Weird feelings of football

That's not a weird feeling, just a sad fact.
There's truth to it, sure. But fans tend to bring it up as if it's something unique to their FA and as if it's the only thing holding their national team back.
There's truth to it, sure. But fans tend to bring it up as if it's something unique to their FA and as if it's the only thing holding their national team back.
I see, I guess if you say fans feel like it is only their own FA that is this way, then it qualifies.
If Rooney played alongside Cantona, he would've definitely ruined some of Eric's iconic celebrations (think Sunderland chip goal) by doing something ridiculous like climbing on his neck and falling over.
If Rooney played alongside Cantona, he would've definitely ruined some of Eric's iconic celebrations (think Sunderland chip goal) by doing something ridiculous like climbing on his neck and falling over.
You mean Rio. Always jumping on people
Gibbs-White and Brennan Johnson were the same player last season and separated into two this season.
Every third African national side is managed by a Belgian bloke who looks like the player character from Disco Elysium.
Barca and Madrid have gone behind in every match they played this season and have always come back later to win the game.
Craig Dawson has played for a weird amount of teams starting with W.
Liverpool haven't played well in the league all season yet are romping away top.
Newcastle play all of their league games at home, except for that one time every season when they travel to Anfield
There hasn't been a single game involving Fulham this season.
Throughout last season and this, every time United reach a neutral or positive goal difference, they immediately crap the bed and have a heavy loss to bring it back firmly into the negative.

What's our GD after the Villa game again? :nervous: