Television We didn't all go to Gudger College

The Simpsons has been pretty terrible since the late 90s. But the new double feature 'A Serious Flanders' that they aired over the last couple of weekends is some of the best stuff they've written in years. More so for the story than the laughs. But still.
As a former Simpsons obsessive (still watch if it's on!) I would say series 3-10 kind of area were the best episodes, with the most memorable storylines.

If anything I would say it's paid for the higher quality animation in later series.

I can't remember the last time I watched a new episode and actually thought it was any good.

Can't quite put my finger on why but Flaming Moe's has always stood out for me as a great episode!
It started again from s1 on Sky (think on Monday)
S1 has some amazing episodes. (maybe not ep 1)

Bart the genius as episode 2 is fantastic.