Indiana Jones series
Inglorious Basterds
Kill Bill
The Bourne Series
Ice Age
Batman (Only seen the TDK)


Thats not the worst Ive heard (well other than the Godfather!)

My girlfriend hasnt seen any of the Lethal Weapons or Back to the Future movies. Theres are so many more it hilarious! In not sure how this happens!
Thats not the worst Ive heard (well other than the Godfather!)

My girlfriend hasnt seen any of the Lethal Weapons or Back to the Future movies. Theres are so many more it hilarious! In not sure how this happens!

Have not seen Lethal Weapons or Back to.. as well.:lol:
Not seen , Departed but sound excellent so will be watching it, Requeim For a Dream just dont think I will like it.
Avatar I think is overrated.
Lord of the Rings only parts of it, just always fall asleep.
The Bourne Series, On my to watch list, just not got round to it yet.
Godfather Part II
Requeim For a Dream
Inglorious Basterds
Kill Bill
It's a Wonderful Life
Pulp Fiction
The Da Vinci Code
In Bruges
The Shawshank Redemption
The Shining
Gone with the Wind
Citizen Kane
Schindler's List
Blade Runner
Chariots of Fire
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
Fight Club
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
Forrest Gump

There's more, but I think we can basically surmise from this that I really suck at movies.
Fight club is another movie I couldnt be bothered to watch.

Also those that haven't watched Bourne needs a slap around the face!

Apart from the 4th one, which I got round to watching the other day and is absolutely SHITE.

I watched the first LOTR film and hated it so not watched the others, same with the Harry Potter series.
Not counting fairly recent movies I can only really think of Twilight and Bridget Jones's Diary that I haven't seen although I've heard so much about Twilight that it feels like I've seen it.

Basically some chick flicks and some movies before the 1970's.
Can't believe so many of you haven't seen Lord of the Rings; it's one of the greatest film trilogies of all time.

The Christopher Nolan Batman films are also excellent. There are quite a few of the films that have been mentioned which I haven't seen though.
I can see why some people prefer not to watch It's a beautiful Life

But feck me, LOTR??? It's a fecking epic action adventure, how sad can you be when you don't even enjoy a big budgeted well made action movie.
I can see why some people prefer not to watch It's a beautiful Life

But feck me, LOTR??? It's a fecking epic action adventure, how sad can you be when you don't even enjoy a big budgeted well made action movie.

Because it's not an action movie? It is literally some dwarf with hairy feet going on a long walk?

Note: I have not seen LOTR, tried multiple times, it just bores the life out of me. The only decent thing I think, is those dudes who all look like the grim reaper and ride horses about, but I bet they come to some shitty end, such as a hobbit punching them in the cnut and then they die.
Because it's not an action movie? It is literally some dwarf with hairy feet going on a long walk?

Note: I have not seen LOTR, tried multiple times, it just bores the life out of me. The only decent thing I think, is those dudes who all look like the grim reaper and ride horses about, but I bet they come to some shitty end, such as a hobbit punching them in the cnut and then they die.

You could've been in charge of the scenario or been the author of the books, that's exactly what happens!! Which is awesome.
I watched It's a Wondeful Life for the first time yesterday. Lovely film it is... well worth your time!