Webb's doing fine, all correct yellows so far.
What's Webb to do? If he sends him off the game is ruined, but it was a challenge worthy of such a punishment. Very lenient yellow, best for the game, justice perhaps not entirely done
I fancy he might have to send him off at some point anyway
What's Webb to do? If he sends him off the game is ruined, but it was a challenge worthy of such a punishment. Very lenient yellow, best for the game, justice perhaps not entirely done
I fancy he might have to send him off at some point anyway
Van Bommel or De Jong will not last until the end of this game at this rate.
I miss Germany.
In these circumstances, why doesn't the ref call the 2 captains over and explain that if they don't control their teams, someone's going to get sent off.
Got to calm it down a bit or the final will be ruined...
In these circumstances, why doesn't the ref call the 2 captains over and explain that if they don't control their teams, someone's going to get sent off.
Got to calm it down a bit or the final will be ruined...