Video games that have aged well

Conflict Freespace still looks pretty amazing and is still a really incredible story and experience (Although nothing beats the first time with that game).

Awesome game. The sequel was even better, and what the modding community have done with it since is nothing short of amazing.

FIFA 2002? That game is god awful. It was at the time as well.

I love it...especially the cheats you get after winning certain competions.
Road Rash 2 never gets old.

Super Monaco series is always good for a laugh.

Landstalker and Vandal Hearts are good games still as well.
FIFA 2002

Those are the ones that originally spring to mind, today I had a huge urge to paly Time Crisis, but the Light Gun doesn't work with TFT screens and I don't know where the PS1 is anyway.

FIFA 2002 was PS2 and totally shit. The passing was a total shambles, crossing was unrealistic. The AI was dumb too
Ultimate Soccer Manager 98

I used to be obsessed with that game. I remember faking illness to take days off school so I could play on it, must have clocked up about a month's worth of missed days!

Is there any way to get it to work on XP or Vista?

Erm, and my contribution to the thread. Rayman on PS1.

Final Fantasy VII of course.
And even though I haven't replayed it in ages I'll have to add Riven.
The very first PS1 Soul Blade is still fun to play against your mates after all these years. (Well, at least if you're absolutely blotto when playing it. Voldo!)
Mario Kart 64 and Super Mario Bros games are played a lot in our student lounge. There's always a 4-player race going on.
Sonic is also a classic.

It's amazing how Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow can be addictive.

Diablo 2 is still very playable. Heroes of Might and Magic 3, Age of Empires 2. Great great games still.
Counter-strike is still going strong
I still play Bubble Bobble, Track and Field, 1942, Spy Hunter, Bomb Jack, Punchout and Wonderboy using an emulator, games I used to play in my misspent youth back in the early 80's as a little arcade dosser.

Ikari Warriors, Operation Wolf, Galaxian, Asteroids, Phoenix.
Operation Flashpoint.

Although not quite as old as most of the games mentioned here it definitely deserves a shout.

It was very much an aquired taste of a game. It's highly realistic and tactical military simulation style gameplay was largely ignored by the masses in favour of the flashier graphics and "1337 BOOM HEADSHOTZ!" run around and bunny-hop whilst firing an AT4 style of Battlefield and Counterstrike....although it did still manage to win Game Of The Year.

ARMA 1 & 2 have come since but they never really grabbed me like OFP did and i still regularly fire it up and run through the campaign and it's expansion packs. I also still have gigabytes of community made addons.

Amazing game! For me, nothing comes close....even to this day.
Operation Flashpoint.

Although not quite as old as most of the games mentioned here it definitely deserves a shout.

It was very much an aquired taste of a game. It's highly realistic and tactical military simulation style gameplay was largely ignored by the masses in favour of the flashier graphics and "1337 BOOM HEADSHOTZ!" run around and bunny-hop whilst firing an AT4 style of Battlefield and Counterstrike....although it did still manage to win Game Of The Year.

ARMA 1 & 2 have come since but they never really grabbed me like OFP did and i still regularly fire it up and run through the campaign and it's expansion packs. I also still have gigabytes of community made addons.

Amazing game! For me, nothing comes close....even to this day.

Operation Flashpoint is one of my favourite games of all time, I was seriously addicted to it for ages. When that first demo came out I must've played that single mission about 50 times waiting for the full game to come out, and it didn't disappoint at all when it finally arrived. Awesome, awesome game :drool:
I tired very quickly of OFP, but then I was like 13 at the time.
And you went to play Battlefield or Counterstrike instead i'm guessing? I was 22 or so at the time and so appreciated OFP's simulation style much more than those "fastest trigger finger wins, run 'n' gun" type shooters.

Also, the community behind OFP was amazing. The devs released the mod tools to the players and the quantity and quality (and sometimes downright ludicrousness) of the addons, mods & missions created was unbelievable. This was obviously one of the reasons why it lasted so long.

I bought OFP2 on release though. I actually really liked it - it was quite dumbed down from the first one but still entertaining.

OFP2 isn't actually any relation to the original OFP apart from the name. The game was created by Bohemia Interactive Studios and published by Codmasters. While OFP2 was in development there was a disagreement between the two and they split, Codies kept only the rights to the "Operation Flashpoint" name. BIS made Armed Assault....the real OFP2. Sadly, since then, i've not had a good enough gaming rig to be able to run it or ARMA2 i'm now a console gamer.

