WARNING - CONTAINS SPOILERS - 24 Season 7 discussion thread *** CONTAINS SPOILERS ***

Emerson ,son of a bitch :lol: "bury her" !!!!!I'm happy the bitch is suffering, I hate all wanna be Bauer characters who think they can emulate (Chase Edmunds), I hope she really dies.
What an episode,wow !!! The way they flushed them out ffs ,I didn't think Jack knew chemistry :lol:.
Great great show
just saw it, blimey....last bit changes things
and how fecked is that rogue secret service guy?
I don't like trailers,i wanted to also browse wikipedia but when I saw they had infos about the 7th episode i quickly closed the window.
I actually didn't think Episode 5 was anything great. More of a filler episode I thought but Episode 6 looks like it's going to be a cracker.

I also think Emerson is onto Jack and Tony, there's another twist in it yet with regards to that I'm sure of it.

I also didn't like the 'twist' (If you can call it that, it was obvious from the outset) of Henry Taylor's bodyguard being the one who killed his son.

As much as I love 24 it's unpredictability is becoming predictable. I just hope all the twists aren't as plainly obvious.
The fact that it was obviously the bodyguard who killed the son was made blatant in the last episode. They could have skipped the moment where he looked at Henry Taylor when he got the usb key (?) on his hands.
Like I said before Elvis this story with Sangala and Dubaku isn't the real story of this season so I'm waiting in eager but this is the first time ever I'm following it on a weekly basis,in previous season I always waited for the whole 24 episodes to be out
I actually didn't think Episode 5 was anything great. More of a filler episode I thought but Episode 6 looks like it's going to be a cracker.

I also think Emerson is onto Jack and Tony, there's another twist in it yet with regards to that I'm sure of it.

I also didn't like the 'twist' (If you can call it that, it was obvious from the outset) of Henry Taylor's bodyguard being the one who killed his son.

As much as I love 24 it's unpredictability is becoming predictable. I just hope all the twists aren't as plainly obvious.

His look certainly gave that impression didn't it....lots of twists and turns still to come.

I'm enjoying the series so far and it's a credit to the writers that the quality/surprises is/are still there after so many seasons.
yeah spot on there, I reckon it'll merge together into one big plot nearer the end (son's death, Jack/Tony, Sangala, etc)

I'm guessing that it will have something to do with Jon Voight, he was a shadowy figure in the prequel movie thing (and too bigger name to only appear for that brief cameo). So I'm assuming he will be the real bad guy?
Oh yeahh Top but I was talking about the blond bodyguard of Henry Taylor in the series, I believe he didn't appear in the 90 minutes film
Oh yeahh Top but I was talking about the blond bodyguard of Henry Taylor in the series, I believe he didn't appear in the 90 minutes film

I could have sworn he was in the 90 minute episode, talking about how they had to get rid of the son just to be sure, but I just checked, and it turns out I was wrong - most have gotten things mixed up.
The other secret service agent who was with the girl (Samantha Ross) at the end of the last episode was in the 90 minutes movie,maybe that's why you made your confusion or maybe you're just getting too old ^^
Bury her aliveeeee! :lol: Nothing like finishing a 24 episode.
Jack is starting to become simply unlikable imo. In previous seasons he has done some dodgy shit, killing Mason (was it) being one, but Mason accepted what had to be done. This season he has killed a load of people 'for the greater good', think he has gone to far imo.
Ryan Chappelle I think you're on about.

Oh and don't worry I can't see her dying...even though she's being buried alive.
Ryan Chappelle I think you're on about.

Oh and don't worry I can't see her dying...even though she's being buried alive.

Oh, i don't think she will be killed, but that doesn't excuse nearly killing the president of sangala and his wife, and all the guards to get to that point either. Probably was Chappelle too, I suck with names.
Oh, i don't think she will be killed, but that doesn't excuse nearly killing the president of sangala and his wife, and all the guards to get to that point either. Probably was Chappelle too, I suck with names.

