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We could probably get Freidel for a good 8m on its own, without swapping players. I think we should hold on to Carroll, he's good back-up.
Originally posted by redinsyd:
<strong>Someone was telling me the other day that the USA produce so many good keepers because a lot of American sports (American Football, Baseball, Basketball, etc) involve hand-to-ball co-ordination rather than football (soccer) that involves foot-to-ball co-ordination. Sounds reasonable to me
As for AEBM saying that yanks aren't good enough to play for United - as the biggest team in the World should we not be getting the best players in the World no matter what their nationality? And with United trying to break into the US market now I'd say that the chances of a yank coming to United right now would be extremely high!</strong><hr></blockquote>
i've seen baseball players who made the switch to keeper become outstanding keepers within 3-4 years due to great athleticism and coordination, it is a very reasonable theory as i've seen it work
Originally posted by Gazza:
<strong>So you're saying we should buy the NY Yankees?</strong><hr></blockquote>
I'm thinking Jeter would make a solid link man.Could throw the Rocket in goal. Maybe place Matsui in central defense.
Originally posted by redinsyd:
<strong>Someone was telling me the other day that the USA produce so many good keepers because a lot of American sports (American Football, Baseball, Basketball, etc) involve hand-to-ball co-ordination rather than football (soccer) that involves foot-to-ball co-ordination. Sounds reasonable to me</strong><hr></blockquote>
Me too. It would also explain why their outfield players are so crap.
Originally posted by Sinders:
<strong>Disabled! The guy has tourette's. You take a pill every morning. The press is turning into something more than it's not.</strong><hr></blockquote>
thats the English press for you, i just hope he has one of his outbursts when a reporter asks him a dumb question
Originally posted by beergod:
thats the English press for you, i just hope he has one of his outbursts when a reporter asks him a dumb question</strong><hr></blockquote>
Perhaps he can abuse the ref on behalf of Keano & Co & get away with it.... <img src="graemlins/nervous.gif" border="0" alt="[Nervous]" />
The 23-year-old suffers from Tourette's Syndrome - a neurological disorder that causes nervous tics and uncontrolled verbal outbursts or random swearing. <hr></blockquote>
Er, should Fergie go for a medical? <img src="confused.gif" border="0">
Originally posted by mathiaslg:
<strong>Howard is better than Carroll.</strong><hr></blockquote>
it's not even close...Howard will be a star...Carroll is another van der Gouw...
Originally posted by MrMarcello:
<strong>Manchester United is on the verge of buying the rights to MetroStars goalkeeper Tim Howard for about $3 million, according to a published report. </strong><hr></blockquote>"Buying the rights" ??? <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laugh Out Loud]" />