Warn fellow caftards about really shit films

The Oxford Murders - Absolute rubbish, the acting was atrocious. Watching shite movies like that makes me appreciate good movies even more.
Oh holy feck, i just remembered: Never watch Lost Highway

I actually enjoyed that movie.

But I can understand someone not liking it if you go to the cinema to watch it or that you've never seen a David Lynch movie before and you don't know what to expect.

It's a movie that grows on you if you watch it one more time.

There's an absolutely legendary scene in it and I've been fantisising about doing something like this for years :

The Village and Unbreakable are excellent films. Lost highway too.

Don't let anyone fool you.
Just watched Max Payne on Sky Boxoffice. Truly one of the worst movies I've ever, ever seen.
What!? The move was crap because it was all a lie! There was no creature, there was no 1800's, in fact there was no village so calling it "The Village" is misrepresentation and someone should be sued.

It was also the most predictable ending ever. And the shite acting meant you didn't get absorbed in the movie, so there was even more time to spend thinking "when are we going to get to the bit where there's no monster and it's actually present day?". Shite movie.

Unbreakable was also rubbish.

Worst movie ever is Scarecrow Gone Wild. Although it's possibly worth watching for the ludicrous whistling scarecrow and cameo by Ken Shamrock, including Shamrock vs Scarecrow wrestling showdown.
I saw Year One a week ago. I almost committed suicide a week ago. fecking terrible movie. One of the worst I've ever seen. I would write spoiler alert here but there's nothing to spoil. Paul rudd is in a scene and tries his best to be funny and succeeds somewhat, but then he's brutally murdered for adding humor to the film. I left about 40 minutes in. I would have left much earlier but my friends wanted to stay and give it a chance to get better. It didn't. It somehow just kept getting worse. In hindsight, the funniest thing about this movie is that millions of people actually paid money to watch it.
Serves you right for agreeing to see it despite knowing Jack Black was in it.
That one movie with the dude from Lord of the Rings, about a horse

Possibly. He was a Native American, despite being a white person, and he had a really good horse or something like that.
Serves you right for agreeing to see it despite knowing Jack Black was in it.

I know, I had my doubts but it was supposed to be good and my friends wanted to see it so I went along with it. It wasn't even one of those bad movies that's fun to make fun of. Every drawn-out, predictable joke just pissed me off.
Twilight - I wanted to see what all the fuss was about. That movie was boring, overhyped and very dull. Its full of emo types who cant act and wouldnt know passion if you described it to them. I dont know why teenage girls go misty eyed over this garbage. I just couldnt wait for it to be over because that movie dragged towards the end. Its 120 mins you will never get back.
I saw Year One a week ago. I almost committed suicide a week ago. fecking terrible movie. One of the worst I've ever seen. I would write spoiler alert here but there's nothing to spoil. Paul rudd is in a scene and tries his best to be funny and succeeds somewhat, but then he's brutally murdered for adding humor to the film. I left about 40 minutes in. I would have left much earlier but my friends wanted to stay and give it a chance to get better. It didn't. It somehow just kept getting worse. In hindsight, the funniest thing about this movie is that millions of people actually paid money to watch it.

That reminds me.... Tropic Thunder. I slept through about a quarter of it, and thought it was shite. Then went back and watched that bit again to give it a chance, and it turned out I was right first time. Shite movie.
Grudge 2 - Poor plot, poor acting, poor directing, poor film.

Saw IV - Badly lit, new Jigsaw comes out of nowhere, complete whoring of a franchise that should have died after the first sequel at the very latest.

Catwoman - Crap villain, overly long build-up, crap acting, so bad that Halle Berry accepted her Golden Raspberry for it.
Wanted - A film about a bunch of secret assasins who go around shooting people. Potentially decent. Add plot where they all take orders from a mystical piece of cloth; unexplained opening scene where guy jumps about 200ft through the air from one building to another, despite no one else being able to do anything like this for entire rest of film; most annoying lead actor ever, who also constantly narrates himself, despite everything he does being on the screen; some exploding rats = Shittest film ever

Can't believe you missed the bending bullets. Shittest idea ever.

Some more shambolic movies:

The Fountain
Twilight - I wanted to see what all the fuss was about. That movie was boring, overhyped and very dull. Its full of emo types who cant act and wouldnt know passion if you described it to them. I dont know why teenage girls go misty eyed over this garbage. I just couldnt wait for it to be over because that movie dragged towards the end. Its 120 mins you will never get back.

Same here. Supposedly Romeo and Juliet with vampires. Teenage guff more like.

That said, Robert Pattinson makes me a bit misty eyed. When he sings, mostly.
Dennis Quaid is another one of the Nic Cage types, total shit actor who ruins a lot of films. Tries to act exactly like Harrison Ford which I find amusing.

I can forgive the Quaid because I liked Inner Space when I was a kid.

The Village (SPOILERS AHEAD) - The first time I ever left a movie theatre feeling robbed! From the creator of Sixth Sense this promised good. It's a tale about a little group of people living in a remote place in the woods, apparently sometime early 1800 or some other obscure time period when there is limited contact with the rest of the world. The village is surrounded by woods no one dare to enter due to a creature living there that takes people and eats them alive (or something obscure like that). As it turns out at the end of the movie, there is no creature.. only a made up one by the village-elders so to keep the younger ones from leaving the village.. and even more shocking; they don't really live in the 1800's but in present time and the village isn't even a real village but a place they created approx 20 years ago to get away from the "real" world.
So yeah, no village... no creature... crap movie. Give me my money back!!

I enjoyed the Village, There are many far worse films that could go in this thread before the village!

No way, man. All of Me? Man with Two Brains? Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid?

Bloody classics.

You forgot Dirty Rotten Scoundrels and Parenthood!

Twilight - I wanted to see what all the fuss was about. That movie was boring, overhyped and very dull. Its full of emo types who cant act and wouldnt know passion if you described it to them. I dont know why teenage girls go misty eyed over this garbage. I just couldnt wait for it to be over because that movie dragged towards the end. Its 120 mins you will never get back.

I saw this with no knowledge of the source material. I spent most of the film either looking at the screen in disgust or chuckling at the sparkly vampires and the actors trying to look longingly into each others eyes!

Absolutely atrocious emo teen crap!
Wanted - A film about a bunch of secret assasins who go around shooting people. Potentially decent. Add plot where they all take orders from a mystical piece of cloth; unexplained opening scene where guy jumps about 200ft through the air from one building to another, despite no one else being able to do anything like this for entire rest of film; most annoying lead actor ever, who also constantly narrates himself, despite everything he does being on the screen; some exploding rats = Shittest film ever

I saw this on Sky a couple of weeks back. I had to fight the urge to switch it off about 5 times but I struggled through to the bitter end. You have to wonder if the directors and editors actually watch some of the films before they're released!
Monster Ark
This is on Sky at the momment ,and I wasted nearly 2 hours of my life.
A monster is trapped in the remains of Noah Ark in a box , comes to life and this no mark puts it back in the box with a big stick.
Why exactly did you think it was crap though? Because of no creature? They made that creature up to stop people from leaving the village because the people that left were all killed in the Cities. Actually thought that the ending was superb myself.

Its not the best film ever , but its not the worst I quite enjoyed it.
Not has bad as Contact,where you spend the whole fim waiting for the alians to appear and all you get was the shittest ending to a film ever.