Tyson Gay tests positive for banned substance


Full Member
Jun 25, 2008
comfortable and settled in my rut
American sprinter Tyson Gay has tested positive for a banned substance and has pulled out of next month's World Championships.
Gay, the world's second fastest man over 100m, said he was notified by the US Anti-Doping Agency on Friday that his A sample from an out-of-competition test in May had returned a positive.
His B sample is yet to be tested.
"I don't have a sabotage story... I basically put my trust in someone and was let down," said Gay, 30.
"I made a mistake. I am pulling out of Monaco (this week's Diamond League meeting) and the World Championships."
The 2007 world champion has clocked the three fastest times of this year. Usain Bolt is the only athlete to ever run faster than Gay's 9.69 personal best.
Gay won the 100m at the Jamaica Invitational athletics meeting in May with a time of 9.86 seconds, before clocking 9.75 seconds - the fastest time of 2013 - to win the US World Championships trials the following month.
Gay's preparations for August's World Championships in Moscow continued with victory in the men's 100m at the Diamond League meeting in Lausanne, running 9.79 seconds.
He has suffered with injuries in recent years. A hip injury forced him to withdraw from the 2011 US world trials 100m semi-finals, before the subsequent surgery ruled him out of running for the rest of the year.
He returned to the track in 2012 and qualified for the 100m at the London Olympics by finishing second in the US Olympic trials to Justin Gatlin.
Gay, who also runs at 200m, then won the 100m at both the Paris and London legs of the 2012 Diamond League before coming fourth at the Games in London.

Pretty big story, he's probably the second biggest name in sprinting. It's getting to the point where I'm just assuming everybody dopes or juices
SSN said they haven't tested his B sample yet, so it's a bit early to lock him up and throw the key.
Really fecked up if true. As the OP says, its really coming to a point where you think quite a few top athletes dope. Really damaging for the sport if the 2nd best sprinter tests positive for drugs. His quote seems to indicate the B sample will come out positive too.
feck. Have they updated the test or something so they can detect something previously untraceable?
Well... it's kinda obvious they are all doing it. At least the ones trying to beat world records.
Asafa's statement.


Asafa doesn't seem the type to knowingly do drugs..

As great a statement as that is... How could it get into his system without him knowing? Who is giving him stuff to take? I just don't buy that he could have been completely ignorant to the things entering his body.
tbf, it'd be unbelievably easy to set anyone up. The smallest traces are a positive result....just drop a little in your rivals victory champers, done and done.

Might as well just allow it at this point.
I'm not surprised, and to be honest with you I am not even bothered. At this point, they may as well just legalise it and then have 2 federations, one for people who are on the juice, and the other for people who want to remain natural athletes for moral/health reasons.
I doubt anyone in these kind of sports, at least at the top end of it, isn't doping. There's just too much pressure on them, its not like they can overcome the best by skill and ability, its a case of making it as a sprinter or not making it at all for a lot of these people. It'd really be a death knell for athletics though if Bolt was found to be doping.
So just today and in the past few weeks, we have had the following test positive for drug tests.

Tyson Gay, Powell, Sherone Simpson, Nesta Carter and Veronica Campbell-Brown.

1 American and 4 Jamaicans. The fact that so many Jamaican sprinters have tested positive just recently does make you question whether a certain other Jamaican is doping as well.

I hope he is clean, but sadly would not surprise me if he has been doping.
So just today and in the past few weeks, we have had the following test positive for drug tests.

Tyson Gay, Powell, Sherone Simpson, Nesta Carter and Veronica Campbell-Brown.

1 American and 4 Jamaicans. The fact that so many Jamaican sprinters have tested positive just recently does make you question whether a certain other Jamaican is doping as well.

I hope he is clean, but sadly would not surprise me if he has been doping.

Stop sugar coating it, and just say it :lol:. Its almost certain that Bolt is doping, but who cares? I dont want natural runners doing barely below 11 seconds. Give them more steroids and see if we can get below 9 seconds!!!
Stop sugar coating it, and just say it :lol:. Its almost certain that Bolt is doping, but who cares? I dont want natural runners doing barely below 11 seconds. Give them more steroids and see if we can get below 9 seconds!!!


It will be a huge blow for Athletics if it does get confirmed that Bolt has been doping.

