Wonder Pigeon
'Shelbourne FC Supporter'
Following on from the top 10 video games thread, which video games do you think are underrated or underappreciated, or are simply hidden gems that you love but nobody's ever heard of?
Back in the day, I used to love renting Mischief Makers for the N64. It was a very Japanese 2D platformer, about a robot maid girl trying to rescue this pervert professor who made her from these weird-faced aliens. It was really fun and, because it was made by Treasure, pretty fecking difficult too. It was all about grabbing, throwing and shaking stuff (sometimes shaking stuff would cause it to turn into something else, which never made much sense to me) and the boss fights could get pretty mental, with bullets and lasers flying all over the screen. It was brilliant, I'd love to play it again.
Back in the day, I used to love renting Mischief Makers for the N64. It was a very Japanese 2D platformer, about a robot maid girl trying to rescue this pervert professor who made her from these weird-faced aliens. It was really fun and, because it was made by Treasure, pretty fecking difficult too. It was all about grabbing, throwing and shaking stuff (sometimes shaking stuff would cause it to turn into something else, which never made much sense to me) and the boss fights could get pretty mental, with bullets and lasers flying all over the screen. It was brilliant, I'd love to play it again.