Underrated/Underappreciated Video Games

Again, how the feck is that underrated?

Because people talk about Super Mario 64, Banjo Kazooie, Banjo Tooie and Donkey Kong 64 as the platformers of the N64 and usually omit Conker's Bad Fur Day completely.
I don't know, it was a Pygnosis game, never reminded me of Turrican in any way whatsoever. You were in some kind of mech and there was toxic liquid rising from the base of the level. It wasn't an easy game as far as I remember, but had some awesome music.

Yep, that's the one. Fatal something or other on the Genesis too.

I remember everyone thinking it was a shit Turrican sequel, despite the obvious differences.
There are quite a lot of underrated games this generation. I don't know why, but there are some absolute corkers that have been reviewed badly and sold badly. I don't know what the reason is, maybe this mad shift to crappy yearly releases of FPS titles. Wiipeout HD is a classic example, the game is fecking phenomenal.
There are quite a lot of underrated games this generation. I don't know why, but there are some absolute corkers that have been reviewed badly and sold badly. I don't know what the reason is, maybe this mad shift to crappy yearly releases of FPS titles. Wiipeout HD is a classic example, the game is fecking phenomenal.

My mate who worked on a lot of the code for that is convinced that Wipeout is a thing of the past. He's probably right, like F-Zero they never really have changed enough to fit in to what people expect these days.
I don't know what people expect these days. It's 1080p, 60fps, fun as feck, looks great. Even the online works. Those levels where you can flip and go backwards are really good, Stemmy and I, just the two of us, had some great fun trying to blow the crap out of each other.
There was a two player game on Amiga with spaceships, you'd duke it out with a huge range of weapons to choose from, can't remember what it was called but was great fun.
Not as far as I'm aware. Mind you, he's been at Sony for a good few years now, and is quite good at his job (if a little slow :lol:).

It's just that I read quite a while back that they seriously scaled down the Liverpool studio. One hell of a shame, because that lot had serious talent. Loss of the F1 licence, I don't know what caused it?
It's just that I read quite a while back that they seriously scaled down the Liverpool studio. One hell of a shame, because that lot had serious talent. Loss of the F1 licence, I don't know what caused it?

Well he was heading up there at a time when they were talking about scaling down. I remember him saying at one point they were looking to do that anyway. I'm not sure if it's his entire department (he was originally primarily tools for the PSP and PS3 dev kits) or what, but I know he was very secure the last time we spoke and it was his choice. Mind you, that was a little while ago.
Battle Squadron, was two player no?

This was one player against the other. You started either side of the screen and had to control your ship with controlled bursts with your thruster. Not easy to describe really but was brilliant at the time. Could even have been shareware it was that low key.
i loved The Settlers on my Amiga...

Also, I think I had as much fun playing Duck Hunt on my Nes as I have with any game ever. Whatever happened to light gun games?
One game I had on the Gamecube that was across all consoles was Freedom Fighters, set in an alternate present, the Soviet Union invade the United States and you have to lead a militia through New York - underrated and deserved a sequel, it had a haunting soundtrack as well.

I found the game I was thinking of, it was called Gravity Power and it was freeware. I think the one I had was a freebie off an Amiga Power magazine but played it to death with mates. Good example of how simple yet addictive some games were.

Shenmue anyone?

Or is that not underrated?

No. As you can see in the other thread, I think its the best game ever. For its time, words cant describe how amazing it was.

Vagrant Story was a brilliant RPG from Square around the time they were churning them out for fun.

I agree. I've never actually finished it though.

EDIT - In my opinion, Breath of Fire is a very underrated/under appreciated RPG series. The last one was shit though, but the rest were some of the hardest games i've played.
It's not though. If anything, it's overrated.

Lol, its just my opinion. When I first played it, it completely blew my mind. It was at least a generation ahead of anything else on the market. I cant really think of anything else like it.. Apart from that Yakuza thing, but i've never tried it.
Adidas Power Soccer '98 is one I never hear talked about.

You could hold different combinations of buttons down to do things like turbo boosts, rainbow flicks. I think you could do flying kicks to opponents too, and if you got headers right it'd send the keeper flying backwards into his own goal with the ball.

Commentary was hilarious too, because it was so bad. Silence for ages, then all of a sudden "THIS IS A WALKOVER, GREAT PLAY" for no reason whatsoever.
Yeah, it was a good game. I wish our high-def 3D PSX version was picked up (we couldn't get proper contact for the rights and were fecked about by an idiot).

Idiots feck you about in all software development, the trick is to get rock solid contracts and a good lawyer. I have a problem now with some arsehole not wanting to pay because it doesn't fit the end-client's needs. Sorry mate, it fits the fecking spec that you and your client signed off 100%.
Idiots feck you about in all software development, the trick is to get rock solid contracts and a good lawyer. I have a problem now with some arsehole not wanting to pay because it doesn't fit the end-client's needs. Sorry mate, it fits the fecking spec that you and your client signed off 100%.

With ours the game was different enough to be retitled anyway, but the guy selling it to a major publisher didn't run the high-res version (which was fecking impressive), and run a testbed 320x256 version and kept calling it E-motion, whilst failing to show off any actual 3D gameplay.

fecking amateur. Drove a nice car though. That about sums up the industry :rolleyes:

Yes!! Loved that game, so much fun.

Vagrant Story was a brilliant RPG from Square around the time they were churning them out for fun.

One of the few games to get 40/40 from Famitsu back in the day, not one many people may have played but not underated. It's on the PS3 store btw so download it!

I would say Tombi but that's probably the most famous "best game you've never played" so that means everyone has played it now! Still a great game though, infact most of the ones i can think of are rated but just not played by many. Alundra, sly cooper series, Legend of the Dragoon etc...

So I'll go with this one,


I don't remember it getting rave reviews, but i thought it was a brilliant game with a good story. And the art style i loved, oh and Adam West voices a character in it. What more could you want!
13's reviews were about right for it. Nice style, some nice little touches, but nothing much more than a straight forward FPS.

I loved the story in it though, and finding great games that are underated, in the age of the internet, sadly isn't going to happen. So i had to pick a good, yet flawed game. I was gonna put Duke Nukem: Land of the Babes but that would be pushing it too far!
You could include Zelda: The Wind Waker here - talk about taking a controversial path with fans, most people came round when it was released but it still isn't considered by many gamers to be as good as it actually is.

I think it was the best game on the gamecube, and the most pretty.
Grim Fandango. For the life of me I can't figure out how this game wasn't a commercial hit. One of the best games of all time IMO.

The EA NHL games of the past 2 years, the closest to flawless sports games you will find.


Well it's rated highly by critics but not very famous. One of the best games I've ever played. I really hope the new one can match this original masterpiece.
A lot of mentions of N64 and GameCube games in this thread and in the top 10 lists. And I agree. I loved both consoles. But they both underperformed big time against the Ps1 and Ps2.

So instead of games I think they can be eligible for this thread as very, very Underrated/Underappreciated systems
James Pond: Underwater Agent. Beautifully designed and scored, the sequel was crap though.

Stunt Car Racer, still the most unique racing game i've played.

Fire and Ice. Give me Cool Coyote over Sonic any day.