Venezuelan election on July 28th

How is this not bigger news ???

I've seen many encouraging clips on the net of the army refusing to fire on protestors and they are getting closer to the presidential palace.

Only Maduro's national guard (Venezuelan version of IRGC) are now suppressing people. Chavez statues are being toppled ... I really really hope they succeed this time, because this can give us hope and create a domino effect as well !
I think the US should wait for venezuela's government to conduct their own internal investigation on this before coming out with such statements.

The chance of the Venezuelan government publishing real results is vanishingly small. They haven't even release partial results at this point, only the obviously false totals. Maduro is either busy falsifying results or just waiting out the internal and external backlash.
The chance of the Venezuelan government publishing real results is vanishingly small. They haven't even release partial results at this point, only the obviously false totals. Maduro is either busy falsifying results or just waiting out the internal and external backlash.

We should not jump to conclusions without knowing all the facts. Let the venezuelan government investigate first and don't forget they have the right to defend themselves against outside forces which seek to destroy them.
We should not jump to conclusions without knowing all the facts. Let the venezuelan government investigate first and don't forget they have the right to defend themselves against outside forces which seek to destroy them.
Forget about the US here.

What should the opposition do if the government remains vague and obstructive about the results?
I was trying to make a joke about the US reacts to israel. Sorry.
Why now all of a sudden. I've heard how dead people have had their name shown as voters. So it's always been rigged.

Maduro is a shitbag authoritarian wanna be dictator… but he’s never spoken about Jews. He made a comment about the International Zionism not the jews.

“The largest Zionist organisation is Christians United for Israel, which has 10 million members and is led by John Hagee

Hagee is the guy who kind of praised Hitler’s work saying he was doing God’s job. That’s today’s Zionism.

Of course this is blushit. Petro and Lula are no Zionist. They are very much leftists and they are also worried about Venezuela’s future.

Pinochet had amnesty too and was on house arrest in UK gor extradition in Spain. Then he was prosecuted in chile but died before the trial. Videla died in prison. Other military responsibles in argentinia and chile ended in prison. All this people had deals after quitting power. And also, Videla and Pinochet were sponored by US to overthrow the democratic elected goverments

Maduro would not have a chance to scape prison at some point if not killed. If he ever accepts is bc he already sees that he will lose power anytime soon
Maria Corina on Lula da Silva's proposal: "There will be a second election, and if he doesn't like the results, we will go to a third, a fourth and a fifth, until Maduro likes the results? Would you accept that in your countries?"
Good for Lula. Can't help but feel it won't matter but they shouldn't just rubber stamp Maduro's despotism.