United's Next No. 7

I feel a lot of the “specialness” of the #7 was that it was sequential… from Robson to Ronaldo we had an unbroken line of talismanic number 7s lasting 20+ years. Best was kind of retroactively fit into that to make it seem like a larger thing (despite also wearing 11) but really it was that.

We haven’t had that for a while so eh, it’s kinda just a number now. A slightly more prominent one than most, but I don’t really care much eitherway.
Just give it to Dúbravka til the end of the season.
I really hope we don't buy this guy and maybe he should learn from Ronaldo (and Jack Reacher!) "never go back"
Me too Mitch, I’ve just got an unnerving feeling that we’re going to be in for him. Maybe it’s just withETH Dutch connection but I’d rather not as well.