Video games you want to see.


Full Member
May 13, 2004
The City of Salford.
Rockstar have shown that they can successfully create games in certain era's - Red Dead, some of the GTA games and to a lesser extent, LA Noire.

I'd love to see a 70's GTA game, drawing influence from some of the movies of the era - not in storyline but in style.

What other games would we like to see?
A Star Wars game based on the original trilogy.
Rockstar have shown that they can successfully create games in certain era's - Red Dead, some of the GTA games and to a lesser extent, LA Noire.

I'd love to see a 70's GTA game, drawing influence from some of the movies of the era - not in storyline but in style.

What other games would we like to see?

I don't think LA Noire is anywhere as good as people have been claiming it to be. The fact that are so many posters selling the game, trading the game or not touching it after completing it speaks for itself.

On topic, I would love a Heavy Rain QTE style game as a porn-star.
I don't think LA Noire is anywhere as good as people have been claiming it to be. The fact that are so many posters selling the game, trading the game or not touching it after completing it speaks for itself.

On topic, I would love a Heavy Rain QTE style game as a porn-star.

That's why I said to a lesser extent - I didn't enjoy the game and have posted as such in the LA Noire thread.

As for your idea...3D would be interesting, just be careful when it comes to the money shot.
A relatively faithful Syndicate remake.

A relatively faithful XCOM remake.

Both remakes in the works seem to be FPS games based around the slim premise and universe of the original games.

I want Diablo 3 isometric graphics but for both games. HD and updates. It'd be immense.
I want game designers to give us some sort of voice recognition, whereby at the start of a game when it comes to naming your character instead of typing the characters name in you speak it into a mic or something. Then your voice gets converted to the voices used by the characters in the game, and your characters name can then actually be spoken throughout the game.

Seriously, it really can't be that hard can it? At the moment naming your characters is all but pointless, and it loses an element from the game in my opinion.
I want game designers to give us some sort of voice recognition, whereby at the start of a game when it comes to naming your character instead of typing the characters name in you speak it into a mic or something. Then your voice gets converted to the voices used by the characters in the game, and your characters name can then actually be spoken throughout the game.

Seriously, it really can't be that hard can it? At the moment naming your characters is all but pointless, and it loses an element from the game in my opinion.

All that and you didn't think of having our faces on screen rather than say Nathan Drake or Solid Snake?
All that and you didn't think of having our faces on screen rather than say Nathan Drake or Solid Snake?

Meh, they did that on Vegas didn't they? I remember shooting my flatmates face off a few times. I guess it could work, and would be pretty cool, but I actually like customising my characters look.
Planescape torment 2
Jet Set Radio 3
Crazy taxi 4
Grim fandango 2
Nomad Soul 2
Skies of arcadia 2
Rockstar have shown that they can successfully create games in certain era's - Red Dead, some of the GTA games and to a lesser extent, LA Noire.

I'd love to see a 70's GTA game, drawing influence from some of the movies of the era - not in storyline but in style.

What other games would we like to see?
"Scarface: The Rise of Tony Montana"
I'd like them to make a new historical City-building annex strategy game in the mold of Caesar II. The time of historical strategy games seems finished though. You have the Total War series but they are just milking it out now.
And apart from those games, there's not much else as far as I know.

Oh, and Assassin's Creed in Revolutionary France is what I'm really hoping for :drool:
Rockstar have shown that they can successfully create games in certain era's - Red Dead, some of the GTA games and to a lesser extent, LA Noire.

I'd love to see a 70's GTA game, drawing influence from some of the movies of the era - not in storyline but in style.

What other games would we like to see?

Isn't that what they're already doing with the game Agent?
I'm afraid i don't know much about it but it's going to be set in the late 70's. I don't think there's much more information than that about at the minute.
Half-Life 2: Episode Three
Counter Strike 2
New Grand Theft Auto
I want game designers to give us some sort of voice recognition, whereby at the start of a game when it comes to naming your character instead of typing the characters name in you speak it into a mic or something. Then your voice gets converted to the voices used by the characters in the game, and your characters name can then actually be spoken throughout the game.

Seriously, it really can't be that hard can it? At the moment naming your characters is all but pointless, and it loses an element from the game in my opinion.

Would be interesting to see, say, Solid Snake with a lithp.
"six days in fallujah"

was disappointed that they pulled the plug on it, hoping it will still be released but im not holding my breath for it tbh
Has to be Final Fantasy 7 (and possibly 8 remade.)

Also, a new and decent Final Fantasy wouldn't go amiss.

New Monkey Island? In HD but with original point and click gameplay?
Square-Enix, or whoever is responsible for Final Fantasy at the moment, needs to sort some shit out if we're being honest. FF7 was one of the highlights of my childhood, and every one after that up until X was of a similar sort of standard. Amazing games.

However, FFX came out in 2001. That was 10 years ago. feck me. If they don't get it right with Versus, I think it's shutters for Final Fantasy. :(
A real time version of KotoR (a la Mass Effect) as opposed to the turn based combat.

Lightsaber combat would be the only real issue with this I suppose, but I think it could work.