Underrated/Underappreciated Video Games

Wonder Pigeon

'Shelbourne FC Supporter'
Apr 8, 2006
Forza Shelbourne
Following on from the top 10 video games thread, which video games do you think are underrated or underappreciated, or are simply hidden gems that you love but nobody's ever heard of?

Back in the day, I used to love renting Mischief Makers for the N64. It was a very Japanese 2D platformer, about a robot maid girl trying to rescue this pervert professor who made her from these weird-faced aliens. It was really fun and, because it was made by Treasure, pretty fecking difficult too. It was all about grabbing, throwing and shaking stuff (sometimes shaking stuff would cause it to turn into something else, which never made much sense to me) and the boss fights could get pretty mental, with bullets and lasers flying all over the screen. It was brilliant, I'd love to play it again.


Earth Defence Force 2017.

Mother fecking giant ants homie.
Far from unheard of, but I had more fun with The Saboteur than the vast majority of games I've played recently.
^^ This. Love the game. Playing it currently and it's great fun
Donald Duck Quack Attack on PSOne - fecking quality game. So many hours went into it.
Castlevania 2 and Turtles on the NES got a bad rep from the Angry Video game nerd chap. I adored both games (Turtles was the 1st game I ever owned)
Solomon's Key on the NES. I loved that game. No one I knew had ever heard of it.
I loved chuchu rocket. When Jelly Bellys were majorly relaunched over here (2000ish), my little development company were contracted to make a version of that called Jelly Belly Panic.

Fun times! (Ours was PSX and it was much more pretty than the DC version!)
Yeah, Spoony, you tool!

Nebulous - nobody will have a clue WTF I'm talking about.

Only Sonic PC game I've ever played, it's good

edit: Even if it's a fake. I take it thats what you're talking about?
Second Sight on the Gamecube was brilliant too, you got to mess around with psychic powers and the story was really good.
Agree about Mischief Makers. I had no idea what was going on, or why, but it was fun.

Also, Blast Chamber:

Best multiplayer game. Ever.