Video games that have aged well


Full Member
Sep 10, 2004
I was playing Orcarina of Time earlier (as you do,) and i was loving every second of it.

In my opinion it hasn't lost any of it's enjoment despite being around a decade old. I don't think many games can live up to that, especially in the 3D era.

So what games do you think haven't lost their enjoyment with age? Im talking about the PS1/N64 era and back mostly.

For example, i tried playing MGS again, the original, but i just can't do it. The game is one of my favourite games ever, but compared to what we get now it just looks too unplayable. Although, i don't feel the same when i play OoT, which is from around the same era, and i enjoyed equally.
I still play Bubble Bobble, Track and Field, 1942, Spy Hunter, Bomb Jack, Punchout and Wonderboy using an emulator, games I used to play in my misspent youth back in the early 80's as a little arcade dosser.
The original Mario Kart is still amazing fun to play on the N64. The nightclub we go to actually has an N64 with it in at the bar, and it's just so fun to play whilst your waiting to be served in the queue, (if you can get on it that is.)
The original Mario Kart is still amazing fun to play on the N64. The nightclub we go to actually has an N64 with it in at the bar, and it's just so fun to play whilst your waiting to be served in the queue, (if you can get on it that is.)

Have you not heard of Super Mario Kart for SNES? That one is definitely still fun. Find a ROM of it and play it on ZSNES.

Donkey Kong Country 2 ages well as does Tetris and some of the Sonic games. I still play TMNT IV: Turtles in Time a lot.

I think there's some genres that don't improve much with increases in graphics capabilities, and those are probably the ones you'll find on this list. The adventure games that somehow manage to age well like OoT are the truly great ones. I'm sure someone will suggest FF7.
Sensible Soccer, Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow
I think simple 2D platformers like Sonic and Mario will always be playable. They take so little effort to play, and they aren't anything you need to dedicate a real amount of time to. I think it's easier to look past how a game is graphically when they are 2D.

An example of a game that has aged terribly for is a game called Altered Beast. I used to love this when i was a kid. I tried playing it not so long ago, and it was hilariously bad.

Toejam and Earl. Anoter great game that is still playable. I actually played it online with a mate via an emulator a couple of years back (to sum up how it went.....fecking boogeyman!)
The original Mario Kart is still amazing fun to play on the N64. The nightclub we go to actually has an N64 with it in at the bar, and it's just so fun to play whilst your waiting to be served in the queue, (if you can get on it that is.)

That sounds quality. This bars in Texas, I'm guessing?
Games such as Bubble Bobble, R-Type are total classics, but I was playing this the other day, and it's probably one of the best original 16-bit games ever made (even though I think it was a C64 lead), it's brilliant.

I never really liked the original Mario Kart, as I thought the 64 version was so much better and therefore it might have clouded my judgement a bit. Most of the really good SNES games have aged very well though and are still very fun to play.

Ocarina of Time is timeless and still a fantastic experience to play over and over again. I still replay both of the N64 Zeldas every second year or so.
Sensible Soccer, Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow


Bang on.
Games such as Bubble Bobble, R-Type are total classics, but I was playing this the other day, and it's probably one of the best original 16-bit games ever made (even though I think it was a C64 lead), it's brilliant.

Used to love that game!

Also, seeing your post and this thread reminds me of the pm i sent you a while back about the play along thing, which i completely forgot about. I may actually think about trying to start it this week now that i've remembered.

Resident evil 3
crash bandicoot 3
final fantasy 7

The only one in the series i never played (apart from the shitty light gun games,) but i was actually going to say that the original two Resident Evil games are probably games i couldn't imagine enjoying if i played them now, even though i loved them at the time.
Age of Empires 2 (and arguably 1, which I still think is a great game as well), KotOR, FF7 being the obvious ones.

AoE 2 is still the greatest game ever made in my opinion, despite being eleven or so years old.

I could also happily sit down and play almost any half decent 2D platform game, Sonic for example. Mega Drive had some of the greatest platforms ever if you ask me, I wish I had my console and all it's game still, I could easily waste days playing through them all.
Yeah was gonna say Goldeneye is god awful right now.

Disagree. My mate still has goldeneye nights every so often, one of the most fun multiplayer games ever. Certainly one of the better non-internet multiplayer games

If the games were released outside of a franchise aimed at kids they'd be considered excellent games.

Yeah, pretty much.

Im 22, and find them to be some of the most addictive games I have ever played. Easy to play when just relaxing in the evening or on a sun lounger on holiday. However the "Are you 7" reaction is one most people who play it are used to. Its a quality game that isn't really given the credit the series deserves.
Disagree. My mate still has goldeneye nights every so often, one of the most fun multiplayer games ever. Certainly one of the better non-internet multiplayer games

At Uni we spent night after night on Goldeneye and Mario Kart on a N64 I got for £10 on ebay. Brilliant, fun, simple games.
Yeah, pretty much.

Im 22, and find them to be some of the most addictive games I have ever played. Easy to play when just relaxing in the evening or on a sun lounger on holiday. However the "Are you 7" reaction is one most people who play it are used to. Its a quality game that isn't really given the credit the series deserves.

As I said, without the TV Series, the movies and the toys it would just be considered a good RPG. The fact that the brightly coloured, fighting made up animals appeal to children is of no interest to the people who enjoy the games.
Crono Trigger, such a great RPG, and had multiple endings aswell. One of my favourite games of all time.

The old 2d platformers sometimes get an airing aswell, and still feel as fresh as when I was a kid
Yeah, pretty much.

Im 22, and find them to be some of the most addictive games I have ever played. Easy to play when just relaxing in the evening or on a sun lounger on holiday. However the "Are you 7" reaction is one most people who play it are used to. Its a quality game that isn't really given the credit the series deserves.

You don't have to be a fan of the show to enjoy the game. There's nothing you can watch on telly that'll he'll you play Pokemon
Trust me at one stage Goldeneye was all I could think of. I just feel Perfect Dark on the N64 has aged alot better.
Mario Kart 64, Goldeneye, FFVII (while not completely ancient like some other classics), Burger Time, Excitebike, Mike Tyson's Punch Out
The majority of them blow when you play them today. They tend to be very repetitive and one dimensional. The side scrolling beat 'em ups especially. Streets of Rage, Final Fight, etc.
FIFA 2002

Those are the ones that originally spring to mind, today I had a huge urge to paly Time Crisis, but the Light Gun doesn't work with TFT screens and I don't know where the PS1 is anyway.
I completed the original Command and Conquer again a while back and thought it still had the same charm and atmosphere it had when it first came out (Back when it was the baddest game around, and baddest in a good way). I also played the original Red Alert and Red Alert 2 at the same time but didn't feel the same way about them, got bored of them quickly.

I also played through Z again recently and still loved it. One of the most underrated RTS' ever made. Completed it 5 times or something.

Conflict Freespace still looks pretty amazing and is still a really incredible story and experience (Although nothing beats the first time with that game).