I dont remember jack killing anyone, it was the other guy doing all the shooting
he did kill his boss Chappelle, executed him because the terrorists gave him no choice. Chappelle accepted it
Pretty boring episode up until First Man Henry overcame his paralysis enough to take down the evil Secret Service guy.

Oh, and :lol: at Chloe. "Are you with FBI?" "No, I'm a stay-at-home mom."
Jack is starting to become simply unlikable imo. In previous seasons he has done some dodgy shit, killing Mason (was it) being one, but Mason accepted what had to be done. This season he has killed a load of people 'for the greater good', think he has gone to far imo.

Mason was the one who died from flying the plane with the nuclear bomb into the desert; he was going to die anyway due to radioactive poisoining so Jack let him fly the plane after Mason had snook on.

Like others have said your talking about Ryan Chapelle. Jack had no choice but to kill him. Season 3 was great wasn't it?

And I really enjoyed episode 6, some excellent scenes, can't wait for next week's episodes. The whole Sangala dilemma with the President is brilliant, and good on her for sticking two fingers up at the terrorists!
I am really hating the woman President, clearly a woman on her period...why is she so fecking concerned about that country, surely her loyalties lie with HER OWN country? Good on the guy that left the situation room, I woulda done the exact same....wacko President, arghhh
The President is annoying to me, her eyes looked crossed half the time.
I am really hating the woman President, clearly a woman on her period...why is she so fecking concerned about that country, surely her loyalties lie with HER OWN country? Good on the guy that left the situation room, I woulda done the exact same....wacko President, arghhh

I disagree. Like she said, her job is to defend the US Constitution, and negotiating with terrorists doesn't achieve that. I like her and the hard line she is taking, despite the fact two airliners have just taken thousands of American lives.

She is standing firm and I like it. Though her husband may be able to persuade her to negotiate.
I disagree. Like she said, her job is to defend the US Constitution, and negotiating with terrorists doesn't achieve that. I like her and the hard line she is taking, despite the fact two airliners have just taken thousands of American lives.

She is standing firm and I like it. Though her husband may be able to persuade her to negotiate.

Well negotiating with terrorists on an American cause, I would understand.
But this whole 'Sanagala' crap - can't she just withdraw, wait, let the agencies do their work, maybe make a breakthrough and then attack the next week? Bit of an idiot IMO
There is not a chance in hell that any President would ever sacrifice his/her own country's citizens for others.
Doesn't Tony feel a bit bad that he's the one who got the device for the terrorists, which led to the deaths of a few hundred innocent civilians, and possibly 18,000 more??
Good news for terrorists everywhere: With just one more year left on Kiefer Sutherland's 24 contract, there's a very real possibility that Jack Bauer's career as the world's foremost savior may end next season. And while Sutherland says he's undecided as to whether day 8 will be his last, he's watching the clock in a way he never has before.

"I don't think about [the end of 24] a lot, but I did this year for the first time," he confesses. "It was one of those weird moments where the stage was unusually quiet; it was like a ghost town. I was looking around [thinking] about all the work that went into building this thing and it hit me: This will end one day, and I'm going to be sad about it.
why do they have to end it? Kiefer is clearly doing a good job, the show is a hit, hardly running out of money and pretty good story-lines, I hope they dont do the 'going out on a high' crap...there's still soo much more to give IMHO
Hmmm, I'm not sure. There's only so many times they can come up with a quality story line and I would much prefer that the show went out when the fans wanted more, rather than it going out when the fans had had enough.

I think 8 Seasons is enough for any TV Show, and I'm sure the creators/directors/producers/writers will work together on another project. I think one or two of them have already stated their desire to do that.

8 Seasons of 24 epsidoes, plus a TV Movie plus a movie is more than enough for a TV show, even one as good as 24.
I hope they dont kill Jack off though. They should run it for a season or two without Jack, then run a major storyline where he gets tempted back out of retirement
Poor episode compared to previous standards. Shit president woman, she has absolutely no charisma compared to the Palmer's brothers. I like Dubaku, he looks properly bad and I'm really dissapointed with how quickly they got rid of Emerson.
do you reckon Emerson really is dead?
I dunno why, but I just have a feeling he might 'wake up'