That said, i'd agree that OFP2: Dragon Rising was actually pretty enjoyable. Although i believe there is a mission editor on the PC version, i can't see Codies being as supportive to the community as BI were with OFP.
Operation Flashpoint is one of my favourite games of all time, I was seriously addicted to it for ages. When that first demo came out I must've played that single mission about 50 times waiting for the full game to come out, and it didn't disappoint at all when it finally arrived. Awesome, awesome game :drool:

LOL, i still have my demo disk. Oh my word, the bugs were horrendous when it first came out. I remember the tanks would bounce! :lol:

I know my way round Everon, Malden and Kolgujev (and later Nogova) islands probably better than i do Manchester! :lol:

Did you play PvP/Co-op or just SP? Ever play on the Zeus server or SHoP (Stoner's House of Pancakes) server? If you played MP for a while, you probably played one or two of my missions.
Goldeneye is still quality, I don't care what anyone says.

Apart from Natalya. The useless whore.

Mario Kart 64, Goldeneye, FFVII (while not completely ancient like some other classics), Burger Time, Excitebike, Mike Tyson's Punch Out

Ikari Warriors, Operation Wolf, Galaxian, Asteroids, Phoenix.

I think someone mentioned Spyhunter, I'd add that as well.

NHL 94 on the Sega system and the Classic Techmo Bowl were two games I've recently played, both were still worth the time.
Sorry if there are some repeats but here's some oldies (PS1 era and before) i still enjoy playing.

Final Fantasy VI, VII, VIII, IX
Crash Bandicoot 2, 3
Super Mario Kart (SNES)
Legend of Zelda: Link To The Past, Ocarina of Time, Link's Awakening
Banjo Kazooie, Tooie
Duke Nukem 3D
Tekken 2, 3
Mr Do
Midway 1942
Xenon 2
Tombi, Tombi 2
Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2 (if for nothing else but the soundtrack)
Donkey Kong Country, 2

There's probably tons more, but these came off the top of my head.
Gran Turismo 1,2 and 3 have all stood the test of time given that they're all 10 years+ old this year.

Anybody that had purchased the 3d version of Need for Speed High Stakes still holds it's own in some remarks. Amazing Amazing game and the last NFS to really make you play for hours on end.
I reckon Duck Hunt would still be as good as ever.

But All the Mario and Sonic games are still playable , as is Streetfigter 2.

One that has not been mentioned is Super Tennis. Still the best tennis game ever.
championship manager 2000/01
I still play through Sonic 2 every so often, I think that has aged very well.

Tetris is the best example though, I don't think that game will ever age.
Age of Empires 2 (and arguably 1, which I still think is a great game as well), KotOR, FF7 being the obvious ones.

AoE 2 is still the greatest game ever made in my opinion, despite being eleven or so years old.

I could also happily sit down and play almost any half decent 2D platform game, Sonic for example. Mega Drive had some of the greatest platforms ever if you ask me, I wish I had my console and all it's game still, I could easily waste days playing through them all.

agreed on all this. apart from kotor
Sorry if there are some repeats but here's some oldies (PS1 era and before) i still enjoy playing.

Final Fantasy VI, VII, VIII, IX
Crash Bandicoot 2, 3
Super Mario Kart (SNES)
Legend of Zelda: Link To The Past, Ocarina of Time, Link's Awakening
Banjo Kazooie, Tooie
Duke Nukem 3D
Tekken 2, 3
Mr Do
Midway 1942
Xenon 2
Tombi, Tombi 2
Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2 (if for nothing else but the soundtrack)
Donkey Kong Country, 2

There's probably tons more, but these came off the top of my head.

Was it not me that sung these games praises to you for ages?

If so, I was correct.

Banjo-Kazooie is the best game of all time.
I still play


Also Banjo-Kazooie/Tooie
Pro Evo 4
WWF: No Mercy
Cannon Fodder
Streets of Rage
Thats exactly what it was. And It was freakin impossible. I could barely make it 5 mins into the game and I considered myself quite good at games


I'm talking about the arcade version with the 8-direction twisty joystick. I found a machine a few years ago at an aracade convention and played it non-stop for several hours.

I have it on my emulator but it's impossible without the right joystick.
I used to play it on the C64. Always enjoyed it, but never beat it. Unlike 'Commando', which I could beat quite easily. I think they omitted quite a few levels from the arcade version, though.

I preferred 'Who Dares Wins' to both.
agreed on all this. apart from kotor

Bah, KotOR is brilliant. Story lead games almost always age well (assuming it's a decent story of course), and KotOR has a great storyline.

Though I'm sure we have had this discussion before