Absolutely disagree with this. It’s not at all the job of a journalist to only give half the story and put politicians on the spot to correct what they must know is disingenous at best and a bare faced lie at worst. It’s not ‘selling’ a policy to report on both the good and the bad, there are plenty of genuine areas in question that the politicians could be quizzed about. By presenting only costs the journalist is starting out in opposition to the policy (and by extension selling his viewers on that opposition, and unless the politician manages to correct the ommision effectively the viewer comes away with a false impression of the policy. Since when is lying to viewers a journalists job?
Its not their job to give a quarter, half or otherwise of the story. They are supposed to act as a check on political power which involves challenging guests to answer straight forward questions people may have about their policy positions. It wasn't Tapper's job to gleefully capitulate to pro-single payer talking points by having a casual chat with Ocasio about how awesome single pay would be if it was implemented. He is supposed to ask how she would overcome basic roadblocks of implementing such a policy. It is then her job to explain why she thinks he is mistaken and what the actual facts are according to her own approach. He lived up to his end of the bargain by asking the same old question every single payer advocate gets asked and she couldn't answer it with any credible detail.