Video games you want to see.

A Star Wars game based on the original trilogy.

I stand by this. It amazes me that Lucas Arts haven't milked the original trilogy enough to make 3 games out of it telling the story of the trilogy.
Honestly think that games based on Indian Mythologies i.e Ramayana or Mahabharata would be amazing. Especially the game of Mahabharata could be epic.
When I was younger (as opposed to when I was older, which I don't think is possible), I used to fantasise over a GTA game being made set where I live. It'd have absolutely no appeal whatsoever to anyone but me, but I would play GTA: Shrewsbury to death :haha: Just like the idea of twatting about in a game around places I actually know, I suppose.

Other nominations:

Mirror's Edge 2

Can't think of any more, but I did start thinking of a game, adding little bits in like "oh yeah, then you could have this in there," only to realise I was in fact thinking of God of War. This is why I've invented nothing.
Planescape torment 2
Jet Set Radio 3
Crazy taxi 4
Grim fandango 2
Nomad Soul 2
Skies of arcadia 2

That would take over my life.

On a less serious note what about a 3D, HD, online multi-player compatible monster remake of... 'Captain Comic'. The first game I ever played
A Superman game that realises the potential of the character.
Operation Wolf
SpinDizzy on the 3DS.
Streets of Rage.
Jet Set Willy
Attic Attac
Tir Na ***.
Thunderforce in full 3d action
Shining the holy ark.
Panzer Dragoon Saga new installment.
I could go on.
When I was younger (as opposed to when I was older, which I don't think is possible), I used to fantasise over a GTA game being made set where I live. It'd have absolutely no appeal whatsoever to anyone but me, but I would play GTA: Shrewsbury to death :haha: Just like the idea of twatting about in a game around places I actually know, I suppose.
lol, we've probably all thought that at some stage. I guess it's only a matter of time until we start seeing something like this. They make the game and then either release map packs for a lot of the bigger cities in the world, or people can make their own mods and let others download them.

Don't hold your breath but I'm sure it'll happen sometime in the next 20 years.