TV series that promised much but delivered little


Full Member
Oct 26, 2004
I haven't seen most of the popular TV series of the past decade (the Noughties). That includes 24, Lost, Prison Break and most of the rest, but I did go out of my way to watch 'Jericho'.

I thought that a TV series based on a post-nuclear, post-civilisation subject matter offered so much potential and aided with computer graphics, they could produced something really spectacular.

What we got instead was a series that really shouldn't have survived beyond the first episode.

-10 out of 10 from me.
Heroes first season was fantastic Then it got, well, really really shit.
Heroes was very good, now they seem unable to actually kill anybody off in that show without reviving them.

Sarah Connor Chronicles - not exactly brilliant but as a series it could have been decent and it was until they made John Connor out to be some whiny emo kid which was about episode 3. I mean for feck sake how can you mess up the Terminator legacy with a series even shitter than T3.
Prison Break

Dirty Sexy Money

Kitchen Confidential
Jericho- the first 10 episodes or so were fantastic.

Prison Break- The first 13 episodes were uber, other than Wire & Sopranos I do not know any other shows without a plot hole appearing in every episode. PB pulled it off for half a season. Even the rest of the first season was very good, even though a level down from the first half. Stopped watching after the farce that was the season 2.

Heroes- I actually did not think the first season was that good, very engaging though. The successive season though were a massive let down. Do not think any other show has fallen from grace quite like Heroes in recent times especially given the fact it had assembled a fanboi following rivaling that of LOST after season 1.
It seems Jericho is a marmite type TV show. I wanted to like it but really struggled and gave up after 5 episodes. This after buying the dvd set. Major disappointment.
I agree on Jericho the concept was great but the execution horrible.
Heroes definitely. Never thought it was anything more than a poor X-Men rip off. Even the much hailed first series was dull as anything, and then it actually got worse. Really can't understand the appeal of that one. And yet I still watch it...

Lot of hate for Prison Break here too! Personally I think the first series was one of the greatest single series of a television show I've ever seen. The 2nd was still very good, but it was never going to maintain the quality of the first. I think they should've stopped after 2 though, there really wasn't enough story to stretch it over four series. Series 3 was oviously screwed over by the writers strike but then series 4 was a return to form of sorts though, unfortunatly it tended to be one great episode followed by one poor one.
Prison Break I'd say.

The first season was one of the very best things I've ever seen on television. Each episode was compulsive viewing. I did like season 2 as well, but from season 3 it just went downhill for me. Started by that whole silly Sona thing, it just ruined it.
Prison Break I'd say.

The first season was one of the very best things I've ever seen on television. Each episode was compulsive viewing. I did like season 2 as well, but from season 3 it just went downhill for me. Started by that whole silly Sona thing, it just ruined it.

Agreed with every bit of that post.
This thread title is like someone said sum up Heroes in 8 words.
This thread title is like someone said sum up Heroes in 8 words.

Hey! Don't blame me. There's too much TV that's could be a lot tighter but over-stretched because the makers are more concerned with making money than good story-telling.
The thing with Heroes is that they started taking themselves far FAR to seriously. I remember seeing a program about the making of it, and the way they were all talking about the series as if it was groundbreaking TV, and that they were going make history and create something that had never been done before.

At that point they'd gotten so far up there own arse, you knew it was going to go down the crapper. And that was only after Season one!
I would say Lost, but I still watch it religiously every week.
anyone remember this?

Heroes, Prison Break and Flashforward were my main disappointments, especially after Prison Break's first season.

Never watched Heroes, got bored of Prison break half way through season 1 and stopped watching and I'm still clinging to the probably wildly optomistic hope that Flashforward will turn out OK. I really enjoyed the first few episodes and didn't think the later ones were as bad as people made out but you can sense a large cloud of silliness approaching. Hopefully the break has given them time to get their shit together.
Flash Forward I know it was just a trailer, but it seemed an excellent idea, now, not so much...
Heroes. Promises massive amounts, what with super heroes and villains with all manner of powers battling each other but the execution is shite. Spoilers for all seasons follow
The major final battles of each series consisted of in season 1 a fist fight then somebody getting stabbed, season 2 somebody appearing and disappearing with their enemy, season 3, a battle where all we see is someone watching through a crack in a door and looking shocked, season 4 with two people pushing mounds of mud at each other.

Maybe they don't have the budget for it but that still doesn't excuse the piss poor relationship between HRG and Claire, Claire loving him one episode and then hating him the next, or the absurd things they do with Hiro.
Prison Break. The first season is still some of the best TV ever, unfortunately the following 3 seasons have all been average to shite. Few good episodes in there, but nothing special.

Disappointing really.