Music Was Blurred Lines a good song?


The Caf's Ezza.
Apr 16, 2015
The stable
The song was the best and worst moment of Robin Thicke's career and you couldn't escape it in 2013/14

It's crazy that after Thicke was accused of making a rapists anthem, his marriage fell apart, his next album was a massive flop and was sued by Marvin Gaye's family

Looking back on it nearly a decade on, was it a good song or garbage?

Arguments for
Good Pharell beat
Decent vocal performance

Arguments against
Questionable rapey lyrics
Was overplayed
TI featuring who is also a weirdo
I liked the song, but i'd have not realised what it meant if i'd have listened to it 1000 times.
It's been in my head since I left this thread. Having to put some music on now to change it.
Honestly, read the lyrics and its quite clear that its just fecking shite, with a bunch of rhyming words put together in a random order. fecking shite
It was a good song in the same way that Joseph Fritzl was a good dad i.e. there are no moral absolutes here only subjective opinions on where you stand on courting/parenting.
It's been in my head since I left this thread. Having to put some music on now to change it.
I know you want it

Honestly, read the lyrics and its quite clear that its just fecking shite, with a bunch of rhyming words put together in a random order. fecking shite
From a writing perspective I've always found this part so cringe.

"I feel so lucky (hey, hey, hey)
You wanna hug me (hey, hey, hey)
What rhymes with hug me? (Hey, hey, hey)"
I know you want it

From a writing perspective I've always found this part so cringe.

"I feel so lucky (hey, hey, hey)
You wanna hug me (hey, hey, hey)
What rhymes with hug me? (Hey, hey, hey)"
I mean what is this even about?

In a hundred years not dare would I
Pull a Pharcyde, let you pass me by
Nothin' like your last guy, he too square for you
He don't smack that ass and pull your hair like that (you like it)
So I'm just watchin' and waitin'
For you to salute the true big pimpin'
Not many women can refuse this pimpin'
I'm a nice guy, but don't get it confused, get pimpin' (everybody get up)
I mean what is this even about?

In a hundred years not dare would I
Pull a Pharcyde, let you pass me by
Nothin' like your last guy, he too square for you
He don't smack that ass and pull your hair like that (you like it)
So I'm just watchin' and waitin'
For you to salute the true big pimpin'
Not many women can refuse this pimpin'
I'm a nice guy, but don't get it confused, get pimpin' (everybody get up)
He's referencing two better songs

It was a good song in the same way that Joseph Fritzl was a good dad i.e. there are no moral absolutes here only subjective opinions on where you stand on courting/parenting.
I’m not sure even he would have done that video.
It's been in my head since I left this thread. Having to put some music on now to change it.

i find the easiest way to get rid of it is to go out and commit a sex crime.
Too much discussion in here when in fact all we needed was the word No
I never got what was ‘rapey’ about it. I took the meaning of the song to be that he wants to get the hypothetical girl out of her shell sexually…you don’t need to rape someone to do that.
I never got what was ‘rapey’ about it. I took the meaning of the song to be that he wants to get the hypothetical girl out of her shell sexually…you don’t need to rape someone to do that.
I don't think they wrote the song with the intention of being rapey but that's how it ended up sounding.

Plus "I know you want it" is not always confirmation of said person "wanting it"
I don't think they wrote the song with the intention of being rapey but that's how it ended up sounding.

Plus "I know you want it" is not always confirmation of said person "wanting it"
True. I guess it’s one of those things that sound good in a song but they didn’t actually think it through in terms of how it comes across.
It's shite tbh

Alongside 'Happy' and 'Uptown Funk' as songs that were huge because they sound different but to me were plain garbo
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If you have to ask you’re part of the problem.
Was it a crime, though? Or a loving relationship?

it ended up as a crime. half way through i realised i was actually singing “signs” by snoop dogg instead of blurred lines, so the police were legally able to stop me and apprehend me.
It was a good song in the same way that Joseph Fritzl was a good dad i.e. there are no moral absolutes here only subjective opinions on where you stand on courting/parenting.
i find the easiest way to get rid of it is to go out and commit a sex crime.
I never got what was ‘rapey’ about it. I took the meaning of the song to be that he wants to get the hypothetical girl out of her shell sexually…you don’t need to rape someone to do that.
I never got what was ‘rapey’ about it. I took the meaning of the song to be that he wants to get the hypothetical girl out of her shell sexually…you don’t need to rape someone to do that.

yeah but it helps.
As a certified Pharrell stan who likes pretty much every song he makes a beat for or features on.

No, it is not a good song.
Is he wrong though? About blurred lines I mean. When I've been in a club sometimes I've

(GazTheLegends legal team: consider this part of the post redacted)

and yes it's something that everybody talks about but nobody will admit to I think. You get away with a lot more if you're handsome and rich, for instance and if you

(Legal editor: we neither endorse nor consider the contents of this post to constitute an opinion of GazTheLegend's)

but it's different in that case am I right or am I right lads? Eh? Eh???

(Legal team: we would stress that our client is using merely a localised dialect and he respectfully means "ladies, gentlemen, and perhaps those who would consider themselves to be neither. Thank you your honour.)
The music video was really good. Because it had hot girls dancing around without their tops on.