Took a lot of time for the sport to get over Johnson and scandal of him doping, so just imagine how long it will take for the sport to get over it turning out that Bolt has been doping.
I think we all know Bolt is doping. Friend of a friend works at UK anti doping and he says its basically an arms race with the famous athletes using their money to get hold of newer undetectable drugs.
If Bolt gets caught though it will take a while for athletics to recover

It will be a huge blow for Athletics if it does get confirmed that Bolt has been doping.

Took a lot of time for the sport to get over Johnson and scandal of him doping, so just imagine how long it will take for the sport to get over it turning out that Bolt has been doping.

I dont think it would make as much difference now, because look at the reactions in this thread, and around the internet to doping offences in general. I think that most people accept that top level athletes in probably every sport are doping.
As EvilChuck says, most top level athletes are using some type of performance enhancing drugs. It doesn't really matter because they are still doing amazing things, we just need to drop all the pointless moralising about it. Doping is great for sport.
Not really a surprise. It always seems that the athletes get ahead of the curve and get away with it for a while before being caught. Looks like they can now test for a new drug and the current batch have now been caught.

It will be a huge blow for Athletics if it does get confirmed that Bolt has been doping.

Took a lot of time for the sport to get over Johnson and scandal of him doping, so just imagine how long it will take for the sport to get over it turning out that Bolt has been doping.
I don't think Michael Johnson has been done for doping?
I don't think Michael Johnson has been done for doping?
Ben Johnson

Nine men in history have run the 100m in less than 9.8 seconds.
The first, 25 years ago this summer, was Ben Johnson, running 9.79 to win the 1988 Olympic final in Seoul.
We know how that one turned out: for a quarter of a century he was sport’s most famous shamed doper, until Lance Armstrong gave him a run for his money.
It took more than a decade for the 9.8 barrier to be broken again. Here, in order, are the men to have done it (with the relevant notes beside their best times):
- 9.79 – Maurice Greene – Has never tested positive. He has admitted paying Mexican discus thrower Angel Guillermo Heredia $10,000 – a payment the Mexican claims was for performance-enhancing drugs, but the American maintains was innocent, for ‘stuff’ for his training group.
- 9.79 – Justin Gatlin – The 2004 Olympic champion was banned in 2001 for two years for testing positive for amphetamines. And then again in 2006 for four years for ‘testosterone or its precursor’. Back again, and running fast. Won bronze in London last summer.
- 9.78 – Tim Montgomery – Admitted to testosterone and human growth hormone use – his once-world record mark has been stripped from the history books.
- 9.78 – Nesta Carter – 27-year-old Jamaican who has claimed gold in the 4x100m relay at the past two Olympics. A training partner of Asafa Powell.
- 9.72 – Asafa Powell – Confirmed that he failed a doping test on Sunday, but denies knowingly cheating.
- 9.69 – Tyson Gay – Confirmed that he failed a doping test on Sunday: “I made a mistake. I don’t have a sabotage story, I don’t have lies… I basically put my trust in someone and I was let down.”
- 9.69 – Yohan Blake Tested positive for 4-Methyl-2-hexanamine in the 2009 World Championships – the substance is not on the World Anti-Doping Agency’s banned list, but the test led to his withdrawal from the event by the Jaimaican Amateur Athletic Association and he was among four to be given a three-month ban by his federation.
- 9.58 – Usain Bolt
Usain Bolt is clean. We cannot stress that enough. He has never tested positive, he has never been accused of taking stimulants. He has an unblemished record. His performances have brought huge joy around the world, and taken the breath away.
And yet, what as fans we are being asked to believe is that Usain Bolt is more than a tenth of a second quicker than all of his rivals, the majority of whom are tainted in some way or another by doping.
It would destroy track sprinting if Bolt was doping. Utterly. But also make Richard Branson's Virgin campaigns inadvertently funnier. So, swings and roundabouts..
It would be considered 'a leap of faith' to believe that the guy who is significantly faster than all the guys on drug is running clean.
It would be considered 'a leap of faith' to believe that the guy who is significantly faster than all the guys on drug is running clean.

There's a massive logic gap in this statement. Doping does not have the same effect on different individuals with different physiques and metabolic profiles.
Just because some athletes have doped, it doesn't necessarily mean that Bolt has also doped.

Statements like "Bolt is almost certain to dope" make me quite uncomfortable tbh.