US Politics

So is he in or are we waiting a week or what?

They just moved it out of committee so its now on the Senate floor and on McConnell and full senate

Flake's speech was about how he (allegedly) won't be comfortable on voting yes on Kavanaugh without the 1 week FBI investigation which combined with Collins and Murk should mean we get at least the facade of an investigation
I guess I would make a weird senator.

If I were on the committee I'd say, myeaa, rapist or not, he kinda seems like a emotionally unstable cnut with anger problems. Let's not have him elected to the supreme court for life, just to be sure.

Personally even if I interviewed a great candidate I would reject him based on the absurd amount of water intake.
Summary from the Guardian:

Republicans won the key committee vote, bringing Kavanaugh to the brink of becoming a supreme court justice.

Kavanaugh’s nomination to the nation’s highest court now advances to the full Senate.

There is an informal potential roadblock, however, which is that Flake has asked for the vote to be delayed for a week, though this is not something the committee can decide.

Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell schedules the vote, and is not on the judiciary committee.

Flake is saying he will vote no unless an FBI investigation takes place, which would give McConnell reason to delay the vote.

They just moved it out of committee so its now on the Senate floor and on McConnell and full senate

Flake's speech was about how he (allegedly) won't be comfortable on voting yes on Kavanaugh without the 1 week FBI investigation which combined with Collins and Murk should mean we get at least the facade of an investigation
Did they have the vote?
So he voted yes in committee but said he may not vote on the floor, when a single vote won't decide things?
Graham seems to accept the decision. Joking that he will have to explain it to Trump
Trump will be raging at the thought of allowing a FBI investigation.
Children no older than 18 months. She was fecking 16, for Christ sake. Practically a grown woman. How can you compare the two?

Wow. It'd be hilarious if it wasn't so disgusting.

What are you even talking about here? Are your eyes infected by a disease that means you can only misread half sentences three quarters of the way through an article? Let me get this straight, you'd rather falsely claim that a thousand babies were molested by Catholic priests in Pennsylvania alone than admit to the fact you've absolutely no clue as to the mentality of victims of sexual assault. I don't even.. man... what can I even say to that?

Here's the actual report, referenced in the article I linked. Do a search for "years old" and get back to me with more of your reasoned analysis.

In other news, Ford was actually 15 in the summer of 1982.
You know IF the Rs would even allow an investigation they ll have it on their terms and it ll be used to their favor. If only to claim look how fair we are and how stupid and obstructionist the Dems are. I have a feeling that once again they ll get played my McConnell and Co.
So he voted yes in committee but said he may not vote on the floor, when a single vote won't decide things?
If it divided on party lines it would be 51 to 49
If flake abstains that would be 50 to 49
So they could afford one more abstaining and then pence gets the casting vote I think
Certainly close and for the sake of a week if they are confident the FBI investigation will be pointless then it might be worth it from the reps point of view
You know IF the Rs would even allow an investigation they ll have it on their terms and it ll be used to their favor. If only to claim look how fair we are and how stupid and obstructionist the Dems are. I have a feeling that once again they ll get played my McConnell and Co.

They probably think that he did it and that an investigation would reveal more things.
If I was Brett I would tell them to pull the nomination. Because who knows what the feck they would dig up
16 is an age at which you are practically a grown woman? That's disgusting.

It's one of the dumbest things I've ever read, never mind disgusting.

Pretty much evidence that the poster must have the life experience of a 14 year old atheist that's never left their room.
PTSD has nothing to do with this. PTSD in veterans is from combat, not from a specific person.

I have no clue about Devil's Triangle, can't say that I've played it. As for him being a virgin until 20, obviously not. But in his situation it's understandable why he may lie as, again, saying those things would put him in a bad spot.

Children no older than 18 months. She was fecking 16, for Christ sake. Practically a grown woman. How can you compare the two?

You may call bullshit however many times you like. I certainly won't keep quiet about it.

I don't have an agenda. I may be to the right, but I care nothing for the Republicans or Democrats. I see a liar accusing an innocent man and I say it. Whether Kavanaugh was a Republican or a Democrat doesn't matter. I would have said the same things either way.

Oh, using typical lawyer strategies. Nice. Anyway, yes. Let's give this scenario: If a person flies goes in Saudi Arabia and tells that Muhammad is a pedophile, he'd get beaten to death. He knew what was going to happen and he did it anyway. The situation is a little different, but still the same. 30+ years to come out with getting raped in a ridiculous showing? Nah.

Oh, but she, the intoxicated and drugged, barely able to stand somehow remembers the event? Okay. Oh, she started being in touch with her representatives and when Kavanaugh came up, she immediately sprang into action? Very convenient. It's almost like all of this has been planned.

And I assume you're some kind of an expert in sexual assault?

Ugh, she wasn't a kid. She was almost a full on adult.

I believe someone who has lied "mu;ltiple" times in his testimony about benign things over someone who has lied about practically everything.

I show empathy to real victims, not those who lie. Her supposed sexual assault is reported, it's not "unreported"

As for the rest of your post, you've described just how illogical your reasoning is yourself. She wants to pretend it never happened but somehow speaks 36 years later about it to her husband? She doesn't want to go over the ordeal, but she does anyway in the most grandiose way possible? She doesn't want to go to court, but gives her testimony? Okay, okay. You've totally convinced me with your innane ramblings

Wow, almost as idiotic a collection of replies as that cat who was recently trying to speak up for keeping the Confederate statues up in the south.

PTSD is only for veterans? Man, you just need to stop typing what you are thinking. You are making a fool of yourself.
If I was Brett I would tell them to pull the nomination. Because who knows what the feck they would dig up

They are going to find Judge and interview him....and if he says he and Kav were in the room with Ford then he is toast.
There's no point quoting or responding to Dumat (emphasise the first syllable), as he's probably not coming back any time soon, and if he did he'd walk into 10,000 notifications.

He should probably look up the Jimmy Savile case and all the dodgy DJs if he's not from the UK, and ask why their victims didn't "Immediately" report it.
This whole process has felt like it’s gone on for a year, and they want it to go on even more?

I feel so sorry for Dr Ford